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October - Screenshot of the Month

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-=ZERO=-: Hey man, you can only post one screenshot per day. Reason being flood control, and to get the best shot possible. You had some good shots, but only one per day man :good:

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An amateur photographer caught this image of a very fast low flying aircraft over the Humber, 25th April 1958. The MOD refuses to comment, after all there's a cold war on...


Dunno!,............something to do with Grimsby Town being s**te at football, perchance?

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :diablo::skull:

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Just wondered if it was white and had a pointy nose?


Early Buccs did look a bit weird but difficult to tell from that screenshot.


takatakataktaktaktaka !

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Apparently it's white and blue. Pointy nose with a long test pitot. So they say.


They also say it's still on test from the manuacturers.


Also hear the name Gyron Junior mentioned, whoever that is !


Then again, I wouldn't take too much notice of what they say. :wink:

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Yeah, don't listen to what they say, always trying to put the working stiff down. I'll have my revenge I tell you, revenge...

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Sunrise charge....

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Havana Day Dreamin'...



Edited by malibu43

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