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AMOS, PHOENIX..etc............. what good are they if the stupid radar locks on an enemy not even 6 NM away ... has to be away to detect and lock on aircraft from BVR

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AMOS, PHOENIX..etc............. what good are they if the stupid radar locks on an enemy not even 6 NM away ... has to be away to detect and lock on aircraft from BVR


Ummm, I've been fired upon well out of BVR range, and my wingmen have launched Sparrows at targets over 20 nm away, and have even had my (F-14) wingmen engage bombers out to 100 nm.


You, as flight lead, have to ID the targets, and your wingmen will engage when they are within launch parameters for their weapons. Even the opfor will do this, once they acquire you on radar.

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Ummm, I've been fired upon well out of BVR range, and my wingmen have launched Sparrows at targets over 20 nm away, and have even had my (F-14) wingmen engage bombers out to 100 nm.


You, as flight lead, have to ID the targets, and your wingmen will engage when they are within launch parameters for their weapons. Even the opfor will do this, once they acquire you on radar.


flying the f-14 with radar range set to 100 NM did not get the lockon till 5 nm away with phoenix

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flying the f-14 with radar range set to 100 NM did not get the lockon till 5 nm away with phoenix


What procedures are you using with your radar, I just flew 2 missions and had no problem engaging targets well beyond visual range with AIM-54s.

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What procedures are you using with your radar, I just flew 2 missions and had no problem engaging targets well beyond visual range with AIM-54s.


just flying a simple single mission intercept ..radar set to search 100 Nm ,phoenix selected

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just flying a simple single mission intercept ..radar set to search 100 Nm ,phoenix selected


But how are you trying to lock on to the target? You aren't going to if you are just hitting the "T" key.

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But how are you trying to lock on to the target? You aren't going to if you are just hitting the "T" key.



explain please

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explain please


I am horrible at explaining things.


Set your radar to 100 NM

use "home" to select a radar contact

use "insert" to lock on


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I am horrible at explaining things.


Set your radar to 100 NM

use "home" to select a radar contact

use "insert" to lock on



rgr thats what i have been doing...

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rgr thats what i have been doing...


I don't know what to tell you then haha. Sorry.

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I don't know what to tell you then haha. Sorry.




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I have the same issue. The radar wont target aircraft that are further than 8nm. Its kinda funny. My asraam is effective before my amraam because of this.

Edited by zmatt

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It depends somewhat on what you're engaging. For example, I usually can't lock up Su-27's until they're about 60NM or so away in my F-14. In the MiG-31 it took me until about 20NM to lock up the Kfir C2. Against larger or older threat a/c, I can get them as far out as 150NM with the F-14 (go from 200NM to 100NM, hit select next target and acquire and it gets locked at max range). Unfortunately, I don't know what parameters change long-range lockability. But, my wingmen also engage at Rmax with their AIM-54's if I tell them to engage airborne targets or tell my #2 to engage my target.

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what I have noticed is that the radar search and track strength is weaker than the 2006 patch. Also even though I have bumped it up and can now lock on at the same distances the IN RANGE indicator does not light up

until I am much closer than I would be with the older patch. Check out the difference between the stock weapons and the weapons packs- with the stock third wire Aim-7M the "in range"indicator lights up at something like 34 miles

while with the bunyap pack it is about 24.



IF you are using the stock migs look at their detect distance.... what used to be ( for example) 8400 is now 840. add a few 0's to that and your bvr game will get a lot better

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Just to throw more gasoline (or JP-8) on the fire, has anyone ever considered adding thses lines to the Tomcat and Foxhound's data ini, in the ]DetectSystem[











Thought I"d just throw that out for amusment.....



kevin stein

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Would that I knew what those did...I'm guessing gives everyone's radar data in that a/c to the others in the flight?

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Just to throw more gasoline (or JP-8) on the fire, has anyone ever considered adding thses lines to the Tomcat and Foxhound's data ini, in the ]DetectSystem[











Thought I"d just throw that out for amusment.....



kevin stein


Sorry, those lines are not valid, as they're not available in the aircraftobject.dll. It would be nice if they were, as they would allow for AWACs vectored AI fighters/interceptors.

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I increased some of the detect values on my F-14 and I was able to shoot down a MiG-31 at 40nm.

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Drat!!! Curses (tin)foiled again!!! :rofl:


Well, it WAS an idea....never spent much time disassembling the dlls, sooo.... Shoulda know it was only a ground object setup.


Also shoulda known that Ed had already explored that path....



kevin stein

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Also, for those who don't know, the BaseRCSModifier parameter now works. I haven't figured out what units they are in yet, or if there is a default number for different aircraft and objects.


I did a direct copy of the F-14A avionics over to the F-111B prototype and the BVR engagement by my flight worked fine...started blowing away stock TW MiG-21s at about 50 NM. Didn't even specify a target, just told them to 'Engage Air' while we were all pointed at the enemy targets. I'm not sure what to tell you...other than the target you are engaging maybe has a small RCS.



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I haven't figured out what units they are in yet, or if there is a default number for different aircraft and objects.



The RCS modifier values are in Meters/Squared. Be careful, as it's a fixed value, irregardless of aspect.

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I've noticed several of the stock aircraft do not have this parameter in the data.ini. Do you know what the 'default' values are for the various classes of aircraft?



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I've noticed several of the stock aircraft do not have this parameter in the data.ini. Do you know what the 'default' values are for the various classes of aircraft?




Know, what would lead you to believe that I would know this? :biggrin:


B-52 H: 100 m2 * 2.12 = 212 km

A-10: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

F-4E: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

MIG-25: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

Mig-31: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km


B-1A: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

F-14 D: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

F-15C: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

Su-27: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

Tornado: 8 m2 * 1.13 = 113 km


Mig-29: 5 m2 * 1 = 100 km

Mirage2000C: 3.5 m2 * 0.92 = 92 km

F-5E: 3 m2 * 0.88 = 88 km

Mig-21: 3 m2 * 0.88 = 88 km

AV-8B+: 2.5 m2 * 0.84 = 84 km

Av-8B: 2.0 m2 * 0.80 = 80 km

B-1B: 2.0 m2 * 0.80 = 80 km


F-16C: 1.2 m2 * 0.70 = 70 km

F-18C: 1.2 m2 * 0.70 = 70 km

Gripen: 1.0 - 1.2 m2 * 0.67 - 0.70 = 67 - 70 km


F-18E: 0.75 m2 * 0.62 = 62 km

Rafale: 0.75 m2 * 0.62 = 62 km

Eurofighter: 0.5-0.75 m2 * 0.56 - 0.62 = 56 - 62 km


B-2: 0.01 m2 * 0.21 = 21 km

F-35: 0.01 - 0.005 m2 * 0.21 - 0.18 = 21 - 18 km

F/A-22: 0.01 - 0.001 m2 * 0.21 - 0.12 = 21 - 12 km

F-117: 0.001 -? m2 * below 0.12 = 12 km.

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You prankster...I meant the values in the sim ya bum! :biggrin:



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