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DM and Guns Consensus?

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No offense taken, Fortiesboy. I was just thinking out loud and trying to make sure you and I had not missed anything. :grin:


However, now I have to say that I am completely flummoxed about why your DM seems to be messed up. I also have the 2 disk CD (CFS CD has to be in the disc drive) and I have not experienced the problems you are seeing. Although I am now using the hard core DM, when I was using the normal DM I saw wings fly off, engine fires, spins, etc.


Maybe you are hitting the engine instead of the wings? I am a lousy shot, so my bullets go everywhere. Try aiming exclusively at the wings to see what happens.


Hmm, seems the 2 disc/ ubisoft disc theory has bitten the dust. :)


I'm seeing from AROTH's post that I am not alone re the lack of damage.

Still thinking aloud here;

Could the way the sim is patched be relevant.?

i.e. Have those, seeing the damage, patched 1.1 and then ALL patches up to 1.28a-- and those who aren't seeing the damage jumping straight from 1.1 to one of the later patches, say, 1.26 or 1.28a ? See what I mean?;


I know the Devs say that after installing OFF you can then patch straight to 1.26 or whatever, and there should be no difference, but this is "Clutching at Straws time here folks" -lol

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Reply to FB via PM:


"Ok, I've done three QCs, me in a DII vs a Be2. First two I plastered the wings, the Be2 went down out of control and THEN lost a bottom-left wing (to what I think was flak) and on the second lost the middle bit of the lower-right wing, again I think to a nearby flak-burst.


The third I plastered from behind again, to no effect on the wing. I then plastered him very nicely from above and he lost his lower-right wing, definitely NOT to flak.


I think it's still the hit-box issue. I was plastering the wings from behind, plenty of bits coming off, more than enough to indicate plenty of hits that should have sawed the wing completely off, but the wing hit-box not being reached. From above the hit-box gets hit, and one of the wings did then come off.


So, I reckon attacks from dead astern will not often get wings to detatch, but deflection attacks will see more of it."


Personally, given the spread of the flying bullets (like I'm firing a blunderbuss :biggrin: ), I wouldn't ever be targetting specific parts of a target in campaign. I'm not sure the real chaps did either. I aim for the biggest bit, as close as possible, and let fate take it's course. So sometimes I'm going to see wings come off, but probably not that often. Which is fine for me, too much candy and the candy stops tasting as sweet.


Forgot to mention, I'm on 1.28a, DiD settings with Hardcore DM.

Edited by Siggi

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I am on 1.28, and in my last two missions, I have seen 2 enemy aircraft lose a wing to my guns...and watched in Horror as one of my wingmen lost a wing to an Alb.


That is enough broken wings for my liking...any more than that would ruin it for me personally.


I feel Siggi has something with the deflection shooting theory personally

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I think you have to get deflection shots in order to saw off the wings of these aircraft. If you are shooting from dead astern and are on the same plane as the other aircraft, most of your bullets will miss the very thin wings on these WWI aircraft. When viewed from astern, I imagine the damage box for the wings looks very thin, while looking from above, probably is very fat.

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I think you have to get deflection shots in order to saw off the wings of these aircraft. If you are shooting from dead astern and are on the same plane as the other aircraft, most of your bullets will miss the very thin wings on these WWI aircraft. When viewed from astern, I imagine the damage box for the wings looks very thin, while looking from above, probably is very fat.


Makes perfect sense to me.

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Yes, i can understand that logic, so I'll try more of that. Must say though that so far the latest testing hasn't produced muxh, but then I have been lined up behind.

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You should always be aiming for the front, and for that you require to be above the enemy, or deflection 10 degrees or so. Dead astern you will miss the wings an awful lot given you are mostly edge on.

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Personally, I still just aim for the cockpit and engine and blast away until parts start flying or I hear a scream, or both. Seems to the trick as well as any.





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Personally, I still just aim for the cockpit and engine and blast away until parts start flying or I hear a scream, or both. Seems to the trick as well as any.






Lol Lou ! Same here. Hear the scream .... job done ... move on ..... who cares about shooting wings off .... but I'm intrigued by Siggi's theory and I reckon he's nailed it. Should put FB's concerns at rest I hope.

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Should put FB's concerns at rest I hope.


hello catch S!


Well , I've tried half the day, shooting from all over the place but mainly deflection shooting - I've had blue messages hurtling down the middle of the screen, and planes smoking and falling from the sky , in QC.-- But no wings coming off.

So, I've reloaded my amended xdp files and now i have wings off, explosions etc. Not too much- what to me seems about right.


Now something slightly different.


I must admit i do not still understand the Easy - hard settings in workshops 100 per cent.


I use realistic for Players Flight model and normal for Players guns only.

(Forget the Claims part -)


AI Gun Range - Easy means he doesn't fire till close in - hard means he can hit you from miles out as in the original OFF, Yes?

- So I have it on easy. Which to me is realistic ( i know some think differently , but not looking for a discussion on that here )


OK - Main guns What does easy mean, what does hard mean ? Does easy mean my guns will easily hit the EA? and hard mean they won't? - If so, it duplicates Normal/strong/ strongest in players guns, no?

Or does this easy/hard part not apply to me, the player?


And if i have the same settings in Hardcore and Normal, what is it that hardcore changes from Normal?


I'm afraid to say that the terminology used in Workshops, apparently for convenience and brevity,

has not made the settings intuitive, IMHO.

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