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Put your own pilot photographs into your log

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Why not have your very own personal picture in your pilot log?


I couldn't resist - working with Photoshop, I had to do it!

I chose some pilot pics from the folder "campaign" > "campaign data" > "pilot photos" > "German"

Also I found some old passport photos from the time, when I was 30 - 35 (not any younger ones found).

Now, I cut out my faces, and threw them into the pilot photos.

I reduced both on grey tones, and then experimented with contrast, brightness, sharpness etc.

With patience and some retouch, the pics below came out. (Well, one was known already).


I'm sure, you can get to some results with other programs like Corel Photopaint or similar, too.

Make always sure, the final format you save it, is .bmp; and keep the size the before picture had.


Next step: you want to find out the pilot number of the guy, you want to replace.

If he is "pilot3.bmp", you go to the above folder with the pics, and copy that pilot to the desktop.

Then you rename the file to "pilotX3.bmp" (that way, you can later reactivate him).

Now, you name the newly created pilot "pilot3.bmp" and put him into that folder.


Done! Hope, many of you will try this. I will assist you, when you have questions (as far as I can).

Perhaps, we'll soon see most of you here - I'd be happy with that!


Cheers. Olham

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Olham that is just fantastic, you are a god...i'am having some of that.... :notworthy:

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Thank you, Red-Dog, but the ALLMIGHTY beware us - me as a god - the world is in enough chaos!


I forgot in the above: after putting the picture together, and reducing them to one layer,

you can off course change it back to RGB colour, and add a tint of brown or grey-blue, or yellowish.

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Thanks mate,i will have to do tomorrow NO batteries in the camera doh!

i will post when i've sorted it......

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Gad!What a handsome devil you were/are.

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It's particularly good that you've selected photos (or retouched them that way) that leaves a believable age gap between the pilots, almost as of they could be four brothers with the youngest, Wolfram, not being able to follow his siblings into the IAS until 1918.


Nice job. :good:

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Were, HOOD, were... Days of youth; teeth of time, etc. (Lol!!!)


You took a good look, DEJ - the pics would really belong in that order, that Wolfram would be before Detlev.

Perhaps I even change the pilots/Jastas.

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No you're not God but you are good and brilliant, now if I only had some decent photo's of myself and half a brain why I could....

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I wonder what the help button in the enlist pilot section does!


I am going to press it!



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Hey, Winder - stay cool! I knew the "help button", but thought, that most pilots still hadn't

thought of the idea to create an own photo, or didn't know, how to do it. So I offered advice.


But, off course Red-Dog's post No.2 would have had to be made to you (Lol!)

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Well, Olhams photos looked so good that I had to try it out for myself. I finally got around to it and here it is. Im pretty proud of myself for this one :biggrin:




Might still need a little tweaking though.



Edited by Rooster89

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Hi, Rooster!

Looks believable to me! A bit stiff in the neck, perhaps.

I found it very tricky, to get the right size of the face, for the pilot picture. You got the size right,

I think. Perhaps, if you moved the head a little tick forwrds, and cut out the cap, to move it a bit

deeper down; he (you) would appear "more relaxed" (Lol!)


You definitely got the right approach, and the hand for it!

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Olham that is just fantastic....


Absolutely! I'm in.

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I've been using my own pilot photo since starting in BHaH, (and before that, RB3D). It just adds that much more to the immersion level.







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2nd Lt Red-Dog RFC

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Great, you all join in with it - Rooster, Hauksbee, Lou and Red Dog, well done!

(and if you want to start a German campaign, Red Dog, you would be Roter Hund, or, like a family name: Reinhard Rothund).

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Great, you all join in with it - Rooster, Hauksbee, Lou and Red Dog, well done!

(and if you want to start a German campaign, Red Dog, you would be Roter Hund, or, like a family name: Reinhard Rothund).


Thanks Olham, not bad for a first try.This will be great fun.My little boy thinks its my Great granddad. :biggrin:

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Regard it as a compliment - your great granddad in his younger days.

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Thanks for the compliments Olham. Maybe Im not so relaxed due to the intense dogfighting? lol.


Yours looks great Lou. I saw it before somewhere else and swore it was a real picture.



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