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Anthony W.

F-89, The Odd Mod, A bit of help please?

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When I load up my F-89 and click fly, I spawn up not moving with no aircraft. Just the weapons I loaded handing in mid air with no pylons. Is there any fix?

Edited by Anthony W.

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Are you missing the LOD files in the F-89 directory?


I mean, if you mess up a skin, you get a white, untextured LOD file, but without, no load.

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Which Scorpion???? There's like 4 different versions I've done.....



kevin stein

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Which Scorpion???? There's like 4 different versions I've done.....



kevin stein


It's the F-89H

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It's the F-89H



Have you copied the lods from the F-89D as it say you should in the ReadME???????????????

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Paragraph 2 of the readme:


F-89H Scropion For SF/WoV/WoE: 12/14/07


This package is a modification of MontyCZ's F-89D into the later H model (with wing-tip rocket pods and 'internal' Falcon missiles)

It is a semi-complete package, including everything needed, -excepting the aircraft LOD files. You will have to transfer them over from your F-89D's.


From the "To Install" Section:


Then, you'll need to copy the aircraft lod files from the F-89D into the F-89H folder. The files to copy are:






f-89D.LODs (don't know what this one is..)



Why do I even bother to write detailed, step-by-step readmes, when nobody seems to use them....???? :dntknw: To say nothing of the extensive "notes and explinations' sections....



kevin stein

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I wouldn't say "nobody."


It is the 1st thing I look for, and read, on any download.


I get a little miffed when there isn't one, which is happening a bit more these days...

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Why do I even bother to write detailed, step-by-step readmes, when nobody seems to use them....???? :dntknw: To say nothing of the extensive "notes and explinations' sections....


Then the noobs wouldn't have anything to post about.

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I wouldn't say "nobody."


It is the 1st thing I look for, and read, on any download.


I get a little miffed when there isn't one, which is happening a bit more these days...



Me too. I'm trying to make any future ones I write, I'm going to attempt to follow Wrench's read me format.

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Why do I even bother to write detailed, step-by-step readmes, when nobody seems to use them....???? :dntknw: To say nothing of the extensive "notes and explinations' sections....



kevin stein


I do read the readme, but I'm a speed reader so I have a habit of skipping lines to get through faster... I need to work on that...

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Yes, you do.


People here spend a damn lot of their own time to get these mods out to folks to enjoy. The absolute least you can do is take the time to read and comprehend the documentation.



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Yes, you do.


People here spend a damn lot of their own time to get these mods out to folks to enjoy. The absolute least you can do is take the time to read and comprehend the documentation.




I try to. And, I do appreciate all your time and efforts to make mods.

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Okay, I think this thread has run it's course...our young Anthony W. has learned something new today and that will hopefully help him in the future.


The original problem has been solved...any more comments are simply beating a dead horse at this point.


Thread closed.



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