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Guest Tazkiller

The New Sabres

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Guest Tazkiller

Just installed Ravenclaws New Sabres!!!!


Such wonderful work!!!!!!!!


Not to sound critical; but experiencing a couple problems.


1) Load time for the simulation is almost 3 times longer when these aircraft are selected to fly.


2) In game frame rates take a major hit. Was getting 45-50 f.p.s. with the Sabre/ MIG package I helped develope. Getting 15-17 f.p.s. with this outstanding work.


Also another question. Should not the files AirBrake, CL13B.LOD, CL13bs.LOD, CL13B, CL-13B.tga, CL-13Bs, Mk GW5, MK GW5.LOD all live inside the individual aircraft folders.


In this case being Candair Mk6 GAF early and Canadair Mk6 GAF late?


This whole package once again really raises the bar for ENJOYMENT!!!!!!! Such BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!!!

Edited by Tazkiller

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Also another question. Should not the files AirBrake, CL13B.LOD, CL13bs.LOD, CL13B, CL-13B.tga, CL-13Bs, Mk GW5, MK GW5.LOD all live inside the individual aircraft folders.


Not the way they have it set up. Package works fine for me. I do have aslight FPS hit but that might be the sizeof the textures.

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well, its high detailed mod with 2048x2048 skins plus the Seater and the Airbrakes pieces....

to get FPS back, try fly with less than 4 in your mission....at least it works for me(IMHO)

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Guest Tazkiller

Thats what I thought a higher quality resolution that my rig struggles with.

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Just installed Ravenclaws New Sabres!!!!


Such wonderful work!!!!!!!!


Not to sound critical; but experiencing a couple problems.


1) Load time for the simulation is almost 3 times longer when these aircraft are selected to fly.


2) In game frame rates take a major hit. Was getting 45-50 f.p.s. with the Sabre/ MIG package I helped develope. Getting 15-17 f.p.s. with this outstanding work.


Also another question. Should not the files AirBrake, CL13B.LOD, CL13bs.LOD, CL13B, CL-13B.tga, CL-13Bs, Mk GW5, MK GW5.LOD all live inside the individual aircraft folders.


In this case being Candair Mk6 GAF early and Canadair Mk6 GAF late?


This whole package once again really raises the bar for ENJOYMENT!!!!!!! Such BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!!!



please let the files AirBrake, CL13B.LOD, CL13bs.LOD, CL13B, CL-13B.tga, CL-13Bs, Mk GW5, MK GW5.LOD just in the aircraft folder and dont put it anywhere else


for the gentleman who have a beta release the now available mod has more details so you should get it


im sorry if i cause problem with the FPS and load time but that is the reason i had to stop puting more details on it and release that mod :biggrin: i could down size the skin if it helps ?

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Guest Tazkiller
please let the files AirBrake, CL13B.LOD, CL13bs.LOD, CL13B, CL-13B.tga, CL-13Bs, Mk GW5, MK GW5.LOD just in the aircraft folder and dont put it anywhere else


for the gentleman who have a beta release the now available mod has more details so you should get it


im sorry if i cause problem with the FPS and load time but that is the reason i had to stop puting more details on it and release that mod :biggrin: i could down size the skin if it helps ?



No appology necessary.

As I said WONDERFUL WORK!!!!!!

For the first time I'm intrested in the view outside the cockpit!!!!!

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No appology necessary.

As I said WONDERFUL WORK!!!!!!

For the first time I'm intrested in the view outside the cockpit!!!!!


bay the way have you have a look on your bomb rack after droping your bombs ?

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i don't have the AERO-3B in the WEAPONDATA.INI


where can i find it


thank you


very good work

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i don't have the AERO-3B in the WEAPONDATA.INI


where can i find it


thank you


very good work


Check the readmes, the weps entries are in there I believe.

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Maybe FPS counts will go up a bit if you shrink the BMPs from the skins

from 2048x2048 to 1024x1024? I myself have no probs whatsoever,

but it might help those who need a bit help.





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I can't understand why people need to make >2048^2 bitmaps when really every conceivable detail can easily be painted on a 1024^2 one. Hell, the only times I use something ridiculous like 2048^2 is when I want to fit the entire model onto a single bitmap. Ingame performance must always be No.1 priority.

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I can't understand why people need to make >2048^2 bitmaps when really every conceivable detail can easily be painted on a 1024^2 one. Hell, the only times I use something ridiculous like 2048^2 is when I want to fit the entire model onto a single bitmap. Ingame performance must always be No.1 priority.


Because its people choice that is why. If a person doesn't like 2048 then they can resize them. But its not for the public to decide if a skinner wants to make 2048 or not, its the skinners choice.

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I can't understand why people need to make >2048^2 bitmaps when really every conceivable detail can easily be painted on a 1024^2 one. Hell, the only times I use something ridiculous like 2048^2 is when I want to fit the entire model onto a single bitmap. Ingame performance must always be No.1 priority.


Personally I like working at 2048 but in game I often size skins down to 1024. I'd rather that skins were released in high res, where I have the option of sizing down, rather than getting them already in a lower res.

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Well for those who are having trouble I re-sized all the skins to 512x512 for those with low end machines.


I am sure this will help out tremendously.

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The only trouble with re-sizing is that it's very easy to choose the incorrect bicubic settings in Photoshop, resulting in a large loss of detail when going down to a small resolution.

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Any you guys have good tuts when resizing, like what options you should select? Maybe good for the knowledge base.

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I just use Irfanview, and reduced it in half, twice. 2048 > 512....save as a bmp....and its done. I checked them out in the sim and the bmp still looks good.

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Here is the skin in 512x512

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For those of you on more modern versions of Photoshop, it's very simple, in the image resize dialog box, under the "Resample Image" tab, choose "Bicubic Sharper."


To be honest, the easiest way to find out, is to resize the same skin many different times, using all the available resampling methods. Then get all of the images and overlay them in your image editing software. Then simply start flicking on and off the different layers to determine by eye which method retains the most detail when resized.

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Even if you have photoshop or paint shop pro, Ifranview is a free program and it does the job simply.

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Even if you have photoshop or paint shop pro, Ifranview is a free program and it does the job simply.


True, true.

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Oh my goodness! :blink:

in my next mod ( F-86 ) i will include several size .bmp so everybody can select what he or she wants


sorry guys i did not know that you have so match problems with high res skins on the other hand we have for some aircraft even skins with a size of 4096x4096 who can use them if you have so much problems with 2048x2048 ?

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