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How do I disable the labels on aircraft and ground/sea targets once i apply the oct 2008 patches for all TW sims? I would like to disable them so it would be more realistic.

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What labels are you talking about?

Talking bout the new patch as of today.... :good: It gives you labels.

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Set your HUD display to normal or hard in the gameplay options.

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Hey,also to take some nice screenshots you can ALT+D a couple times to remove those on screen cones too,during your flight.

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one more thing: after applying the oct '08 patch, my F-86F-15 Sabre lost the chequered tail and other markings. Why is is this so?

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It's an older mod,meaning it was made more than 3 months ago right?So,probably latest patch messed with the Decals .tga files.On how to fix,I would goto into the sticky:Sept 08 patch Official thread 1st and see if there's a fix ok?If not,seek the ones labeled Modders and have ready info on who?when?and where?did you get that aircraft mod from.

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OMG labels!!!! Finally I'll see the bastards, can't wait to try it out :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Check the path name in the decals ini...sometimes they're set to the wrong "level". The checked tail should be set to Level=0


Labels can also probably be removed via a quick edit of the HUDData ini, but Ihaven't checked this yet. But in the meantime, Alt/D should remove them


btw: Sabre Fs don't have radar ...somebody is playing on "EasyAvionics" :haha:



kevin stein

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I had the same problem and tried to remove the labels but was unsuccessful. I did look into huddata.ini and tweaked a few things but it didn't work. I admit I was using easy avionics but the labels are really slowing my frame rates down. What I wanted to have is just the waypoint counter and triangle symbol and the target box only without the labels just as in the sep 2008 version. I only managed to reduce the labels' fontsize so as it's not intrusive and taking up gfx resources. Here's what i i did:






TextSize=12 <--------------------------------this adjusts the fontsize of your info box on the bottom left and right corner of your screen




TextSize=1 <----------------------------------reduce this to value to 1: i tried to use 0 but the labels are still there



MapDisplayLabels=TRUE <-------------------if its FALSE, I suppose this removes the labels on your in-flight map




















I would appreciate it if someone could help me out with this. Thanks.

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I brought this up in Thirdwire's WoI forums, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.


I knew my habit of leaving all on normal, except for HUD, would bite my arse someday.


Would love a menu setting that says, "just like the 1st 7 years of this series" or some such to return them to as you've described...

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I brought this up in Thirdwire's WoI forums, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.


I knew my habit of leaving all on normal, except for HUD, would bite my arse someday.


Would love a menu setting that says, "just like the 1st 7 years of this series" or some such to return them to as you've described...


So does this mean there's no solution to this yet? the end of the world then?

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interesting...i only have the labels appear on the flight map, and not in flight mode,which is cool.

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I love the idea of labels, what I can't understand is why are they not customizable like in LOMAC or il2 :(

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interesting...i only have the labels appear on the flight map, and not in flight mode,which is cool.


that's strange..did u use the oct08 patch and play with easy avionics? It's supposed to display labels in flight mode..

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