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Planes request for WOI

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I'll start by saying first off, I know nothing about modding at all. However there are several planes I have not seen and was wondering if anyone would have any interest in creating them. The Su 47 berkut. Its on here but it isnt flyable. The mig 1.44. And the Su 37 flanker. I know they do not exactly fit into the timeline of this game, but it would be really cool to have these very advanced planes in a simulator. What do you guys think?

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Ive flown against the J-11 armed with Adders and Archers in WOI-got shot down three times before I decided head to head wasnt the best way to go!

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Simply put, planes requests are nice...but unnecessary.


People will do what they want to because of either enlightened self interest, or because they are genuinely interested in the subject. The only other exception is if it's payware...but except for TK, I guarantee they ain't making a living at it.


Also, this series has been in existence for 5 years...99.99 percent of the time, the plane you asked for has already been asked for multiple times.



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Simple rule of this community: If you want something, then do it yourself or you will have to wait endless.

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I think there's at least one Su-47 in the works by a group (don't know if it's InSkye or whom), the Su-33 is close to the Su-37, and IIRC Julhelm is working on a MiG-1.42 or similar a/c.


As FC and Gepard have said, requests usually don't get far, because a modder/mod group has to have the interest and more importantly, the time to do it. Also, there's a big lack of documentation on next-gen fighters, and being that once a plane is released there can be a lot of dissent because of lack of accuracy (even marginal issues), the mod community does their best to make the planes as accurate as possible (even though its freeware). If a modder/group is interested enough in these planes, they'll make them. Also of note, there is a list of WIPs right on this site, check it out and see if those a/c are on it.

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Simple rule of this community: If you want something, then do it yourself or you will have to wait endless.




IMHO it couldn't hurt to have this statement show up during sign-up.

Edited by Gocad

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Fortunately we have several new mod teams working, in particular InSky and the German Modder Group, who appear to have a focus on quality over quantity. Along with Mirage Factory and the independent modders this has really helped to increase the rate of quality planes being fielded.


I don't want to discourage anyone from making requests, but please understand that most teams and independents have several years worth of work already planned out!

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Listen to Column5 you will, for he is "teh GRand pIMpmAsta Of tEh manY SeXPlans!!!!111!!"

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