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I am a happy user of First Eagles and I just got WOE and want to mod it into a WWII sim. I read Wrench's how to posted on May 24 2007 but he says not to try to mod WOE is it is newer than version 10/06. I dont know how to tell what version I downloaded but I have downloaded the WOE_p083006 patch and would I be right in thinking that if I run this and overwrite my purchased download then the version should revert to the correct one for the modding process to be effective.


Also, there are some nice WWII birds over at Capuns site and they are for SPF1, would they be compatible with WOE? Are there any other WWII files that you would recommend that I get?

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Yes, WoE works reallly well (as my 4 ww2 installs will attest). In fact, I like it better than SF for WW2 usage. Now, if you have WoV....you should move the vietnamsea terrain folder over, as a lot of the SoWesPac terrains need the tiles from there.


What you do, is intall the game. Clean. Then, go an get the Oct 06 patch, and run it. One way to check what level you're running; don't remember if this was available in the 'clean' game or not, but down on the lower right corner of the main screen used to have a version or date stamp. Would say something like 08.??.06 (can't remember the day numbers)


The DAT birds work just fine in WoE. Don't forge to get Wolf's WW2 planes pak, pasko's F4F Wildcat...and other i'm surely forgetting


There's boatloads of maps, ground objects, ships (most of the ships you'll find at the DAT site) - vehicle at Geo's site.



kevin stein


ps: !!! one more added. that brings us up to 17 WW2 players! take that starfighter2!!! :haha:

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The DAT birds work just fine in WoE. Don't forge to get Wolf's WW2 planes pak, pasko's F4F Wildcat...and other i'm surely forgetting


There's boatloads of maps, ground objects, ships (most of the ships you'll find at the DAT site) - vehicle at Geo's site.


Thanks for that. I am interested in capturing film of Bomber fleets attacking England using Fraps. What is the link to DAT and Geo's site please.

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Hi, there. pasko's ww2 birds are good like the He-219 and of course all of a-teams models. i too love ww 2 and have several installs on mnay drives. My fav is MAW install which contains excellent menu screens and desert scenery. Also, have a TOW install or nightfighting against allied bombers. i use WOI for that but WOE patched to current standards would be good expecially the atmospherics at night.

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And don't forget the a-team Spanish Civil War mod!

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ps: !!! one more added. that brings us up to 17 WW2 players! take that starfighter2!!! :haha:


You included me in there right? :biggrin:

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