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Afghanistan terrain Beta 0.6

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Afghanistan terrain Beta 0.6

Afghanistan Terrain Beta 0.6




AFGHANISTAN Terrain IS MADE FOR WINGS OVER ISRAEL (WOI) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This package is a work in progress preview. It should allow you a short view into this project. It is far away to be finished. Also, dont worry if you find bugs.




From December 1979 till now Afghanistan is a land in war. Soviets, Dushmans, Mudjahedin, Warlords, Taliban and Americans (OEF) destroyed the once florish land nearly completly.

This terrain is dedicated to all man who fought in this country and to all who lost their lives in a senseless war.





Afghanistan terrain is a Beta, so far, that not the entire land is covered at the moment. Finished, or nearly finished is the area around Kabul, Bagram, Jalalabad, Kunduz and Mazar i Sharif. This area is now completly tiled and the target areas are set.

So you can fly and fight along the Jala Road and surrounding mountains and in the north eastern part of Afghanistan where today the German ISAF sector is situated. You will find enemy positions in the hills and valleys north of Bagram, but also single bandit troops on the soviet/allied hold lowlands. You will find friendly and enemy fortified hill positions


- number of set target areas: -90

- Missions which can be flown are CAS, Armed Recon, Recon, Strike,SEAD

-Air to air missions are impossible, because no taliban airfield is set (as historical correct)


-I recommend a seperate installation of WOI for Afghanistan terrain. The new nations.ini would otherwise make trouble with other terrains. (I set all nations = friendly, only Afghanistan= Enemy

So you can fly for the Soviets and the OEF troops( USA,UK,NL etc) against the same Enemy)

You can delete not needed planes (for instance Mirages) and groundobjects (SAM, Radar,most tanks etc) and you can include needed planes, like the Mi-24 or the A-10 more easily.

-Panzers, like T-54,55,62 etc should be redesignated from TANK to ARTILLERY in their groundobjects data.ini. The reason is, that Panzers are widely useless in such a mountainous land. With the groundobjects i have included in this package you will have infantry engagements which are more Afghan style






-Unzip the file into your Wings over Israel


Thats it!


If you want then you can place mainscreen.bmp into your menu folder.




V. Credits

At this place i want to say thank you to Geo for his permission to use his SquadCent files which i modified into Taliban warriors etc. And to Wrench who allowed me to use Montys Stinger site which i modified into Blowpipe and Strela site. I want to say thank you to Pasko who made the lod file for the BTR-60 and 70 and the single soldier with SA-7 which i also use for RPG-7 and Mortar (recoilless gun.)

I want to say thank you to _____ for the Taliban Dushka and the Toyota Hillux. And i want to say thank you to Capun for the permission to use his Mi-8 and Mi-24 as shot down heli ground objects.






Sharing of Groundobjects which are part of this package needs the permission of their makers.


If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.



Hope you enjoy it. Good Hunting along the Jalalabad road!


Michael (Gepard)





Made in Germany

April 2009




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Downloaded WOI and added the Afghanistan terrain, pretty amazing work Gepard!

Added Mi-24 to the aircraft folder and flying missions is pretty hairy, especially getting caught in a crossfire from ZU-23.


For those interested in creating a historical campaign, the Afghan Air Force during the Soviet era consisted of-








Soviet Forces-











(may have left a few out in my old age).


Pakistan publicly acknowledged shooting down 10 intruding Afghan and Soviet aircraft during the war.


Yours, Mike


PS- WOI loaded up in Vista, no problems.

Edited by Mike463

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Thanks for this scenario, but where can I find a Su-25 Frogfoot for SFP1/WOE/WOI ??

I only found the Su-39 Super Grach.

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I updated the terrain to level 0.6.


*The number of target areas is now increased from 65 to 90.

*Mazar i Sharif and Kundus Air Base are now operational. Targets in the north area are also set.

*Shot down and taliban captured helis as groundtargets .

*New taliban with donkey as target for armed recon missions

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Oh nice.

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I think once this is complete, it will be an amazing Mod. The timeline alone will almost guarantee a long playtime.


For me, being able to get a small glimpse of what the guys/girls I refuel are seeing from their jets, will be very welcome.


Thanks for the work!



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For those at a more ground level... has helped me really work the aircraft more efficiently too :smile:

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Good on ya Eric. Who says sims aren't good for anything?


I was actually overhead a few days ago :wink:

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Guest a10boar
Thank you, very good job Gepard. ______ :secret:


Yep,Like those "Toy" mods and others you done for sure.Had to do a little research to find who done them but,found you!Great job.Opened up several windows for me personally.


Mr.Gepard,I'm using this in my WOE modded install.Even tho I'll be missing alot "stuff" and hope to get it close for what you done for WOI.Thanks!

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Good on ya Eric. Who says sims aren't good for anything?


I was actually overhead a few days ago :wink:


Nice... which part though?


I've actually through VBS1, a commercially available simulator, trained in CQB tactics of an old clan I was part of. But that's another thing. This one is nice because I can get a different perspective, though unfortunately Gepard doesn't have my area but the BAF/JAF/Kabul region is fine enough, nice to drop bombs occasionally without having to carry air to air ordnance all the time.

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What should be the next area for further development: Kandahar or Herat?

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Well... since I'm with ISAF... Kandahar. Would be nice to check that area out.

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Is it possible to setup CAS missions in the mountains? I know it's a monumental task.... but just curious.

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Just a note with 0.6, make sure your bomb drops are good, if you're a PGM guy like me. I dropped a GBU-12 on a Medrasa, bad angle, and it was (I think) short. No worries, re-attack and a good clean drop. Well.... got back home and read the debrief... -400! So anyways, it's in the KMD as "Enemy" but will result in a "Friendly" kill. Or basically an ROE violation.

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If you have to attack targets in villages you will face also civilists there. I think with the hit on the Madrasa you will have made to much "collateral damage". Its like in real Afghanistan, you must be aware on civilists. And it is difficult to decide between taliban warriors and civilists (in real life and in this terrain)


With the CAS missions in mountains: I will see that i can find a way.

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Just so you know Gepard, I am deployed to Afghanistan since late last summer, so I'm tracking what you're talking about :wink:

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Downloaded WOI and added the Afghanistan terrain, pretty amazing work Gepard!

Added Mi-24 to the aircraft folder and flying missions is pretty hairy, especially getting caught in a crossfire from ZU-23.


For those interested in creating a historical campaign, the Afghan Air Force during the Soviet era consisted of-








Soviet Forces-











(may have left a few out in my old age).


Pakistan publicly acknowledged shooting down 10 intruding Afghan and Soviet aircraft during the war.


Yours, Mike


PS- WOI loaded up in Vista, no problems.



Continuing Mike's list of aircraft used:



MiG-29 Fulcrum-A

Tu-22PD Blinder

Tu-22M2 Backfire




Su-24 (1984)







I started incorporating some of these aircraft in a fresh Wings over Afghanistan install, last night. By keeping the years they flew as accurate as possible, I shouldn't have any problems with a L-39 going against a F/A-18F.

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Hey, I've got a complete install dedicated to your terrain and so far, I'm loving it. Getting to see the country from this level versus 26,000ft is something else.


Anyhow, I was wondering if you thought about expanding the map south through Pakistan to the lower coast? That way you could position a carrier for CV ops.


Just a thought.

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Any chance you can make this SF2 compatible?

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Any chance you can make this SF2 compatible?


it kinda sorta is already.


needs desert and mountain tiles and such but you can drop it into the terrain folder in the My Documents section with a cat file in it, and addressed, and it does work. All the planes stack up on the runway but otherwise it does work.

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Hey, I've got a complete install dedicated to your terrain and so far, I'm loving it. Getting to see the country from this level versus 26,000ft is something else.


Anyhow, I was wondering if you thought about expanding the map south through Pakistan to the lower coast? That way you could position a carrier for CV ops.


Just a thought.


That would be very nice, maybe around my area so I can drop more bombs and get a better feel for it from the air...

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it kinda sorta is already.


needs desert and mountain tiles and such but you can drop it into the terrain folder in the My Documents section with a cat file in it, and addressed, and it does work. All the planes stack up on the runway but otherwise it does work.


Yeah that is the problem, the aircraft on the runway and I am using the WOI cat file but I am missing all sorts of buildings. Also the water is funky. Spent a good part of last night tweaking is but I am missing something that is for sure. Also use max188's high res WOI tiles and it looks even better.

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Yeah that is the problem, the aircraft on the runway and I am using the WOI cat file but I am missing all sorts of buildings. Also the water is funky. Spent a good part of last night tweaking is but I am missing something that is for sure. Also use max188's high res WOI tiles and it looks even better.



I was playing with it too last night. Not getting anywhere..........


I'll go back to modding planes, campaigns and missions where I sorta know what I'm doing and leave the terrains to the professionals.............

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