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Anthony W.

Suddenly WoV did this...

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I started flying more campaigns, and now I'm getting terrible frames. Can anyone help me?

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Modded or unmodded?

Go into your graphics card control panel and try tweaking around there.I use an Nvidia card and when I changed the settings from Quality to Performance things started moving!

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I have multiple copies of WoV (both 08/30/06 & Oct08) and there is a BIG diference between the two's patches FPS using the SAME settings on each version. Where I had EVERYTHING (including mirrors & shadows) maxed out on the 08/30/06 WoV version I got low 42 FPS-high 60 FPS, using the same setting in Oct08 WoV gave me low 24-42 high FPS.


When I changed the settings in the Oct08 WoV and deleated mirrors and shadows, I was able to get back to low 36-55 high FPS, not quite as good as the 08/30/06 version, but at least playable again.


You might want to play with your graphic settings and see if the same thing happens to you too.


Panama Red

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In addition to higher resolution textures, campaigns now inlcude a ton of more ground objects: aircraft parked at airfields, etc.

At higher settings, this game is CPU limited.

To tune lower end PCs to run these sims, I like to start with all LOW settings, then go to custom and tweak things one at a time to try to get the quality I want at a frame rate I can live with.

Using this technique, I can get my Pentium 3 1.2GHz PCs with Radeon 9800 Pros to run about 18 to 20 frames per second in single missions that don't have too many things flying around, yet still have great cockpit and aircraft detail. Of course Shadows are set to Low (turned off) and Mirrors are off.

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Go into your graphics card control panel and try tweaking around there.I use an Nvidia card and when I changed the settings from Quality to Performance things started moving!



I'm running things on Windows Vista. Can someone give me a step-by-step guide on how to do this on my system? :dntknw:

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