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Lunch Around the World

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for its looking is better than some foods here :yes:



It's something we export outside, all the Americas should try it, you won't be disapointed!!!

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Shift work really messes with what most people consider regular meals. I make no distinction, generally, as to particular things being designated for certain meals. It's all food to me and Breakfast is just the first meal of the day. If I could choose a preference, I would go with a RomSchnitzel with the usual sides and a Lager, but that rarely ever happens.

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Feijoada camarada!





Picanha and Maminha,mostly in the south.....






Since it's a huge country that's basically what i've eated and know about our day-by-day couisness


in nortest region we have Acarajé (potatoe mass crisped with very spicy sausage and shrimps: Aka "BigMac da Bahia"), Carne de Sol(meat that pass a long time in the sun,very good as well.), Pirão(it's dont with a lot of sausages, it can be done with Bovine meat,Fish Shrimp and anything else you see in this plate hehe)


in north is the most exotical couisness( i don't really like , but you want know :biggrin: )its the rainforest part and there gone some famous foods in Brazil....

in north we have Tacacá(wellm what you basically see...herbs and shrimps), Pupunha(a small , but delicious fruit that appears with small coconuts but, it isnt) Guaraná(another fruit, very delicious but where i live is hard to found it "in-natura")Açaí(a fruit that we usually eat as energetic meal, after workout and etc, we usually mix with strawberry,Granola,Banana and Guaraná)and Peixe na Telha(Fish with tons of things and special north sausages).


And the Meal that represent the national feeling:

Feijoada(it's basically Black Beans with pork inside....from foot to bacon, with ears etc etc... it used to be the slaves food but now everybody eat it)

an, the traditions says we eat it evey saturday, better with beer and best with beer and Soccer game on tv, and much better with women


as for the south region:

and the Churrasco that's what TX3RN0BILL said, picanha, maminha...(Barbecue)

and the Churrasco de chão(Ground barbecue) it's from Gaúcho culture(a feeling common shared with South Brazilians, Argentineans and Uruguayans.


Poor vegetarians :no:

Pobrezinhos sem jeito! Nao e'!

Edited by Jug

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C5, that's scary.


Mine is whatever the school offers.


No, the fact you are eating the school lunch is scarier.

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Feijoada camarada!





Picanha and Maminha,mostly in the south.....






Since it's a huge country that's basically what i've eated and know about our day-by-day couisness


in nortest region we have Acarajé (potatoe mass crisped with very spicy sausage and shrimps: Aka "BigMac da Bahia"), Carne de Sol(meat that pass a long time in the sun,very good as well.), Pirão(it's dont with a lot of sausages, it can be done with Bovine meat,Fish Shrimp and anything else you see in this plate hehe)


in north is the most exotical couisness( i don't really like , but you want know :biggrin: )its the rainforest part and there gone some famous foods in Brazil....

in north we have Tacacá(wellm what you basically see...herbs and shrimps), Pupunha(a small , but delicious fruit that appears with small coconuts but, it isnt) Guaraná(another fruit, very delicious but where i live is hard to found it "in-natura")Açaí(a fruit that we usually eat as energetic meal, after workout and etc, we usually mix with strawberry,Granola,Banana and Guaraná)and Peixe na Telha(Fish with tons of things and special north sausages).


And the Meal that represent the national feeling:

Feijoada(it's basically Black Beans with pork inside....from foot to bacon, with ears etc etc... it used to be the slaves food but now everybody eat it)

an, the traditions says we eat it evey saturday, better with beer and best with beer and Soccer game on tv, and much better with women


as for the south region:

and the Churrasco that's what TX3RN0BILL said, picanha, maminha...(Barbecue)

and the Churrasco de chão(Ground barbecue) it's from Gaúcho culture(a feeling common shared with South Brazilians, Argentineans and Uruguayans.


Poor vegetarians :no:



Cara, este tôpico me tá deixando com uma fome... and on top of everything, it's lunch time now!

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Cara, este tôpico me tá deixando com uma fome... and on top of everything, it's lunch time now!

Estou morrendo de fome tambem. Esta na hora prenchier minha bahiga mais uma vez.


Ssgoite (Lets go eat said real fast).

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A nice wakame/cucumber salad for starters followed by a sizzling yaki soba :ok:

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What ever I can take from the cayotes and magpies on the side of the road on the way to work.

:ph34r: CL

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Russian eggs


Hou doe,


Derk :smile:

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