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father at 13, looking like 8

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Wow what a shame, this kids life is screwed and did you get a look at the boys mom, yikes what a hard life she must have led.

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Likely the kid isn't his, since he hasn't hit puberty yet.

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Thankfully, even for such cases, we always have the Pythons (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3LJYO3r1xw)...


What I don't get is what's so culturally different in England to allow such a rampant and generalised problem with teen pregnancies, it's not as if they mostly were Roman Catholics (

). Edited by Gunrunner

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world is ending!

Reading newspaper this morning about that,now there's like 3 of 4 possible candidates to be this little creatures fathers!in a age range from 13 to 15 year old kids!

The one in question request the DNA test because everybody now screams their daughter!

And the biz grows!

There's a big conciensce crisis worldwide and everyting is upside down,and the mother.....or better call her "The terminal" or "The dock" for the "intense traffic" between the....

Or anyway she's a victim of a "birdstrike"....

This make me sad....

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Ive been told about this kid today in school, and also about the other 5 people wo are possible candidates, all im gona say is that this girl must get around if you know what i mean, Eh ive been brought up on the fact that if your gona have sex, use protection.

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The hilarious bit is when the declared ex-boyfriend claims he had the girl's parents consent to sleep with her...

Just imagine the conversation :

"Do you mind if I have unprotected sex with your daughter ?"

"Yeah, sure, go ahead, take a ticket, don't worry, if she ends up pregnant she'll alway find a sucker..."

And then, when it appears there's fame and money to be made out of being the father... dozens of would-be father come out of the woodwork.


What a sad, doomed civilisation...

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this guy don't really waste time...


just a question but....in england you can get a job with 13 years old?

Edited by Silverbolt

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this guy don't really waste time...


just a question but....in england you can get a job with 13 years old?


Unofficially yes, although you don't pay tax until you are 16. I don't think there is a law against working for a wage at any age, I know when I was 12 my father thought I was lazy for not having a paper delivering job! I had my first real job when I was 15 with a regular pay packet for salting sheep skin and cattle hide.


As to this doomed civilisation, my two pence.. It is driven from the benefit culture. For years people as well as banks have been rewarded for failure. People who don't work get state finance to "help". Unfortunately people do not feel much self respect or shame from taking this help and prefer to shift the blame on to anyone but themselves for their lack of work. They blame the "system", they say they would work but have a long list of excuses such as, the work is too hard, it doesn't pay as much as they want, they don't want to work far from home, or long hours.


This girl's family would have known that if she does get pregnant she will bring extra income to the family in the shape of money from the government. All in all it seems like everybody is doing it and there is no sense of shame left, the blame is always put onto other people, the system, the media, American gangster rap, anything at all rather than face up to and accept a bit of personal responsibility for our own lives.


All too often kids in England (UK in general) are brought up by the television and friends rather than by the family, many of the worst parents were only kids themselves when they had their own children so they pass on their immaturity, their selfishness and helplessness on to their children knowing that the "system" will wipe their behinds.


I keep saying to colleagues and friends, God forbid that we had to fight the Second World War again, because with our culture the way it is now, we would loose badly.


If you want to see the kind of problems facing British culture since the 1980's, loom up the Jeremy Kyle show clips on youtubes.


Edit: what the %^ with their and there already, only happens online.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Guest pfunkmusik

I have students who have two children before graduating from high school. It's not like the UK has a lock on this sort of idiocy.


Uneducated parents usually have uneducated children. Urban, rural, it happens everywhere.



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I have students who have two children before graduating from high school. It's not like the UK has a lock on this sort of idiocy.


Uneducated parents usually have uneducated children. Urban, rural, it happens everywhere.




here is not much different, special in poverty areas, but what got my attention was the baby face of the father :blink:

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