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Do what?

Ambient Occlusion means ambient shadows found in nooks and corners where light doesn't really reach. Basically if you have a >90 degree corner, light will not travel all the way in and you will get shadowing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_occlusion


You can easily paint this by hand, though I personally prefer to bake it onto the map from a 3d app.

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Ahh okay, shadowing with textures... yes I was contemplating that, and the FSX Super Bug uses that quite alot to good effect. I'll experiment with it though, as I know under the LERX where the intakes stick out is a good spot.

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String of updates, JAT81500 has done some phenomenal work, with the compression of the gear, light settings, and a prototype decal of VFA-143. I had thought FC came up with a "damage model" but also is included when I got bounced by a Flanker over Iraq. Also added feature that JAT81500 caught was the "toeing" of the rudders before takeoff, characteristic of the Hornet line.








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this looks realy outstanding! one of the best mods ever seen for this series!! May I ask you how far is it from release.. hope in three weeks caue ofmy exams :-P

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Honestly the plane is good to go, just waiting on the ATFLIR model (I'm using the AV-23-R in it's place for now). Once that's skinned and detailed, as well as the buddy pod, I hope by the end of the week at least for the E model. The F and G will be after of course.

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Can you send me you most recent data.ini, plus most current textures and decals? That spine decal looks a little...odd. I'm wondering if the spine needs recontouring...



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Honestly the plane is good to go, just waiting on the ATFLIR model (I'm using the AV-23-R in it's place for now). Once that's skinned and detailed, as well as the buddy pod, I hope by the end of the week at least for the E model. The F and G will be after of course.


Thats good news.I never really had an opinion either way about the Super Hornet.After following this tread I'm really looking forward to it's release.Thank you for all the hard work and research that you have put into this. :good:

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Just an observation eric...I notice the shadows...looks like u have some polys that need flipping...or texture 2 sided ,needs to be applied to some meshes...


looks great tho...

Edited by russouk2004

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Russ, some of the model is currently a 'open mesh', resulting in the strange shadowing (mainly, the fuselage mesh isn't shadowing). I'm trying to fix that right now without having to make 3 separate MAX files.



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Can you send me you most recent data.ini, plus most current textures and decals? That spine decal looks a little...odd. I'm wondering if the spine needs recontouring...




No i think it's my decal, it's a fast and bad done one :yes:, i'm working on a new one

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Thanks both, and FC will send ASAP


I like to believe that by showing progress I get more feedback on the work I'm doing, or what JAT81500 is doing, and FC. Jarhead1 was going to show some screenies of the tanking ability in action (he had it setup but loadout issues are hampering it I assume)


And JAT81500's weathering layer added to the other ones:



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Most people hang out here and just look on those topics and write .. "great" "cool" "need it" and stuff like that. I`m modeling myself and know how much work this beast consume. I try to learn a bit more about how to do such things.. modeling specific parts and creating layers myself. The best ideas I get when I try to sleep or on the toilette :-P

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Most people hang out here and just look on those topics and write .. "great" "cool" "need it" and stuff like that. I`m modeling myself and know how much work this beast consume. I try to learn a bit more about how to do such things.. modeling specific parts and creating layers myself. The best ideas I get when I try to sleep or on the toilette :-P


And that's usually the best type to have posting comments, the ones who want to learn. I learned I'm still good at texturing, I suck at gear work (though maybe if I had more patience. I learned to take the time and effort to build something from scratch, rather than falling on a template. And I learned some more ini stuff that I never really paid attention to. So it's all good man :good:


After some trial and error, got a general weathering on the buddy pod. Still have more detail work to do but I'm somewhat happy with the result.


And while we're on this subject, it should be noted that this, and the drop tanks are split into four parts, so getting this to be weathered took some creative erasing to get the effect. Still it's preliminary but as said, I'm happy that it worked out.



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I now reworking the shape and details in the Pit are for the JJ-8II hope I can create such a nice skin work as you did. is it PS or something else. I use Paint.net and Gimp2

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Yeah man, PS. I've used back in the day Photoshop Elements, which is far cheaper than CS3, but just as powerful, and I honestly use perhaps 5% of the features available even in CS3.

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And while we're on this subject, it should be noted that this, and the drop tanks are split into four parts, so getting this to be weathered took some creative erasing to get the effect.


That's one thing I haven't been able to quite figure out in MAX is how to unwrap a 'tank like' object in such a way that it's a contiguous space. The '4 part' method is the best I've been able to come up with so that at least the lines are easy to make (the maps are adjacent to each other).



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Well it threw me for a loop for awhile, but the method I used was more effective, so its all good man :good:

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Eric and Team,


Although it is still a lousy bug and will never, I say again, NEVER be cooler than a Tomcat - you guys are doing an excellent job. I look forward to flying this puppy when it's completed.


Hard to tell from the images here, but on the original 18F model, the ass end looked a little too small proportionally to the rest of the jet. Has this been adjusted?


Also, I was wondering about the speed brakes - you guys have probably done more research than I - but, are those two little spoilers that pop up on the upper part of the fuselage the only speed brakes? I was under the impression that the tail surfaces all moved in conjunction to produce more drag (i.e. both rudders turn inward, and both stabs droop). Mind you, that is based on something I experienced in another game which may not be accurate.


In any case, keep up the good work fellas.

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The small spoilers and rudder animations are there. I'm not sure so much about the stabs but then again, the speed drop is significant by itself so if it is true, it really isn't needed. More detail work on the gear. Not much here as I have few references or textures to work with. Also retextured the probe bay.





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I added links to add to the speedbrake on practically all surfaces. In addition, Vampyre sent me a VERY useful document which details what surfaces move during certain control inputs. You will see appropriate movements to the max extent the sim allows.



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Prototype main gear bay texture. Found this at a modelling site, and it's okay I think.


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...been underneath a Rhino myself.


looks about right. :good:


I commend you. :biggrin:

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