column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 LOL, just LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotNess 2 Posted February 3, 2009 (edited) I love bale...especially in american psycho and of course batman...but he always bin a huge wanker..bit like that other guy from that other film im thinkin of and cant remember.... (you know the aussie guy...gladiator man ) xx v xx Edited February 3, 2009 by racindriver1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 Let's see, I'm doing my job, some wanker just walks by ruining it and forcing me to start over again... I'd be quite pissed too... especially if, believing a clue dropped by Bale during his rant, it actually was the second time said wanker did that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 Let's see, I'm doing my job, some wanker just walks by ruining it and forcing me to start over again... I'd be quite pissed too... especially if, believing a clue dropped by Bale during his rant, it actually was the second time said wanker did that... Overpaid primadonna needs to get over it and move on. It'd be one thing to bust on the guy but he just goes on and on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 (you know the aussie guy...gladiator man ) Yeah, Russell Crowe. One of my favs but definitely a wanker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 Nothing to do with being overpaid or a prima donna... Some react to such things by ranting, others would just leave the set/their post without a word, some would just punch the guy, others would quietly restart but do their best later to make the life of the interrupter a living hell, others would just elegantly forget it and move on... We all have ways to deal with accumulated frustration, our sense of self-worth and the perception of unprofessionalism on the part of others, why should actors be different ? They're not paid because they are nice people, they are paid because of their qualities as actors (either their capacity to act, or to fit a physical model). Some of them do it for art, some by passion, others for fame and quite a few only for money (Bronson and Caine come to mind). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 Uhm, ok, whatever--he's still a wanker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 Agreed, yet the world is full of them... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted February 3, 2009 Nice audiofile to use for a wake up call... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
macelena 1,070 Posted February 3, 2009 (edited) In my town, he would receive the Nobilary Title of "Gilipollas", some idiot wich acts as if he was smarter or more valuable than he is. Literally, means "DickSucker" Edited February 3, 2009 by macelena Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 I like how when he gets mad his English accent starts to come back! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight 0 Posted February 3, 2009 I'm a wanker and a big do I get overpaid? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 Here is another huge wanker, Alec Baldwin: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 3, 2009 I'd hate to have people taping what I do at work everyday then have a snippet extracted for the world to hear, out of context. I've been talked to worse on construction sites. Either way, if the director of photography had interfered twice as is alluded to then maybe Bale isn't so much out of line. Also, we don't know the dynamic between Bale and the Director IRL. Maybe the Director was a total wanker and walking into the scene was the straw that broke the camel's back. TMZ gets rich off of stuff like this but not many people stop to wonder about the whole story. Maybe they should. And if ya'll don't agree with anything I've posted above maybe Bale just had a bad day. We all have them. Remember that sometimes 18 hours a day are spent on the set by actors. They have to sit around till everyone is ready for them. Any of you who have been in the military know how irritating "hurry up and wait" can be. :) In regards to the Alec Baldwin tape, maybe his daughter is a prissy little biatch like he is.......................sometimes a pissing match between two people doesn't have a righteous party. Maybe they're both tards. Russel Crowe: Threw a phone at a concierge or bellboy. Total wanker. I'd have stuffed the phone up his behind before I called my lawyer to sue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 I'm amazed at the amount of support these guys get. I guess its always been that way with the Hollywood elites though. If I did something like that at work I would be fired, period. And if I left a message like that on someone's phone I would probably be in some legal trouble at a minimum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted February 3, 2009 I'd have stuffed the phone up his behind before I called my lawyer to sue. You'd use that phone after doing that??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaverickMike 10 Posted February 3, 2009 I think Christian Bale is a good actor but an utter tosser. I remember him doing an interview and the fact that he is Welsh was brought up into the conversiation and he didnt like it one bit. He kept repeating that he is not Welsh but English through and through even though he was born in Haverfordwest which is a little town not far from where i live. Anyone who doesnt appreciate where they come from is an arse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotNess 2 Posted February 3, 2009 (edited) thers also plenty that dont haver hissy fits...but actors know what there in for when they took the career choice,but they music stars think they are above most people...i personally would love to scrag the hell out of mariah carey and these new pop/american idol "star" who at first sniff of fame get a pole up there arse..oh and christine aguiagulaerria or what eve her name is..(she pretty though) other half is a pro race driver,and well known in many places,and yes..i kick his arse coz he suffers from hissy fits and spitting his dummy out the pram when it dont go his way..he even punched another driver live on tv...what you dindt see was him not gettin any from me for 2 weeks after for the way he just wanted to say that again coz the amout of times in this thread its been said...must be a xx v xx Edited February 3, 2009 by racindriver1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 It's not support, it's just stating what apparently isn't obvious to some... they may be famous, they may be rich, that doesn't mean they have to be any better than anyone else... they're as humans as we are... and we all know what assholes we can be from time to time... why should it be any different for them ? Just because they are famous and often overpaid they should be some kind of inhuman exemple of perfection ? In the Bale case, you have to consider that if the circonstances as they appear are true, the retard who actually ruined two scenes (and countless hours of preparation, countless hours more work for everyone on set, and quite a lot of money for the studio) should be the one getting sacked first... That Bale's reaction is childish and mostly out of line is not the question... Damn, I know I have abused some people at work even worse than that... Does that mean I'm an asshole ? (well, I am anyway, wrong example) Doesn't a guy get a right to be pissed off and blow a gasket when he hires someone on the insurance that he knows his job, that it appears the guy lied and doesn't even know the basics, that out of pity you take nearly a week trying to teach him (at the detriment of your own workload), that after a week the guy still doesn't do any effort to get up to speed and manages to ruin your work, not once, but twice, getting you two days behind schedule ? I guess I was heard from miles around, the moron was lucky I'm not enclined to grab blunt objects and bludgeon idiots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 It's not support, it's just stating what apparently isn't obvious to some... they may be famous, they may be rich, that doesn't mean they have to be any better than anyone else... they're as humans as we are... and we all know what assholes we can be from time to time... why should it be any different for them ? That's definitely a 21st century attitude. Look at people like John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Bogart, Steve McQueen, etc. All more famous in their time than Bale, and all far more gracious and careful about their image. That isn't to say they were saints, but they had enough respect for their fans and the public not to engage in these hissy fits when there was a possibility it might get out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 There were less wankers indeed, but there were some. You also have to consider that the relation of power between studios, directors and actors changed dramatically since that era, making actors more powerful, more independent, meaning that throwing a hissy fit has less consequences for their careers now than then. Also, studios had greater power over regular press, eliminating scandals before they pop up. Gutter press had a smaller reach, meaning incidents were less known. And finally with so many recording-able devices on a modern set, with convenient digital format, it is easier than ever to record and disseminate such incidents, while at the time it was very hard to do. And finally, in the general population, such behaviour is also far more present than in the 50's/60's, we have become (the US as well as Europe) far less civil, and what we may have gained in "freedom" we pay in producing self-centered drama-queens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 3, 2009 There's no excuse for it. You can rationalize it and blame technology or society, but its a matter of individual self-respect more than anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 3, 2009 (edited) It's no excuse, it's an explanation why it doesn't matter... Were they wankers in a civil society they would stand out and merit crucifixion... but in a sea of wankers of all size and fame, who cares about a few famous ones ? What I find disturbing is that the negative reaction is more due to the social status of the perpetrator than the actual facts. It reeks of the good old "the powerful are all corrupt, the rich are all overpaid, the famous are all prima donnas and they don't deserve what I can't get"... not that it's your point, just that being French and part of a whole nation with such mindset, it kind of irritates me... I've never been much of a populist... Edited February 3, 2009 by Gunrunner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ONETINSOLDIER 2 Posted February 3, 2009 Wow, that guys a jerk. Like, the guy walks thru the set, Big freakin deal. If thats the worst thing that happens to you today, yer doin alright, so STFU. Hell, i DROVE thru the set of "Mumford", lmao. I work in the entertainment industry, and for the mostpart,the performers are regular people, like you and me, thats what you got to keep in mind(and so do they)On any level, hs behavior was unacceptable, even for a four year oild. In my opinion, the DP WAS a more professional for not kicking his ass after talkin to him like that,,it took restraint, trust me. Yeah, I work with some of these people, the best and easiest thing you can do is get the show finished and get them on the bus and out of your venue. Kidrock comes to mind,,,,,,,oy vey,,,, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 3, 2009 If thats the worst thing that happens to you today, yer doin alright, so STFU. Hell, i DROVE thru the set of "Mumford", lmao. I work in the entertainment industry, and for the mostpart,the performers are regular people, like you and me On a movie set like that sometimes a re-take can cost hours of work and countless man-hours. Would you take a different stance about Bale if you found out the producer of photography did that on purpose? Seriously, how can someone do the same thing twice unless it's on purpose? I've had guys work with me who had 15 years experience put a hand into something I just sprayed with lacquer. They saw me spraying it. And I lost my temper and said much worse things than Bale did. The damage that was done cost me money out of my pocket (I'm the boss) and it took 6x as long to fix as it did to do it the first time. So I can sympathize with the guy. Bale may be a tosser for many other reasons but to make a judgement call based on this recorded tape is short sighted. I'd also like to point out that I'm not impressed by actors. I judge people on their merits, not because of the job they do. My only heroes are those who serve in the military. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites