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Great screens all. :drinks: This thread is my favorite as I really like the eye candy and OFF delivers.


Morris = that there is a Camel and not a pup.

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Thanks for putting that right, Barkhorn - I thought it was a Camel; but when I read Morris'

line, I thought "Cripes, these Sopwith all look the same!"


But yes: it's a Camel. Great picture, Widowmaker.


Haven't had many fights with Camels yet, cause I usually fly early 1917,

and never make it 'till the Camel appears.

But yesterday, I killed some with my Jasta 18 D Va (see "Reports from the Front")

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Well Barkhorn1x & Olham,


This snapshot was taken during my DID campaign. Its the 26 April 1917.


I see that the Sopwith Camel was released for service in May 1917.


I not going to disagree. This was the only plane (Sopwith) in the area during the combat.


I have claimed it as a PUP, if its rejected i will know why.


Thanks gentlemen.




picture taken from the same kite - looks like a camel smells like a pup! i dont know.....OK CAMEL

Edited by Morris

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Cripes, Morris - the Camel already at the front in our DiD Campaign???

From now on, it'll get real tough!


Herr Prop-Wasche - would you land under such circumstances in real life? :yikes:

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Balloon busting sometimes gets a bit fraught too!


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Wallaroo - great shot great shot


glad to see ur Camel has some bullet holes in it.




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What the heck are you guys doing??? Blowing up Napalm tanks????

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Jeez!.....well, don't blame us if your asses get burned boys!!!...that's madness!....great shots!! :good:

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Ooooohhhh - this Crumpet was really mad at me!


Sixteen Tripes over our field - no normal person would perform

a 'scramble' under these conditions, but why should that stop me? :grin:


They even were from RNAS-8; several aces among them! The bigger the enemy,

the greater the glory, said I, and started the engine. I got up very well by turning full

left right after take off, into the sun. They didn't seem to see me!


First Crumpet I got was an average pilot. These Sopwith products fly like butterflies,

and they break as easily, too. He collected a burst, performed all his art of "It's finished,

but I'll keep it flying!" - until he crashed.

Then came a red Tripe - an ace surely. He collected a burst but was wiser - he pissed off.

The best pilot was Robert Little - we turned some turns, but I couldn't hit him, before he

went off elsewhere.

When the red Tripe took over again, we were all over the place. I turned my "Olham's Special"

turns - very dangerous; always closest to stalling! - and got him. He reared up, and I finished

him off with a hot shower of lead. Broken, he fell into the meadow below.


But now came an ordinary guy. He must have been a wingman, maybe a friend.

This guy was REALLY mad at me! Boy, did he chase me about!

It happens very rarely, that I let someone get at my six, but this guy made it!

We turned extremely tight circles, like a caroussel, at lowest altitude.

My "Olham's Special" turns need some space below to drop the nose below horizon - but there

was no space anymore. I felt this Crumpet's breath in my neck; he tried to land on my tailplane

to come and get me! I collected single hits. Then I had climbed enough to do my tightest turn

again. But I couldn't get behind him - all I could achieve was, that he didn't get at my six!


Well, to cut it short: in one of my extreme manoeuvers, my Albatros stalled, and I made a loud

crash landing. I survived it, but with an undermined pride!



Edited by Olham

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Great shots everybody.


A really close call Olham. I can just see this opponent describing the scrap from his perspective back in the mess. I wonder if he claimed you for his tally? Great skin btw. And that second shot is definitely a keeper.



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Thanks, Scouseair! Yeah, I think he would have claimed me, and why not?

I crashed through his damn tight chase, and he had even put a few rounds into my craft.

He would call it "driven the enemy down", and that's true.


The skin is yet in development - it is extremely hard to get the sides and the back pattern to join perfectly.

There seems to happen some distortion of the back part, when attached to the 3D model.

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After all this time with OFF, I have started a SPAD VII Campaign with Esc.3.

First mission: balloon busting


As you see, I blew it up. After that, we were jumped at by some Albatros D.III

from Jasta 21. They were really good at the beginning; their leader shot one

of my wingmen down at once! But after using the advantage of height, they

should have climbed back up. Instead, it all ended in a turnfight very low.


I shot one Albatros down (damn hard with a single gun, placed out of the center!).

After the balloon and the D.III, I could only pump some more hot lead into another

Albatros - then it was empty.

Oh, how spoiled we Albatros pilots are - two guns, and 1.000 rounds! Beat that!


But hey, I got a balloon and a fighter! Vive la France! (and I really mean that!

It's a wonderful country!)



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Nice pics Olham. Glad to see you going Entente for a bit of variety. Love that Cigones emblem.

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Thanks, Duce! Actually, the SPAD is in both pics of the balloon explosion.

In the first pic it is in the background - I zoomed out and circled around

the fireball.

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Had to try the "Flying Razor" again. Not being the "rotary man" I had to get used

to the different kind of turning again. But then I got a SPAD XIII !


On patrol NW of Reims, we spotted 5 SPAD XIII on our altitude. I approached them

with five wingmen, climbing, when we saw 3 Fokker D.VII coming down on the French.

Geeze! Those Jasta 12 boys were not at all afraid of the SPADs.

We joined into the fighting, and I hit one French repeatedly.

When he tried to get away, he received the last rites from my "Spandaus", and a whole

wing came off his dying crate.



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Planes from the Kaiser.


I have to thank my ground crew and chief mechanic "Herr" Olham for his dedication in delivering this stunning plane to the front lines for war.

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Hope you like it, Morris! And don't forget to thank OvS - he did parts of the skin,

and the 'Totenkopf' emblem of Georg Hantelmann was done by him actually.

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Second sortie with my SPAD VII went successful again.

I'm beginning to understand the craft a bit better. I lead a flight with 6 wingmen,

and even though A-flight went away, we clobbered 5 Albatros D III from Jasta 1.

I hit one craft, but couldn't get it down, before my wingmen sent it into the mud,

but even without a real victory - it was a great feeling of a good team work.


Adjutant Alain de St.Malo









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Very nice skin Olham/Morris. I too nicked Hantelmann's Hussar insignia for a Jasta 40 personal skin. I needed a white emblem and that one was always one of my favorites. Hats off to OvS and all the talented skinners. :drinks:


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Salute.gif for OBD

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First 'test flight' of new Pup skin.

(available to download)


This pup flown by WC Heathcote of 66 squadron

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Nicely done :good:


We've updated and added many new skins for the Pup - all ready for a future release :clapping:

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No luck with Escadrille 3 so far - this is the second pilot I lost there within three flights.

The top right craft is an Albatros D.III I was chasing. I flew the left SPAD.

The craft in the middle was a mad egotistic wingman from A-flight, cutting into my fight

like a bag of beans, shooting up the Albatros, so that it chrashed into my plane.

Merde!!! (Translation not allowed by forum rules).



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