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Isreal2 ver 2.5 by Gepard

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Isreal2 ver 2.5 by Gepard

Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI -- Version 2.5


This update/rebuild is designed to REPLACE the one I released in March, 2008.


This is an extensive expansion of Gepard's "Isreal 2" full-scale map he made several years ago for Strike Fighters. What this will do, is allow its usage in WoI (or any of the other games, for that matter). There has also been a massive 'cleanup' of several of the additonal airfields as originally issued. I've removed, for the most part, all but one runway where there were mulitples.


Several new items have been added to the types ini, allowing the 1948-1967 timeframe for Historical missions and Campaigns in the Middle East region. This IS the full terrain =complete with tiles, tods, hm bmps in short, everything needed to correct pre-patch errors, and is designed to replace to earlier version, dated March 2008. This is updated to the latest standards, post 8/28/08 patch for WoI and WoV/WoE. This build repairs the sinking into the terrain, odd elevations and other funny business. Those still using SF will not benefit from this upgrade, and will not get the game generated parked aircraft.


It has been extensively upgraded, with new movement, targets and types ins. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users" below.

Contraindicated: post-patch, the water effects for Vista users seem to be working.


It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. The SAMs are pretty important, as there are several batteries that call out for the SA-3 specifically, and the stock in-game SA-2s along the "SAM Fence" at the Suez Canal (although, they should be outside the historical year range I've designed it for this; call it a "backdated map"). As such, this map should be usable in the timeframes of 1948-2050.

Please note: the ground objects included in the March 2008 build are NOT included with this version.


It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arranements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars.


As stated above, it is =specifically= designed for use with Wings Over Isreal. It has -also- been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, but to have the proper feel, use it in WoI only.


Remember: this terrain IS designed with the 1948-1966 timeframe in mind; although there ARE many target areas still active for later years (ie: Canal SAM Fence, possibly the Cyprus airfields), but the WoI IsraelME terrain works best for 1967 and later years. As it was designed to.


As always, there's an extensive, highly detailed readme with step-by-step instructions. You all should know what to do by this point.

A (hopefully) full listing of contributors is in the readme...with my thanks for all their help.


Happy Landings!!!


kevin stein


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okei I have to ask:





DetailScale=1.0 <------------------what does this do? I have seen in various data.ini of terrains the greatest range of values,,, from 10 to 20..to 1 what in the hell is this setting?




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Gepard's original Israel2 and Dave's Falklands terrains were particular favourites of mine so this is good news.


For me, this works fine in WOE but I'm having problems with WOI with my plane immediately exploding (and not on the runway) and then Ramblers 12 and 13 seem to perform the beast with two backs...



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Spinner: Dude, where do you think NEW Hunters come from!!! Plane Porn!!! I'm telling Mom!!!! :rofl:


I'd double check the readme if I were you...looks like your missing the runway lods


Make sure it pointing to one of the Original 3 Terrain Cats ™ (like is shown in ther "Selecting The Proper Cat" section). Also, make sure the terrain folder for one of the Orignal 3 ™ is in the WoI /Terrain folder.

All covered in the readme.


the most important section is stated here:


=For All Users:=


Do NOT, under any circumstances try to use the stock IsraelME terrain tiles or the cat pointer line back to the IsrealME.cat -- they will NOT work, and will cause all sorts of visual anomolies and general strangeness. There are MANY missing items in the IME.cat, and you'll find that out right quick. There actually is a cure for that -- extract all the various lods and bmps and tgas, and uncerimoniouslly dump them into the Isreal2 terrain folder (airfileds and the like, for the most part)


Give that a shot and let me know. It's never happend to me excpet when trying to use the IsrealME.cat


to answer Canadair question: I have less than no idea!!! :rolleyes: No, seriously!!!



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench, I'm not as comfortable with terrains as I am with aircraft but I'm sure that will solve it. It's nice to be re-united with this refreshing alternative to the stock terrain.

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Just to let everyone know, there IS a easter egg on this map. Although I've personally yet to have had it tasked for a mission.


Hamunaptra is in mid-western section, coord are 122603, 297519. Approsx 45 deg short of N from Al Minja.


Also, there's a fix I forgot to fix in the targets ini


open the Isreal2_targets.ini, and "find" TargetArea208. (EW Radar Station 1)


This is the corrected postion:




That'll move it off the slope of the hill, and place it on top, on the more flat bits. Not a bit deal,but something that totally slipped my mind last night




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  Wrench said:
to answer Canadair question: I have less than no idea!!! :rolleyes: No, seriously!!!



kevin stein


that is not conforting. Sigh. At times I feel like thirdwire system was created by some supernatural being for us to discover, much like natural phisics. It is scary how TK answers with "I think" in his own forum,,,

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Hi Wrench,


Nice terrain.


I've got both GermanyCE and Desert Terrains in my WOI terrain folder as instructed but they are both pre Sept08 patch versions.


Is that why I don't appear to have any randomly parked aircraft showing or are they not meant too.



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You must have the newly updated desert airfields inis, either in the reacharound cat pointer, or directly in the isreal2 terrain folder.

SO you'll need to patch the germanyce.cat (you know, patch a clean, no mods install of Woe, then just move the germanyce.cat into the /GermanyCE folder in WoI) It's really easy!!



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:


You must have the newly updated desert airfields inis, either in the reacharound cat pointer, or directly in the isreal2 terrain folder.

SO you'll need to patch the germanyce.cat (you know, patch a clean, no mods install of Woe, then just move the germanyce.cat into the /GermanyCE folder in WoI) It's really easy!!



kevin stein


Thanks for reply, I thought I'd just check before I messed it up. :good:

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  Wrench said:
Hamunaptra is in mid-western section, coord are 122603, 297519. Approsx 45 deg short of N from Al Minja.

Do I need to fly a mission at dawn to get there?

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Only if you want to find the entrance to the city...and the treasures beyond measure...and dangers beyond belief




btw, in my IsrealME upgrade, there is an acutal mission for you to fly over it. Never quite got the hang of missionbulding for this series...

(it the same target area layout, just on another map)


"Death shall come on swift wings" (insert spooky music :haha: )


love that movie!!!



kevin stein

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I downloaded this terrain and followed the instructions, but some airfields aren't showing up for me. The runways are there, but that's about it.




Upon further inspection, a lot of airfields and other locations aren't showing up...



I'm running fully-patched WoE, and I did not have the old Israel2 terrain. What am I missing?

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  WhiteBoySamurai said:
I downloaded this terrain and followed the instructions,

I'm running fully-patched WoE, and I did not have the old Israel2 terrain. What am I missing?


Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI -- Version 2.5


Um very first line in the post....

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  Dave said:
Um very first line in the post....


Ah, I assumed because it said "tested in SF, WoE and WoV" that it would work in other games. My bad. Thanks for clearing that up!

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Tested: yes


Actually redesigned for: not really (this version, that is)


Having said that, I'd reccomend downloading the ORIGINAL version (it's here in /Terrain section, you'll just have to hunt for it)

THEN install this DIRECTLY over the original, letting anything that wants to overwrite.


It looks like you may be missing some tiles (flugplatz??), or are running an ATI card. We've had this before with them.



kevin stein

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