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decal.ini jacked up with Oct08 patch

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Hey guys:


I'm falling asleep at my keyboard here. I loaded the Oct08 patch and half of my add-on aircraft are missing decals. I had to do a little editing in the Decal.ini file. here is what I did.



this is from the F9F-5.






FilenameFormat=vf112\vf112 -------> originaly worked fine before the sept/oct08 patch










FilenameFormat=F9F-5\vf112\vf112 ------>I had to add F9F-5 in order for it to work.






that was just one decal. there has to be an easier way.


Some of my other addonn aircraft have lost there numbering capability. i.e. Like on the nose 200, 201, 202 etc. The number sets are still there, but they don't show up. or if they do, they all have the same number. I have to manualy change it in the load out screen.


Last Thing. Anyone know how to add a numbering package to an aircraft? And how in the world do you change the color of the number. I can't find the file that "filenameformat" line is pointing to. see below.


this is an example from the A4F






FilenameFormat=USMCNum ------Where is this file??? and how can I change the color???





When I finaly figure this out, I will upload the F9F-5/F9F-P by Pasko, Gramps, Major Lee and Marcfighters with a fuel tank fix, weapons fix. and above all the darn tail hook:))



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FYI guys



I have used this format for 5 years now. Always works. The "D" is the folder where the decals are, which are in the skin folder of the plane.



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FYI guys



I have used this format for 5 years now. Always works. The "D" is the folder where the decals are, which are in the skin folder of the plane.







thanks, but I am very curious why all of a sudden the original format no longer works with the new patch.



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could be that the old ( very old ) format where the plane folder could be left out (?) doesnt work anymore 'cause TK changed

some decal related things, e.g there 's now the ALIAS.lst file ....


FilenameFormat=F9F-5\vf112\vf112 ------>I had to add F9F-5 in order for it to work


This format is kinda standard for add-on kites since a couple of years, I have planes which are 4 years old using this format, aircraft folder/skin folder/decal name ( if decals are int he same folder as the skin bmp's )




FilenameFormat=C-130J/MDANG/D/usaf = aircraft folder/skin folder/ decal subfolder inside skin folder/ decal name



FilenameFormat=USMCNum ------Where is this file??? and how can I change the color???


those stock decals are either inside the Objectdata.cat / Objectdata01.cat or in the Objects/Decals folder.

To change them, extract the files, make a new Decals folder ( if necessary) and dump them in there.. then you can change their color ect




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Some of my other addonn aircraft have lost there numbering capability. i.e. Like on the nose 200, 201, 202 etc. The number sets are still there, but they don't show up. or if they do, they all have the same number. I have to manualy change it in the load out screen.


There are plenty of older skins whose number decals start at 001 (i.e. num001.tga, num002.tga, etc.) , but actually they should start at 000.

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yup understand that. But I'm still not getting an automatic numbering of aircraft when starting a mission. For some reason they all have the same number, unlike before the Sept/Oct patch. I can still change the numbers but I have to do it through the load out screen.



This is different than the missing decals. I think SC took care of that.



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As to the Panther, you might want to look for the update I did a few months ago....a lot of things are already fixed. Might save you some work




as to the file format, it's been that way since at least '06 (patch4??) you need to add the




as to NOT having numbers, double check the decal level= has to be "2" for ID or modex numbers; and you've probably run past the end. A lot of early aircraft have a very miniumum number (sometimes 12 or less). Try renaming the 'numbers.lst' to "xnumbers.lst", should force the Game Engine ™ to cycle back to the first one.


Make sure you HAVE enough numbers -- there's a lot (and I mean several dozen) skinsets that don't have enough numbers, or only ONE serial/buzz number/modex number decal, or are numbered incorrectly (the Sabres are good example -- their serial and buzz numbers start with 001, and you'll find an extra one without a number; rename that to ***000.tga and cylce normaly.



kevin stein

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I have some decals set thus...

Created 2 Folders for each sqd, called No5,No11,containing all the Fmk6 decals ....in main game Decal folder..

and added this to decal ini


works fine

Edited by russouk2004

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There are plenty of older skins whose number decals start at 001 (i.e. num001.tga, num002.tga, etc.) , but actually they should start at 000.


A lot of my older stuff is like that. Not sure why I did them that way. I know there was a reason but I forgot. But yes 000 should always be the start for serial decals.

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I noticed some other post-patch decal issue: Level 0 decals (national insignia) from the .cat-file seem to *always* override local ones, even if the Fileformat-value points to a local decal, e.g.

Fileformat=AT-6 Harvard Mk4\AdA\D\INSIGNIA

doesn't use insignia009.tga from that directory, but the version from objects.cat.

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As to the Panther, you might want to look for the update I did a few months ago....a lot of things are already fixed. Might save you some work







You made my day. You really did! I'm not a modder, so you can imagine how long I've been trying to do this. I was able to add the fuel tanks.










AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT -------------added FT





FuelTankName=TankPanther -----------added entire line


















I remember I had to rename the fuel tank or something like that. Don't exactly remember , sorry. As for the bouncing. The original doesn't do it, so I'll try to fix it. I also changed the default engine sound to "Jetburner". MUCH MUCH better!! You can hear Brubaker running out gas:))


Later and thanks



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I hope that's for the -5P.

It would be the ONLY one with drop tanks. Standard Panthers weren't wired for them. Hence, they being missing from the data and loadout inis. At least, according the the Detail and Scale book, with is structrial diagrams of the wings. (which I poured over page by page to work on that upgrade). Only ones the -3, -4, -5s had were the internal tanks, and the wingtips



kevin stein

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Ooopsee:) I put the fuel tanks in with the -5. didn't know they didn't have them, thanks. Did you notice that the nose wheel turns the wrong way, i've been trying to fix this. I'm still tweaking the bouncing. Remember, I'm not a modder, just someone with OCD.



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I never noticed that!!! Of course, I'm usually in the pit, trying to drive the thing.


as to the bouncey, try upping the DampingFactor= by a factor of 2x (ie; if it set to say, 2.0, go the 4.0) It's already got a spring factor of 6.0, those are the 2 that need fiddling with. Make small adjustiments, and see what happens.


There's a whole SLEW of these older aircraft that need major adjusments all around, and not just for the Post 9/08 & 10/08 patch world, but since patch 3 or 4!!!



kevin stein

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I'm still trying to get the nose gear streightened out. I'm doing a little cross-ref with the F9J. That's how I got most of the -5 fixed the first time. I also noticed that I do a very nice slide off the end of the deck on my carrier landings :good: I'm in no rush to get this fixed, just tinkering around in my very spare time. Let me know what you come up with.



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