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Thanks to everyone serving!

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Let me begin with a little backstory:


I'm walking to our Colonel's class yesterday, so I'm in uniform, and I just got hit with a massive b*tch of a cold which I'm trying to get over ASAP (got my missileer physical coming up soon). Anyhow, as I'm walking, a random older gentleman walking in the other direction with a bike says in passing "Thank you for serving, sir!" I'm dumbfounded! I squeeze out a "thank you" in reply being that I had no idea how to respond, but I doubt he heard it being that we were headed in opposite directions rather quickly and my voice is all jacked up.


Now, understand, I haven't begun serving yet in a true sense. I'm AFROTC, the most experience I have is Field Training and cadet-wing-related functionality. I've never fired a gun in anger at anything but a target, never been deployed, never been shot at. Hopefully soon I'll be changing that, but it made me proud simply contemplating that I will be doing my part soon (barring unforseen circumstances, like stray busses hitting me or other undesirable events) and this guy who I never met just says thanks. The cold became a bit more managable.


So, I'd like to say "Thank You All!" to those of you who are serving or have served our Nation already. You all who know sacrafice in the truest sense, who have gone long nights, rough days, and lost friends and family to defend us.


Thank You!

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We Serve Freely and Willing! My Heart goes out to all those that have paid the ultimate price so we may live!

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We Serve Freely and Willing! My Heart goes out to all those that have paid the ultimate price so we may live!


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Sierra Hotel, Caesar!!! I caught a soldier at LAX and thanked him this weekend. Yesterday on the way home I pulled up to a stop light and caught a glimpse of a young guy in the new cammies. He was army and I was pulled a bit ahead of him, so I roll the passenger window down and crawl across the seat to thank the guy. It doesn't take much to let our soldiers know we appreciate them and I go out of my way to let them know that I and my family thank them.


Check out Ghost's signature next time he posts. The truth was never spelled out so succinctly. Football players and movie stars aren't my heroes. The men and women who put themselves in harms way are.

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Very good that that happens!

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Caesar, thank you! You may have not BTDT yet, but you're a step closer in the right direction and on the path to serve.


I was in Iraq this time last year, and although now I've BTDT I still get dumbfounded when the locals around here tell me "Thank you". I've deployed, been shot at, but never personally fired a gun in anger (although the pilot I sent up in a great flying aircraft that I maintain got to squeeze off many rounds and bombs). I don't have any planned reply to a thank you because to me it was just a TDY, and I TDY a lot. I usually just tell them "thank you" back.


I'll join in and thank all who serve. Thank you all! :salute:

Edited by Weasel Keeper

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I got a paratrooper-friend, corporal, deployed in Afghanistan, who was URO (like humvee)leader, and once got hit by an IED. The car

resisted the shock damage, but started to burn. When they got out from it just noticed that one was missing, and was trapped inside

he got burned and scarred trying to save him, but they couldn´t. The KIA was a PFC (or equivalent) in Spain, but years before served

against FARC guerrilla as SGT in the Colombian Army.


My friend told me that his friend was different, that they respected him a lot for fighting beside us, his gallantry, and experience

But when i see a man taller than me crying, scarred, and such humble, i feel that same for him.


THANK YOU is rather short for what the military do out there

Edited by macelena

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