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I could build two more computers with the parts I've got in the back of my wardroom, it's like Narnia in there just with more motherboards and less fawns....


You've got your very own wardroom? Must be quite the ship/abode! :blink:

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wardroom/wardrobe what's a little dyslexia between friends!!


Got the freetrack doo hickey to work, bulldog clipped the LEDs to a cap and then spent half an hour fighting the MS webcam software to get the right output (320x240 which is a well hidden option with the one I've got), then just play with some settings in the freetrack software so it only sees the LEDs not the background lighting.


For my next trick I plan to try Strike Fighters and FSX on the Windows 7 Beta, expect anguished cries around Wednesday....

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your my hero for helping....but i need new led`s..as dont think the infared ones are working,it picks up remote but not mine i made...and,i shouldnt admit this...(coz im sure migbuster will be watchin n waitin to make fun)..i just spent an hour trying to figure out my webcam problem of it being dead n black...i found the problem to be i hadnt pluged it in.... :blink:



xx v xx

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Make fun? innocent me?? - but yeah if your ever havin problems with any hardware just plug it in - thats my advice :dirol:

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No worries, I'm now confident you can use red LEDs rather than IR ones which has the advantage you can tell if the things working! Although the downside is you look like a Christmas tree.

I wouldn't worry about not plugging it in I almost booked a Squirrel once because I thought the hydraulics had failed. That'll be the on/off switch then....

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Make fun? innocent me?? - but yeah if your ever havin problems with any hardware just plug it in - thats my advice :dirol:



Hhaha...whats that phrase im looking for....oh yeh its....TWAT.... :biggrin:


xx v xx

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See what happens when she gets all excited!! cant control herself - poor dear :)

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See what happens when she gets all excited!! cant control herself - poor dear :)



what can i say miggy...just your presance around me makes me lose control...and your advice of plugging in electric items was spot on...now all i need is to see you in the bath..all warm n wet n bubbly...then ill plug in my hairdryer n toss the thing in with ya...ooohhhh yehhh now THAT gets me excited baby..!!!! :biggrin:


xx v xx

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Given a choice, i think i'm better off saving for a few weeks and getting TrackIR.


mine came..was broke n waitin for replacment...there not the easiest things to get in uk..seems everybody wants em...lol



xx v xx

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Given a choice, i think i'm better off saving for a few weeks and getting TrackIR.


Strangely never been tempted by TrackIR, too expensive for something I might not get that much use out of.

Having seen this I now get the functionality of TrackIR for the few pounds it cost me for some LEDs and I really can't see the point of spending the extra for TrackIR, and yes I'm aware my time has a value but it's Sunday so it was that or watch the Hollyoaks Omnibus...

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Strangely never been tempted by TrackIR, too expensive for something I might not get that much use out of.


I've still have and use my original TrackIR 1 since I bought it when they first came out. Only over the last few months have I stopped using it as much. My shift from FS2004 (where the VR cockpit flying rocks with TrackIR) to almost exclusively "flying" the TW sims, it's not needed as much.


Bummer your attempt at building your own didnt work out, Vanessa. But never give up on the first go.



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but it's Sunday so it was that or watch the Hollyoaks Omnibus...


Hollyoaks! Lucky you. Made the mistake of watching Bruno Ganz in 'Der Untergang'. A real downer if ever there was one............. and that doesn't include the viscerally disturbing parts.


And to think I felt happy earlier, after having watched ManU beat Chelsea.

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what can i say...i like spoons.!...its a multi purpose tool.


xx v xx



There is no spoon.


Or to quote a certain superhero, SPOOOOOON!!!!!




I'm so used to my TIR4 now after like 2 or 3 years, I forget which, that I find flying without it almost impossible. It's like having blinders on.

Whether I'm in my kite over Verdun, or blasting Jerry over the beaches, or dueling in MiG Alley, or dropping napalm in Route VI, or fighting off Fulcrums over Seoul, or trying to get that damned Black Shark to fly in a straight line, I NEED my TIR now!!!

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There is no spoon.

Mah SPOON is too BIG!!!

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There is no spoon.


Or to quote a certain superhero, SPOOOOOON!!!!!


or trying to get that damned Black Shark to fly in a straight line, I NEED my TIR now!!!


superhero spooooon...lets think..must be THE TICK.....am i right ???... :biggrin:


im happy to give you lessons in blackshark flight....im getting quite good at it...i started everything from cold n dark..i asked for nvg to be fitted,i took off,i went in rightish direction...i shot at a tree..i crashed into the same tree.


xx v xx

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So Skippy. Did you manage to make your Xmas tree working ?



skippy pm`d me last night with instructions n stuff...he got his working after alot of tinkering with web cam..i have to buy new bits coz i break everything i touch


xx v xx

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Did someone say "The Tick"?



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"The Tick"


My childhood want it back.

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Christmas Tree worked great after I realised I had to set the right resolution on my webcam. Never realised how much I move around when I'm playing before so I'm still playing with the sensitivity to get a decent null spot!


Earthworm Jim - Guh-roovy


Of course 'There is no spoon' is from Dog Soldiers but you all knew that....

Edited by SkippyBing

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Christmas Tree worked great after I realised I had to set the right resolution on my webcam. Never realised how much I move around when I'm playing before so I'm still playing with the sensitivity to get a decent null spot!


Earthworm Jim - Guh-roovy


Of course 'There is no spoon' is from Dog Soldiers but you all knew that....


well ya my hero for helpin me out...and that you quote dog soldiers....."I hope I give you the s**ts, you f***ing wimp"..lol



xx v xx

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superhero spooooon...lets think..must be THE TICK.....am i right ???... :biggrin:


im happy to give you lessons in blackshark flight....im getting quite good at it...i started everything from cold n dark..i asked for nvg to be fitted,i took off,i went in rightish direction...i shot at a tree..i crashed into the same tree.


xx v xx


Thank you for making the world safe from trees like that, one at a time. :salute:

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so..how you all feel about earthworm jim huh..?



I used to like stock a lot of life and stuff. And retain minimal use of the whatever is that blast thing that kills in a shot in the first game (back when I still have the Mega Drive, what others called the Genesis).


Not an easy feat considering that I can only use the whip most of the time, and the inter-stage thing is a mess. And no deaths at all.


Managed that only once.

Edited by kct

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