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A Personal Opinion About Biohaz Members

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I have been in flight sims for a long time and been apart of alot of communities..but I have to say this is by far the best.OK i'm kinda biased in my opinion here but I just wanted to tip my hat and thank everyone for makiing this a great forum and community..MJ for having the forethought to open this great site and to everyone who posts here for keeping it fun.

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I agree with you Dagger. I visit a number of forums...Ubi, BTS, Age of Mythology, etc. and I have to say this is the most civil by far. After reading a number of posts at say, the IL2 forums, I usually get tired of the bickering and snide remarks. It refreshing to come to Biohaz and see little to none of that crap. Jeff has done a good job of moderating the site with a fair, even hand. GJ MJ. And the people who have come here have come to realize what a great site this is and its laid back atmosphere and have done well at doing thier part to keep this a community. Well done to its members too.

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Yes, I agree with Dagger and PcPilot.


I have visited many other sites, and none of them are as civil as Bio is.


I consider the people on this site to be my friends. Most recently, with the passing of my little feline friend, Armand, I was heartened by all the replies from the kind people on this site who expressed support for me in my time of grief. I want to thank everyone again for your sincere, heartfelt outpouring of understanding. It means a great deal to me.


BioHazard Central is a wonderful site. Sort of a virtual "Cheers", if you will!



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BioHazard Central is a wonderful site. Sort of a virtual "Cheers", if you will!

You wanna go where nah nah nah nah, you wanna go where everybody knows your name.... do do do do do nah nah


Ya I know I totally killed that theme song, but yes Biohaz is in my opinion one of the top 5 sites on the internet, and it is the best forum period.


Back to the cheers thing, where else can you find a virtual pub???


Big UP! to MJ and the BIOHAZ staff for keepin it real.


PS: I always wondered "MJ" if you have to send out that many PM's as warnings, or are we (by we I mean the noobs) that civil... what I mean is.... do the new guys get that we are layed back and dont want any UBI forum crap migrating, and just behave. I really wanna know, are we as a community that amazing? :D

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Luckily, my warnings are few and far between. We've been pretty lucky here, other than a few incidences, the community is pretty laid back and courteous to each other, and I think it shows. Good thing since I'm generally a pretty lazy person, and too much work would scare me off... ;)


My hats off to you guys, as YOU are what makes this forum what it is. I'm just glad I can supply the technology and location to enable such a great community to happen in the first place.

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This place is kinda like that little town where everyone knows everybody.

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This is the best sim community!


BioHaz is the place I visit most, because the community is civilized,has class, and stays away from the picky, picky crap. Most of us here seem to just generally enjoy simming, and rarely do you get the superior attitudes about my sims better than your's junk. or I know more about these switches than you. none of that nonsense here.


In general, Biohazard members/family are the best self-policed people on the web!

my thoughts have always been... that if a place is nice and classy.... that's just the type that will show up!


MJ and the Biohazard Family, my hat's off to us! B)



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I used to be in an online squad, (Pursuit Group, hence the PG) and it was awesome. Though small, we had been together for years, and were all family. Now the CFS1 has died off, we've kind of split and moved on to other games. So I'm glad that Biohaz is another nice community that I have been able to join. :)

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I showed up because I wanted a Lo-Mac forum, that wasn't the offical forums

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Guest MrMudd

B) I love Cowboy Todds Sig ;)

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And I love you :unsure: I love you all! :wub:


Sorry... its been a pretty good day.... and it can only get better. Im going to JAX in like 3 hours to play UF this weekend..... after tonights game I'm gonna get sh*tty and take a trip over to UNF for some local action.


Beware Jacksonville, the Seminoles are in town and we'll be drunk and horny!

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Ya I know it's your pic mudd, but I figured I went to all that trouble to modify it, and you liked the result, so I figured you wouldnt mind :D Oh look...there it is again :lol: !!

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Guest MrMudd

LOL I dont mind at all B)

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