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We've not had one of these in awhile, so I figure we're about due as some modder will likely post here in the next couple of weeks: My HDD has died! I've lost the model/mod/skin/terrain I was working on!


Therefore, to all and sundry here at CA,


Back up your stuff!!!!


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My way:



Dave's Approach:



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My way:



Dave's Approach:



Loudly, I support backups. Meekly, I admit that my external drive just failed and I get to start my CA archive all over again. The industry made CDs and DVDs for a reason and you'd think I'd know better, but here I am and it is what it is.

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Same thing happen to me 2yrs ago and every since then,I put all files to disk.Lost all files and with no recovery.Just now back up to "par" on CA files and CFS3 was a bust.

So,yeah!Backup files!

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System Mechanic took down two computers at my place. Mine had the data on a separate drive so 98% of my data was safe (but not backed up). My daughter's computer however was not backed up so she lost all of her college work.


I had a tech restore my computer to save some data and programs together with some mods and settings, but it was still unstable and crashed again. So 3 computer failures in the last month. I am just now finishing the rebuild of my computer with patches, upgrades, and such. (it runs sweet now)




so two points -


Back up your stuff!!


Don't install System Mechanic!!!



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I would never want to install everything again, much less all the tweaking involved. I just did a backup about a week ago, but when i finish tweaking a few things i'll do it again,If you lose your data once and you will try to never let it happen again!


(Not to mention Daves Shovel looks painful) :rofl:

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