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Redirected my VietnamSEA.cat to GermanyCE.cat

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post-16817-1229142330_thumb.jpg post-16817-1229142357_thumb.jpg post-16817-1229142426_thumb.jpg

Look I know someone must've tried this,if not?You must try it!Screenshots not giving justic to what I seen.

Oct.08b patch for WOV/WOE merged install

1) Backup your VietnamSEA terrain folder

2)Add this line to your VietnamSEA.ini;DataCatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.CAT

3)backout and save

4)go fly!


Haven't added Green Hell 2,yet!But,let you know.



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Pretty cool.


Now if we could get a permanent way for us to start from the revetments.



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Pretty cool.


Now if we could get a permanent way for us to start from the revetments.





there's whole lots of buildings,rice patties,hills are smoother but,retain there height and the airbases are picture perfect.Look what curiousness did for WOV.This is a great find for me and had to share.

Anybody with a big computer,put the settings on unlimited and place screenshots here please!My computer is getting these images with 1.35Ghz 768mb of RAM 6200 nVIDIA!And getting decent results.All environmental mods I could find is put in to both WOV and WOE.

Repaint of both WOV AND WOE

Green Hell 2

Green Hell 2 shimmering building fix

Latest tree mod for WOE repaint


And just about any groundobjects that's available



post-16817-1229153792_thumb.jpg post-16817-1229153740_thumb.jpg


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there's whole lots of buildings,rice patties,hills are smoother but,retain there height and the airbases are picture perfect.Look what curiousness did for WOV.]


I hate to tell you this, but "the whole lot of buildings" and the hills being smoother, have nothing whatsoever to do with the GermanyCE.cat.


The buildings you speak of are part of the .tod files in the GreenHell2 mod. The height, shape, and smoothness of the terrain is determined by the VietnamSea .HFD & .TFD files, both of which are addon versions, that you most likely installed with either GH2, or Brain32's tileset.

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The height, shape, and smoothness of the terrain is determined by the VietnamSea .HFD & .TFD files, both of which are addon versions, that you most likely installed with either GH2, or Brain32's tileset.


Neither Brain32's repaint nor GH2 have new HFD file in them, only new TFD in Brain32's masterpiece work... :dntknw:

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You mean it's nothing I did improve the terrain?I've installed WOV with these enviro mods and didn't have the results I have now by directing the .cat to GermanyCE.Can you give it a try and see?



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Both WoE and WoV are patched to same level, the only way you could get this improvement with this action is if your WoV install was not patched but your WoE install was ;)

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post-16817-1229167264_thumb.jpg Before

post-16817-1229167332_thumb.jpg After


This is before and after shots of VietnamSEA.cat redirected to GermanyCE.cat

Trust me,not trying to be disrespectful to anyone,I promise you.But,there's differences here.Like I said,my computers sad compared to today standards,Ha!


This Desert.cat from SFP1 redirected to GermanyCE.cat and Desert hasn't been modded at all.




GermanyCE.cat redirected to VietnamSEA.cat





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I don't think the Models are improved, but the textures are much better IMO. Nice Find!


Thanks!And no a/c improved tho.



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Both WoE and WoV are patched to same level, the only way you could get this improvement with this action is if your WoV install was not patched but your WoE install was ;)


You are the winner and found out my little secret.Good job!It's a WOE merged with WOV and SFP1 patched to Oct08b :ok:



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You are the winner and found out my little secret.Good job!It's a WOE merged with WOV and SFP1 patched to Oct08b :ok:




Meaning that ONLY the GermanyCE.cat got updated with the Sept/Oct since the SFP1 and WOV terrain cat files were only updated with those product's respective patches. I realized this about a month ago where my merged install is concerned and downloaded the SFP1 and WOV patches also. I just havn't had the time to do the dance with a clean SFP1 install and a clean WOV install to get the updated terrain cats.

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post-16817-1229167264_thumb.jpg Before

post-16817-1229167332_thumb.jpg After


This is before and after shots of VietnamSEA.cat redirected to GermanyCE.cat

Trust me,not trying to be disrespectful to anyone,I promise you.But,there's differences here.Like I said,my computers sad compared to today standards,Ha!


This Desert.cat from SFP1 redirected to GermanyCE.cat and Desert hasn't been modded at all.




GermanyCE.cat redirected to VietnamSEA.cat






Dude, the difference in those two vietnam shots are repainted tiles. Has nothing to do with the CAT file.

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Forget it,i'm done with it anyhow.I just thought I'd share a common interest in experimenting with this sim.My status excludes my credibility with these off the wall ideas.Not gonna bother anyone anymore with my fairy tale discoveries.With the examples of this topic given and not able to convince someone to think outside the box.Not sorry I tried though.This isn't self pity,it's fed up with needing a lawyer everytime an idea shown by someone here recently.Respect is a two way street people.You need to try the ideas before you can discredit them.



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It has nothing to do with people not thinking outside the box, or discrediting someone without evidence. We are simply pointing out a few misconceptions on your part, so that others are forewarned of the potential pitfalls. That's all.


And, BTW, I have a merged WoE/WoV on my system, so I am quite familiar with the subject at hand. And that leads me to this; WoE is made to work in a merged install with WoV (at the user's discretion), and as such, it includes all of the same terrain-objects. So all you've done, is to achieve the same effect that one would by patching their WoV install to the latest patch-level. Only in your case, you've used the newer cat file, and left the rest of the install as is (pre-patch).


Another issue, is that the callout for objects placement is made by the terraintargets.ini. If there's an entry, for say a Desert-specific object, and it's not available in the terrain.cat that you're using, it won't appear.


Having said that, it might be interesting to try the IsraelME.cat in place of the desert.cat, as long as the necessary WoI terrain-specific files are already extracted into the terrain folder, beforehand.

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Would've like to try IsraelME.cat in Desert.cat but,haven't purchased WOI,yet.But,I've tried WOI enhancement terrain and it shows up like IsraelME.I pointed the Afghanistan at IsraelME enhancement and it reads it,weird.I'll take it though.


Another issue, is that the callout for objects placement is made by the terraintargets.ini. If there's an entry, for say a Desert-specific object, and it's not available in the terrain.cat that you're using, it won't appear.


Overzealous on my part.But,it intrigues thought and I knew the differences,just didn't compute until after you posted it.But,in my defense,the water affects look a ton better but,then again,could be wrong on that too.



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The water "looks" better, because TK updated the terrain and water shader .fx files on all the terrain sets, with the latest patch series. The .fx files are in the .cat archive.


But, something betters on the way :biggrin:

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The water "looks" better, because TK updated the terrain and water shader .fx files on all the terrain sets, with the latest patch series. The .fx files are in the .cat archive.


But, something betters on the way :biggrin:


Yeah,read about that new water shader over at Thirdwire.Coincidentally,managed to solve shimmer water problem with geoff formula for all terrains this morning.



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