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The first thing that came to my mind:


"Man, it is going to be very painful to be hit by one of these."

Edited by kct

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Ok! S-300! but THAT versions? S-300V(V-1,VM)? S-300P(PT,PM,PS,PMU-1,PMU-2)? OR Chinese HQ-9 & HQ-15?

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Good work :good: However, these are very similar to those in Lockon. Any ideas?

Hope, I am mistaken

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Good work :good: However, these are very similar to those in Lockon. Any ideas?

Hope, I am mistaken

used Lockon's skins

anyone can import the model from Lock on ? :blink:

Edited by 101tfs

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101tfs, don't understand me wrong, that was the first I thought :) BTW, have you already done any S-300 missiles?

Just want to say, I have one:


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I think these is the kinds of things Weasel drivers should take a look at.


Or as someone would do it, nuke-tipped ARMs?

Edited by kct

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It should be advised, that I'm also in good with Eagle Dynamics, and know Matt Wagner. So do it if you want, but you're going to be banned from here, and slammed by ED.


I can ask about the skins, but modelling has to be 100% yours, understand?


So keep up the work 101tfs, but do it legally.


It should be put out that most of us moderators work with other simulations, so we know the business pretty well. There aren't many simulations out there... and it's a small community as it is here.

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We definitely need more modern SAMs...

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Feel like I just woke up from an episode of the Twilight zone!Good to see some modern day S-300's and my weasel's will giveback a good show or vise verse.

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On the first view i would say its a S-300P. The V is bigger i think.

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From Matt Wagner via Lockon.ru PM:


Thanks for the heads up Eric. If he does release these he opens himself up to litigation for piracy of Eagle's property. We have pursue litigation before in such matters and will do so again.


Matt Wagner

Producer, TFC/Eagle Dynamics


Just giving you a heads up. So you're going to have to do the hard work and do your own textures.

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I would say redo the texture and you are redy to go, I think it doesn`t matter if you change something on the textures cause copyright is on the current texture not on possible modificated...

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Blackbird, do you want to be that guy whose work (no matter what kind of - models, skins or something else) was 'stolen' and then just 'modified'?

I don't...

I just very like Lockon...and respect its creators.

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Listen up folks.


Last time. Do not attempt to play lawyer with this. Period. If you take a texture and modify it then release it, you're playing with fire. Maybe someone won't notice...maybe someone will. This site cannot afford (literally) brushing up against this stuff.


Do NOT suggest what you are suggesting. Unless you're willing to pay the legal fees. Because we can't.


Now, you want to use the texture as a template for lines, colors, etc, that's okay as long as the original texture does not become part of the new texture in any way.


We have been seeing a disturbing trend around here lately with playing with copyright.


Don't do it. Not here, not EVER.



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Mh I think this was a missunderstanding, about the copy right, I described it wrong, not use "the" Lock on texture, sorry wrote this a bit ... bad sorry again. You can use it as reference and redo the texture you can read this in the first part of my post so again sorry... was a missunderstanding and my fingers were to fast ...

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