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Could anyone tell me how the MirageIIIS is coming?

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Could anyone tell me how the MirageIIIS is coming?

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The MAX file was lost due to an HD crash. The builder got so frustrated that he's given up modding. Because of that, the community has lost confidence in the TW series and has abandoned the franchise. The lost software sales caused the sales of flight sims to plummet, which affected the sales of gaming software in general. This bled over into the software market resulting in loss of general consumer confidence in the electronic business. Which has impacted the general world economy, causing deflation, massive layoffs, and falling revenues.


All this falling has caused a fundemental shift in the gravitational constant of the planet, jarring the orbital balance and causing the Earth to spiral away from the Sun.


Impact with Mars is in '2 weeks'.





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And suddenly someone presses the "THIS WILL END IN TWO WEEKS" button.

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Sooooo...I'm gonna die and get the Mirage? Is that it?

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Alright,who gave FastCargo the coffee?You been watching Dr.Strangelove and how we love the bomb,again?C'mon,fess up!



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We'll divide the world by zero.

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Sounds more like "Day the Earth Caught Fire", excepting FC's got us heading the wrong way. At least we get to meet the Barsoomians ... ah, Dejah Thoris!!! Martian women don't wear a whole lot of clothes, doncha know!!


http://www.libertymeadows.com/covers/SB2_Dejahs.jpg (just giving the link, due to nudididty)


IIRC my orbital mechanics, don't you have to speed up to slow down?? Meaning, going into a higher orbit (in this case, expanding solar orbit), wouldn't the direction of thrust be 90 deg to the oribtal plane, and pointed towards the Sun??


(brings to mind a really old Japanese 'monster' movie, where they build huge rocket engines in Antarctica, and move the planet out of the way of some giant planet headed our way -- can't remember the name...Gorath???? or something odd like that)


Either way, the economy will still suffer. Even with it being the Holidays and all...



kevin stein

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Picky, picky! Orbital mechanics aren't my thing ya know!





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When is the Mirage IIIS coming out? Pleeeeaaaase just tell me.

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If it comes up, its 3D model could be used to update the mod of the Mirage IIIO. Nowadays,

it uses the MirageIIIE, or kind of, but the aussie mirage lacked the avionics bulge under the

nose just like swiss one. Both had th same kind of fin

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Avionics bulge could be deleted through a data.ini entry.

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8492.7 Weeks :biggrin:

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Dude, calm down. It'll be out when it comes out.

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:crazy: No wait! Want now! :crazy: Alright, i'll wait.

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