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Screen Shots, Videos, Media, OFF Posters

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I thought this was a GREAT angle for a screenie!




I usually get to see the reverse angle!blink.gif Matter of fact, this guy's wingman was developing the same angle on me as I took this one...




Happy OFFing!

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All quiet over North Weald.

It's September 1918...not much of the War left for this Crew...hopefully, it WILL be over by This Christmas

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All quiet over North Weald.


Very pretty shot, and cool nightfighter skin drinks.gif

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Wow, this is one of the best screenshots I have come across here, Widowmaker!

The failing light making the guns shine and the craft glow - very good, Sir!

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Myself and my Wingman (Jasta 10) hunting a SPAD13.

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Nice one Morris...you can imagine the fright that Spad Driver got, if he hadn't seen the German before those bullets hit!

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Must be about 150 - 200 feet. Looks well shot, Morris!

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Damn wi(n)dowmaker thats an amazing shot indeed!

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Greetings fellow simmers, I'm Jonas (20 y.o. , in Australia ) a new member (finally joined the forum after 'shadowing' the posts early in Jan 09 and playing OFF for close to a year now !)


I vividly remember how you guys were crapping your pants waiting for it to come out ! among the old-timer names I can recall include olham54 and womenfly2



So, on to the topic off marketing efforts for OFF.


Social networking sites - facebook and twitter : have OFF videos been posted on these sites ?


Perceptions off young people: Is aviation perceived as "cool" or "trendy" ??? Do they think old = not cool ??? Is there a big following for aviation among people my age ? - Doesn't seem like it, which really sucks because I'm obsessed with it ! they talk about cars, motorcycles, playstation 3, but never flying machines !


We must create videos that make flying seem "cool" : combine the videos with great sound-tracks


Music featured in youtube flying videos:

  • The awesome electro-track "Another dream" (Project for the masses, album Dream on) : see the youtube video "luftwaffe"

  • "Don't stop me now" (Queen): see the youtube video "Me 163 in action"
  • The Blue max music ( played when the Eindecker takes off - that video seems to have dissapPeared - what a pity)

This is off topic, but has anyone ever dreamed off "aerial paintball" OR "Paintball dogfighting"? - Flying scaled-down replica planes, fitted with paintball guns ! How exhilarating would that be ??!!


Greetings once again

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Damn wi(n)dowmaker thats an amazing shot indeed!


Why thank you G{o}us :grin:

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a BIG thanx to Olham for creating my Black Fokker DVII.


"the enemy smells death in the air"





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Well, thank you, Morris, but the bigger THANKS belongs to the skinner,

who made the Fokker D VII skins (don't know who did them, sorry!),

as it is basicly a skin from Jasta 7 (all black).


I can only recommend to all to get Irfanview and go through the many skins

we find available in our sim - I was stunned again, what I found there.

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Guest Sieben

Olham, what do the words on the tail mean? I studied German in college (back on the Ark), but this is too demotic for me to parse. :grin:

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Greetings fellow simmers, I'm Jonas (20 y.o. , in Australia ) a new member (finally joined the forum after 'shadowing' the posts early in Jan 09 and playing OFF for close to a year now !)


I vividly remember how you guys were crapping your pants waiting for it to come out ! among the old-timer names I can recall include olham54 and womenfly2



So, on to the topic off marketing efforts for OFF.


Social networking sites - facebook and twitter : have OFF videos been posted on these sites ?


Perceptions off young people: Is aviation perceived as "cool" or "trendy" ??? Do they think old = not cool ??? Is there a big following for aviation among people my age ? - Doesn't seem like it, which really sucks because I'm obsessed with it ! they talk about cars, motorcycles, playstation 3, but never flying machines !


We must create videos that make flying seem "cool" : combine the videos with great sound-tracks


Music featured in youtube flying videos:

  • The awesome electro-track "Another dream" (Project for the masses, album Dream on) : see the youtube video "luftwaffe"

  • "Don't stop me now" (Queen): see the youtube video "Me 163 in action"
  • The Blue max music ( played when the Eindecker takes off - that video seems to have dissapPeared - what a pity)

This is off topic, but has anyone ever dreamed off "aerial paintball" OR "Paintball dogfighting"? - Flying scaled-down replica planes, fitted with paintball guns ! How exhilarating would that be ??!!


Greetings once again


Welcome to the forum!


Interesting questions, but not related to this thread, which is about the free posters available for OFF, unless you are suggesting I do some with some updated "girls" in them? ..but then, they wouldn't look WWI'ish :no:


Again, your topic is interesting, why not start a new thread on "Attracting younger players to OFF", or something similar? Wish you had joined a year ago, I think you have a lot to add to the forum.


Again, welcome and look forward to more posts from you. :salute:

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what do the words on the tail mean?


I love free online translations. They remind me of all the Monty Python skits where some Eastern Euro tourist would come into a shop, pull out an English phrasebook, say something completely inappropriate, and get hauled off by the police. Here's a great example of what such translation "services" will do to you: http://translation2.paralink.com/ rofl.gif


I have a feeling the real meaning is more along the lines of "If you can read this, you're a worthy adversary."

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it means " YOU will be NEXT "....... to get ur ass kicked.


once again thanx OLHAM.



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Yes, as Morris says.

It is a rude version of what a dentist would say to a waiting patient; the doc would not say

"Du" to him, but "Sie sind gleich dran."

"Sie" is how you address someone, you are not very familiar with, while "Du" is used for

friends and relatives, and for children. But the use of "Du" can also be meant degrading.


So this is said in a degrading, respectless form: "You will be next!" or "You will get served/treated next!"


It is rather a bit street language, Sieben, as the correct saying is "Sie sind gleich dran."

The word "kommen" is not the correct use you would learn in a college, but common saying.

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What started out as a 'Screenshot Sortie' rapidly became a desperate fight for Survival, once I realised I had mistakenly used my Ace Campaign Pilot instead of my RFC Screenshot cannon fodder pilot!..EEEK

This was the only screenie I took..I was up against 4 X Alb DII's...and they were pretty damn good too!

Managed to down one, before chickening out and fleeing with my tail between my legs!

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So this is said in a degrading, respectless form: "You will be next!" or "You will get served/treated next!"


I liked the online translation better rofl.gif


So what does "alles drin, alles dran" really mean?


What started out as a 'Screenshot Sortie' rapidly became a desperate fight for Survival, once I realised I had mistakenly used my Ace Campaign Pilot instead of my RFC Screenshot cannon fodder pilot


Nice pic. You have a real knack for getting great sunset glows on the planes.

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:rofl:Widowmaker, you are really entertaining sometimes! :rofl:


Bullethead, "Alles drin, alles dran!" is said when something or someone

is to your full convenience and complete satisfaction; or if you want to sell it as such.


It means: all inside (that should be in there), all attached (that should be attached).

Does that make sense?

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       Well, a bit funny to tell someone "You are the next" when he´s at your six, bit higher and close enough!! I would use better the "I got wife and 3 kids" approach in this case!!





                 :laugh:    .....  just kidding of course, nice skin indeed!








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