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Hi again guys. I just downloaded both weapon packs and installed them both successfully. Only problem is alot of the new weapons are not equipable on the planes I currently have. So all of the stock planes, I cannot equip anything nuclear. And I know it successfully installed those. Also nothing nuclear on my downloaded planes either. I was just expecting a huge amount of new weapons but there really isn't, at least not equipable ones. Am I doing something wrong? Or could someone point me to some downloadable planes on here that would be able to equip the majority of those big powerful weapons. Or at least some of the nukes.

Thank you guys!


Also this is for Wings over Israel.

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Yes some are showing up that were not there before, just not as many as I thought I was going to see. Like I said nothing nuclear or anything with some OOMHP so far. I just downloaded like 20 planes though so I'm getting them all into the right spot and seeing what weapons they all get.

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Ok, take and merge bunyaps weaps pack and TMF weaps packs into one using the weaps editor. Make DAMN SURE u put ALL the lods and skins and inis from all weaps packs used in ur weapons folder before u merge them. If u need any more help or have anymore questions go to the knowledge base, as KNOWLEDGE is POWER

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Yeah man... I actually just downloaded the weapons editor and guns editor from the thirdware site. But I have no clue how to use them. Lol im not some computer guy I know nothing about comps. Im seriously getting a headache from all this stuff i have no idea what im doing. All the planes need to come with a self installing package so its easier. This is so much harder than i thought it would be.

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If u read the readmes that come with ALL mods, and scour the knowledge base ALL ur answers will be answered I promise

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Oh no you did not use my n00b threat board before I had a chance to! :haha:

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Oh no you did not use my n00b threat board before I had a chance to! :haha:


si teh ritE tInG To dO at TeH mOMenT!111

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Yeah Im just going to uninstall the game and then reinstall is. And if someone could give me these links to all the in depth tutorials that would be great. Reason I am uninstalling is because I believe I did do this quite wrong and messed up a few files . Sorry I am not so smart as you guys and do not mean to be a bother :sorry:

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Advice: Seriously, read the knowledge base, what you need to know is in there. Some of it goes deeper than just the weapons editor, and will have to do with the data.ini's for your aircraft, especially the AttachmentType(s) and AllowedWeaponClass(es) of your aircraft's pylons. If you want your plane to carry a nuclear weapon, for example, the AllowedWeaponClass of that pylon must include NUC. Or, say you want to load an active homing missile on a specific pylon of an aircraft, that pylon needs to have AHM under AllowedWeaponClass.


The AttachmentType defines what missiles it can use, based on countries, etc. So, a weapon may be from USAF, USN, NATO, WP (Warsaw Pact), SOVIET, etc. A Warsaw Pact plane, like a MiG-29, will not load a AIM-120 because the missile's attachment type is NATO or USAF. A pylon may have several attachment types, but say your pylon only allows USN attachment types, it cannot load NATO or USAF weapons unless you add USAF and NATO to its attachment type.


Still further, the time the weapon comes available changes. You can't put an AIM-120 on your F-15A if you're flying in 1985 because the AIM-120 didn't come around until later, or an AIM-54C on an F-14 in 1974 for the same reason, but the AIM-54A will be there (assuming you have it installed).


Going beyond that, maximum weight, length, etc. of a pylon is also defined in your data.ini file, so a pylon rated for 200kg won't accept any weapon higher than 200kg.


All of what I just listed has either been discussed before or is in the Knowledge Base. It behooves you to read up on it, and try it out. If you screw up, which we ALL have, revert to a backup copy or reinstall.

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Ed, you TOTALLY crack me up!!! You just one-upped C5!!!



Get into the Knowledge Base, ALL youre weapons questions have been answered, and I even tell you what to do, and HOW to do, and what to do it too!!


BTW, we've discoverd that it's really not too good an idea to merge the 2 weapons packs; causes lots of duplications and etc. Bpao posted (in another thread) the Mirage Factory WepPak is designed as a historical addition to WOI =ONLY=. If you need other weapons, they will have to be imported manually (for example, F-86 drop tanks or things similiar)


So, haul it up there, and start reading.



kevin stein

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Or for SF:P1 /WoV/WoE a merge can be done with BunyapPak and MFWP (WoE), but be prepared for lots of manual work...

Edited by kct

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