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The Dhimar Conflict

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Ok I never played the campaign... Planning to make a few videos based on the original "Strike Fighters" sim..


Can anyone tell me any details in the fictional war of Dhimar? i had checked wikipedia but can people offer me some more stuff about the conflict... or your experiences in the campaigns?


I'd also appreciate to know when the war ended in the Dhimar conflict...



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There is a Wikipeda article about Dhimar?


Check out "Strike Fighters: Project 1" on wiki, it'll have a background on the conflict

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Back story isn't bad. It's based on modern day koweit, but also Iran-Iraq war.

Basically, the two countries are rivals because of oil field at the borders. In the fifties, the Paran Shah (Iran nod)is overthrown by revolutionnaries backed by soviet Union. They soon decide to be expansionists -a nod to Libya versus Chad- hence US involvement.

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There's a whole section in the manual dealing with the backstory of Dhimar.


It reflects a lot of the domino effect thinking of the Cold War.

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I always thought the Dhimar/Paran story was kind of interesting myself :wink: ... There is a lot that hasn't been told about the Merc' events though...

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There's a whole section in the manual dealing with the backstory of Dhimar.


It reflects a lot of the domino effect thinking of the Cold War.


Lost my manual.... What year did the Dhimar War ever end?


And did somebody make a geographical map on it?



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well, the planning map for SFP1 is the topographical, and it shows the front line between the two. I'll take a screenshot and maybe PM you.


Also, I believe that you can download the SFP1 manual from the TW site.


And perhaps this should be in SFP1 general discussion...?

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Lost my manual.... What year did the Dhimar War ever end?

That's for me the main weakness of SF. Instead of having 2, 3 or 4 campaigns dealing with a same number of intensive wars, just like kippour or six days, we have a non-credible decade-one-mission-per-year-war.

That's also why I prefer Harrier campaign, or such mod transforming the war into a full-fledged one-month long one, instead of the stock campaign.

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Lost my manual.... What year did the Dhimar War ever end?


It was only about a couple of weeks ago that I truly finish playing the original 1959 Burning Sand Campaign for the 1st time, despite owning SFG for more than 2 years. I flew the Mercs under "normal" campaign difficulty and "limited weapon" options in Oct 08 patch. With a mission success rate of about 100% (I took the typical "replay a failed mission until success" approach), the campaign ended on July 1973.


Rambler 1-1 is right. You can download SFP1 manual from the download section of TW site.

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I generate alot of single missions for this theater. Surgical strikes, maybe COIN ops given recent events in other parts of the real world. I have used artistic liberties with the mercs of the Dhimari Air Force (Mirage 2000, or what ever aircraft gives me a warm fuzzy on any given day) Both of these fictitious nations fueled my imagination since day one with this series.(SU-27s for Paran, with their own mercs, aka Guards Regiments flying them) Dhimari O-1s with nukes...... :rofl:

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well, comparing the Paran/Dhimar map from SFP1 to the atlas I have here, I'd say that it takes place on the persian gulf, on the Saudi Arabian coastline between Kuwait and Quatar, to be exact. If you will look at the very top of the planning map, you will see a little bit of land. According to the atlas, this could be Iran. The coastine is not a perfect match, of course, but the angle is about right.


If you are doing a modern-day campaign, I would say that the two countries seperated from Saudi Arabia. If you are doing a fictional-historic campign, you could say that the two countries were eventually taken over by Saudi Arabia. Either way, go find an atlas (or even google maps) and check out that area. It's a pretty good match.

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Actually, the coastline is a clone of one in East Africa, turned 90 degrees.

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Oh well, I suppose that if one really wanted to be authentic, they could rotate the map back to it's original oriantation, but I think that it makes more sence for it to be in the middle east rather then Africa.

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Go look at a map of Mozambique.




Fubar beat me to it.

Edited by suhsjake

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Lone time SF:P1 owner, first time tonight really playing :blush:

I was just thinking that tonight having played WOI and after reading the manual, I would have added a small war for September 1957 or September 1957- May 1959. Nothing major something like armed recon and CAP missions but giving Dhimar a small local airforce before the merc buildup.

Also add a downgreaded airforce before buying the new planes, add planes like F-86, Hunter etc

That would be some fun.



That's for me the main weakness of SF. Instead of having 2, 3 or 4 campaigns dealing with a same number of intensive wars, just like kippour or six days, we have a non-credible decade-one-mission-per-year-war.

That's also why I prefer Harrier campaign, or such mod transforming the war into a full-fledged one-month long one, instead of the stock campaign.

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