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Jeremiah Weed

Cyber "Warriors"

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First of all I do not want to discount the importance of these PAX and their career field, as it is important and needed.


First, USAF Cyber Command took something sacred and s@$t all over it




I don't care what kind of reasoning is behind this, and I don't care to hear any kind of defense how this parallels SAC's mission. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Get your own stuff. I am not sure how this command's first commander, my father's friend who he calls "Field Marshall Bob" allowed this to happen, as a former SAC Warrior and Wing Commander of the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB, he probably had no say in it anyways.


Now, I am seeing recruiting commercials for the Air Force trying to bring people in using Cyber Command as a hook. I know, Captain Micheal Chang (the PAX in the commercial) did not write the script, I just hope he doesn't believe what he is saying. He keeps refering to himself as a "Cyber Warrior" and brags about how he "doesn't have to go to the desert to fight a war."


Sorry guy, while your job is very important, you ARE NOT a warrior. This term should not be thrown around lightly for the cause of recruitment and morale. I'd like any of these guys to come up to me with their little fake SAC patch and tell me with a straight face they are a warrior.


Sorry if I seem bitter, I am.

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right alongside handing out Bronze Stars to UAV pilots braving the hostile airspace during the 8 hour shifts at Creech AFB......


now, having said that, since this might be one of those potential slots I end up supporting as a defense contractor when my current task runs out in five more months - I'll refrain from getting too hostile....



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I doubt it makes one damn bit of difference to Haji who it was that dropped a thousand pounds of hurt on him,,,

the end result is the same,

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I am going to point out that those "cyber warriors" who don't think they are going to the desert are in for a very rude surprise. That arena of warfare (and warfare it very much is even though "blood and guts" being spread over the landscape is not generally what goes on) involves people securing networks and comm links in some very "interesting" places.


I'll also point out, without going into any details, that there is a very active war going on right now in that arena with quite a few players. And to some extent, we are getting our @$$ handed to us and our clocks cleaned. The end result being that in a shooting conflict - and there are a few right now.... - our cyber opponents will hand the details of how to spread our blood and guts across the landscape to those who will do just that.


Its no joke.

Edited by Typhoid

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I doubt it makes one damn bit of difference to Haji :haha::rofl: who it was that dropped a thousand pounds of hurt on him,,,

the end result is the same,

Haji? :haha: My goodness

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Like I said, I never said these people aren't important, and are not doing something very important, but as an actual warrior who has kicked in doors and shot Haji in the face for Uncle Sam, don't pretend doing some cyber crap makes you some warrior on my level.

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Like I said, I never said these people aren't important, and are not doing something very important, kicked in doors and shot Haji in the face for Uncle Sam,but as an actual warrior who has don't pretend doing some cyber crap makes you some warrior on my level.
I can understand that! From a Fellow Combat Vet.

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Like I said, I never said these people aren't important, and are not doing something very important, but as an actual warrior who has kicked in doors and shot Haji in the face for Uncle Sam, don't pretend doing some cyber crap makes you some warrior on my level.


I don't think anyone would argue that point

Edited by Typhoid

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I don't think anyone would argue that point



Neither would I. I've been in guard towers where snipers have taken pot shots at me, have had rockets and motars land too close for comfort, and I would never dare call myself a warrior and never would want anybody else to call me that. A real warrior is someone who goes out past the wire, going face to face with death every day and continues to do that job with dedication and without hesitation, no matter how often they've come close to being killed. AFAIK, only the Army and the Marines do that on a daily basis. They (Air Force Security Forces) keep "training" us to do those roles, but every time we're deployed, it's always the guard towers inside the wire. The day that I actually do a real building search, where live rounds are being popped off over my head by the bad guys, and having to pound rounds back to save my arse in CQC, I might be a bit more willing to except that title of warrior. But until that day happens, save that title for those who really deserve it.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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One wins a war by putting boots on the ground and holding it. Everything else is focused on putting you there and making sure you have what you need and the fire power behind you to get that job done. All else is secondary to the Soldier or Marine going face to face with the enemy, whomever and wherever that may be.



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I've never been in the military, but I have the highest regard for all who have/are/will be.


Seems like the military starts having identity crisis every now and then. First with EVERYONE wearing a friggin beret, now some command ripping off the SAC badge (of honor/horror, depending when & where you might of served). And don't even get me started on the whole 'ARMY STRONG' thing.... that's just bad grammar.


Don't get me wrong, I support the guys n gals 100%.


Feel free to slap me if I've overstepped the line.

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AFAIK, only the Army and the Marines do that on a daily basis.


I was in the Air Force and did this on a daily basis while deployed, but I also wore a scarlet colored French hat to work at home station.


Also, I don't know exactly what you do, but don't discount your guard duty and mission on the wire as unimportant. Your ability to do that, frees up the trigger pullers to conduct offensive operations while not having to get caught up in FOB defense.

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I've never been in the military, but I have the highest regard for all who have/are/will be.


Seems like the military starts having identity crisis every now and then. First with EVERYONE wearing a friggin beret, now some command ripping off the SAC badge (of honor/horror, depending when & where you might of served). And don't even get me started on the whole 'ARMY STRONG' thing.... that's just bad grammar.


Don't get me wrong, I support the guys n gals 100%.


Feel free to slap me if I've overstepped the line.


not at all




I had a lot of fun with the Army guys and gals around here with their "cute" little berets and that asinine Army of One nonsense. Army Strong is a heck of an improvement on that.


(service academy games are A LOT of fun around here!!)


AF Cyber looks to be coming under AFSPC and my company does a lot of work in that arena. AF Cyber may even end up here, so I may find myself buried over in that world in the months ahead. (horrors)


I'm hoping for a much more interesting task that's coming up but nothing firmed up yet. And yet - both what I do now and what I will likely end up doing is essentially moving bits and bytes around so someone else can take an accurate shot.





I'd much rather be flyin'



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I've never been in the military, but I have the highest regard for all who have/are/will be.


Seems like the military starts having identity crisis every now and then. First with EVERYONE wearing a friggin beret, now some command ripping off the SAC badge (of honor/horror, depending when & where you might of served). And don't even get me started on the whole 'ARMY STRONG' thing.... that's just bad grammar.


Don't get me wrong, I support the guys n gals 100%.


Feel free to slap me if I've overstepped the line.

I agree that was sad but now my young Rangers wear a different color

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I agree that was sad but now my young Rangers wear a different color


Now they know how sad the tankers were when they had to give their black berets to the Rangers :biggrin:


Mine was friggen' scarlet man, might as well been raspberry like the Prince song.

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I was in the Air Force and did this on a daily basis while deployed, but I also wore a scarlet colored French hat to work at home station.


Also, I don't know exactly what you do, but don't discount your guard duty and mission on the wire as unimportant. Your ability to do that, frees up the trigger pullers to conduct offensive operations while not having to get caught up in FOB defense.



Security Forces


What was your job field and when and where were you doing this? I was in Iraq from Sep 06 t Mar 07 at Kirkuk RAB. If I don't get my AGR position, I might end up going to Iraq again this summer, and I'll be going as a grenaider again. Funny thing is, the last time I went as a grenaider, (had my own issued M-4/M-203) I only used my M-203 to shoot flares. I never went on post with 40mm rounds, and the training that I got prior to the deployment indicated that I was going to be on assignments where 40mm rounds were going to be needed. I was looking forward to blow something up, not necessarily kill someone, but just see things go boom from something that I launched. A team from our unit is already there right now, and they're doing guard duty again, but this time at a sector where the action usually happens. So who knows. If I go this time to relieve them, I might actually have something to talk about when I come back. But then again, it's always said that those situations aren't something to wish for.

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Now they know how sad the tankers were when they had to give their black berets to the Rangers :biggrin:


Mine was friggen' scarlet man, might as well been raspberry like the Prince song.

I started with a Maroon one! "Death From Above"!

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Security Forces


What was your job field and when and where were you doing this? I was in Iraq from Sep 06 t Mar 07 at Kirkuk RAB. If I don't get my AGR position, I might end up going to Iraq again this summer, and I'll be going as a grenaider again. Funny thing is, the last time I went as a grenaider, (had my own issued M-4/M-203) I only used my M-203 to shoot flares. I never went on post with 40mm rounds, and the training that I got prior to the deployment indicated that I was going to be on assignments where 40mm rounds were going to be needed. I was looking forward to blow something up, not necessarily kill someone, but just see things go boom from something that I launched. A team from our unit is already there right now, and they're doing guard duty again, but this time at a sector where the action usually happens. So who knows. If I go this time to relieve them, I might actually have something to talk about when I come back. But then again, it's always said that those situations aren't something to wish for.


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A real warrior is someone who goes out past the wire, going face to face with death every day and continues to do that job with dedication and without hesitation, no matter how often they've come close to being killed. AFAIK, only the Army and the Marines do that on a daily basis.




Ok, so what you are eluding to is that unless you are infantry of some sort, then you aren't a warrior.


I agree that the AF has given the "Blunties" (those at the blunt end of the pointed spear, aka REMFs, or my personal favorite, shoeclerks) an ego boost by prefacing jobs/programs with "combat" or calling them warriors. True, I do not think much of most of the 9-3 office dwellers. Most have more than enough free time in their day to bother me with emails about volunteering or bettering the community, than actually doing their primary job.


For 14 years, I was on the sidelines and watch from a very short distance as my crews (and close PJ/CCT bros) flew off on numerous CSAR or Spec ops missions. Finally in 2005, I did something about it and became one of them, instead of bitching about those "aircrew a$$holes who don't do real work", as I've been called.


The Air Force has an identity crisis, in that they want to have heritage, but only remember the ones that they choose to meet their purpose. Dredging up the SAC emblem for use in a non-combat "command" is a slap in the face to all former SAC warriors who sat 24/7 alerts and flew countless missions, guarding against a nuclear threat that was just around the corner. And yes, I called them warriors. They knew their jobs and the price of leaving behind their families if the Klaxon went off and the missiles were inbound. Most were on a one way mission. But they did it anyway.


But hey, what do I know?

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Thank God cooler heads prevailed. Cause NOBODY survives a Nuc exchange

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Security Forces


What was your job field and when and where were you doing this?


Combat Control, Afghanistan '01-02, Iraq '03, '04.

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I am going to be f***ign sick. I am a SAC trained WARRIOR. You have to have lived through SAC to understand it. For them to take my SHIELD and do that just makes want to vomit. That tip of the spear I did for 3 years in missile silos in some of the worst weather you can imagine. I went through so many EWO drills, I lost count. But make no mistake, you don't know its a drill until much later. It isn't like most exercises in the AF these days where it planned etc and you have an idea its coming, in EWO you had no idea. As far as you knew, the missiles were coming out of the hole and all you could do was break out the EWO TO's and hope to god it wasn't real. Then I moved to AWAC's (well 11 years of being and MTI/MTL in there too) were there was bombs on targets all the time. Warriors one and all, and you do not have to be a trigger puller to have that title. And I will go toe to toe with anyone who says otherwise.


Now I am not diminishing the importance of those guys job but to take the symbol I hold dearest in my career and use it for that is an insult. And calling them warriors is a but much....unless they are going to beat Haji to death with their laptops.

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Best way to neutralize an enemy's computer is still blowing it up.



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Ok, so what you are eluding to is that unless you are infantry of some sort, then you aren't a warrior.



My appologies, I was speaking of myself in how I hate it that the Air Force likes to call me a warrior. I guess I started despising that term when I was at the medical tent in Kirkuk. I was there because I cut my freaken hand on some glass and while I was being treated, medical just received a medivac of a bunch of soldiers who looked like they literally got blasted half-way to hell. Seeing those injuries and what those guys were having to endure really made me feel sick for me to be called a warrior when I haven't even been through their shoes. I guess it's just me that has that issue from that experience. Sorry if I offended anybody with my previous statement.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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