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How does takeoff and landing work with this in SFP1?

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  eraser_tr said:
How does takeoff and landing work with this in SFP1?



good question :rolleyes::tongue:

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It does open some questions as to how the take-offs would be done....hmmmmm......


Sure have to up the max weight on the that centerline station!!



kevin stein

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Hi Wrench,


the German name is "MISTEL"



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  Wrench said:


It does open some questions as to how the take-offs would be done....hmmmmm......


Sure have to up the max weight on the that centerline station!!



kevin stein



not to mention the gear animation...unfortunately I dont think you can add that inb the weapons INI

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There IS a way I think...but it would look weird on the ground.


Increase the 'RollingRadius=' for each wheel in the data.ini to something REALLY large...to the point where the 'weapon' looks like it's resting on the ground...



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And how will the Fw look on returning to base?


Can shock/suspension animation be reversed? The more weight on wheels the higher the plane. Then adjust it for two working positions "Mistel" and "empty" :dntknw:

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Very cool! This will be interesting to use. It is a great model, though I just want to give a friendly reminder not to forget the rear support that connected close to the tail wheel of the Fw-190.

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