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Christian Bale (A$$hole)

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Considering the history of Christian Bale, I'm not surprised at all. This is mild compared to some of the things that he has done in the past. Wasn't he arrested in England for battery a while ago?

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Wasn't he arrested in England for battery a while ago?

So were his mother and sister (his mom is a circus clown). Battery in England means something completely different than here in the states. If you get in a verbal argument and the cops are called, you are arrested. Both parties. And that's what it was, an argument. His mother and sister (he's estranged from them) were trying to get a payday from him and it turned angry. He told them to leave, they wouldn't.

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So were his mother and sister (his mom is a circus clown). Battery in England means something completely different than here in the states. If you get in a verbal argument and the cops are called, you are arrested. Both parties. And that's what it was, an argument. His mother and sister (he's estranged from them) were trying to get a payday from him and it turned angry. He told them to leave, they wouldn't.


Ah, ok then. Well that might actually answer a lot more about Bale's character.

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Ah, ok then. Well that might actually answer a lot more about Bale's character.


He was born in the back seat of a clown car? :biggrin:

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He was born in the back seat of a clown car? :biggrin:


LOL!!!! oh come on C5. Be nice now.


After doing some escort services for some actors, I've come to know the one thing that they really hate doing is to re-do a difficult scene that they almost had gotten done perfectly but one minor/major issue that could have easily been avoided ruined it all. There might not be any immediately legitimate excuse for his behavior, but we never know what else is really going on. After my ignorant posts that I had made a while back (which was actually venting in frustration to something totally different from what the post was about), I can't really judge people on something like this anymore. Maybe there's something going on in his life on a personal level that really is affecting him, but he's keeping it bottled up to himself. You just never know.

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Yeah, in all seriousness I can understand the frustration of having your work messed up by someone else. But on the other hand, when it happens to most of us we don't throw a tantrum, threaten to quit and threaten to beat the guy up. My problem I guess is that he is making several million dollars per film...so just shut up and do another take.

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Is Bale a Limey? Well I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more! As for Russell Crowe he is not a wanker he is an overpaid Wombat who should be returned to NZ asap.


Gosh I do love Combatace though, don't you?



knees up mother brown



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Yeah, in all seriousness I can understand the frustration of having your work messed up by someone else. But on the other hand, when it happens to most of us we don't throw a tantrum, threaten to quit and threaten to beat the guy up. My problem I guess is that he is making several million dollars per film...so just shut up and do another take.



Yeah, but if you got someone who is doing blatantly stupid things left and right and appears to have a lack of common sense, costing time and money to some real good work being done, who is to say how each of us will react. Some people take it very personal with the amount of time and devotion that they put into a project. Perhaps there have been more than just two incidents with this director, and all this time Bale has been trying to be patient with him, until now, and he wanted to send a message that would get this guy to start using common sense. Even here at CA, I've seen venting from other modders regarding how other members have been acting (albeit, they're venting to other modders about what had happened and not to the person who is at fault), and this is only on stuff over the net. Just imagine how some of us would respond if these issues were occuring on a more personal and intimate level. To some actors, acting is a very personal business and messing around with what they are doing at their best is just a big no no. For some of us, it's hard to understand. For me, the film industry is something I can understand a bit easier from my experience in dealing with actors, and because my grandpa was an actor on various Films and T.V. shows, including Hill Street Blues. There are things that you just don't do on a set. Walking around, causing a major distraction to an actor who is focused on trying to get a difficult part down is one of those things. Doing it once, o.k., they can let that slide. Doing it a whole bunch of times, the guy needs to get a talking to. If being spoken to about once, on a civilized level doesn't seem to do the trick, then you say it in a way that sends the message home permanently. Ask Dave about this with his experience in being a MTL on how such a situation would be handled. I know that MTLs have had to set the message to me on a more heated level because I just couldn't learn the first time around. Of course, MTLs have a higher level of integrity to follow by because they are to set an example of the core values, so some things to be said to the troop might be withheld. Bale is not an MTL, and I can't hold him to those standards.

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Method actors... :rolleyes:


Bale is a pussycat.

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Yeah, but if you got someone who is doing blatantly stupid things left and right and appears to have a lack of common sense, costing time and money to some real good work being done


I am surrounded by people like that! :haha:

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I am surrounded by people like that! :haha:



You know what I mean. geez..... :rolleyes:


Anyways, all I'm trying to say is to give someone a chance. If they act like that with you, right off the bat, when you didn't do anything at all, then I can understand judging the fool. But until you actually meet them, I would hold my breath. Perfect example. I thought Tara Reid was a straight up b@$&! One day I had to meet her person to person because valet backed up her porsche into a concrete pillar and I had to respond and take the report for it. I thought she would be ballistic and make a scene. Instead, she very nice, very polite, and very respectful. She even took the time to talk to me a bit more on things not related to the accident, and she did this right after having her wisdom teeth being pulled. She is no longer a b@$&! in my book, but a very cool chick (although has made some really bad life styfle mistakes).

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One might say it was only because she was still under novocaine's influence...



That could be true. I did get her number. That might of been an indicator of being under the influence.

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That could be true. I did get her number.


then lets make dirty fone calls to her...lol...i must confess,i wasnt always the sweet an innocent princess i am today...when i was younger i had a slight nawty side....which errr...led to me nearly being charged ,regarding at that time,quite famouse music groups property..including breaking there stupidly expensive chandalier and ruining there shower...all while being in there house when i shouldnt have been....I WAS YOUNG !!!!....but instead of then being rightfully pissed as hell at me,they were total opposite...and even gave me signed LP...(shows how long ago that was..lol)...it shows people have different reactions,but they doont always have to be shouty shouty....however im sure if it was serverandenforcer`s property id damaged..he would have just shot me... :rofl:


xx v xx

Edited by racindriver1

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however im sure if it was serverandenforcer`s property id damaged..he would have just shot me... :rofl:


xx v xx


Me????? never. :no:

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He was born in the back seat of a clown car? :biggrin:

His mom bailed on him. IIRC it was his grandmother that raised him.

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Me????? never. :no:


Nah, HE would have ME kill you, not the same thing at all! :biggrin:


And as far as Bale's reaction's concerned, well, I must say that although it is quite unacceptable, I can understand it. Can anyone in here swear me that he never did overreact for silly things, after having a bad day, or just being in no mood to get pissed? Sometimes, a small spark can light a huge fire, and I must admit that I did myself went into some pretty heavy arguments with peoples for nothing important, simply because it was the wrong time to piss me off.

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The guy he was chewing out sounded scared. I could care less that he's an actor, I know I would have laughed in his face, and if he kept it up I would have told him to F.O.

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Think about it--if he had hit the guy--PAYDAY!!!!!!!

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Think about it--if he had hit the guy--PAYDAY!!!!!!!


Does the threats not count??? it's on tape and anything. "Hey I'm just a dumb boy didnt know better and he scared the hell out of me" :rofl:

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Allright. They already fired the boy wich shall never have been in the

set during the filming. Arnie says: "You ´re fired"



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There just about to discuss this story on itv new at ten over here in uk...headline was whos there real villain..ooohhhhh..lol.


xx v xx

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Simple prick.........no more.................no less..............

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I think its funny and that dude deserved the tongue lashing. Money doesn't make you a prick, you're born that way. How do I know? I'm an expert prick. Ask anyone.

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