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Black`s Projects Su-33UB,Su-25 WIP and more

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Sure does :smile:

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This is shaping up nicely.

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no one noticed the american stars? :-P


I have some decal bleeding .. don`t know why.. I have renamed some parts maybe it`s a result of renaming?! Does someone know the answer?

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I like it soooo much!will be the su-33 in the pipeline too?

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no one noticed the american stars? :-P


I have some decal bleeding .. don`t know why.. I have renamed some parts maybe it`s a result of renaming?! Does someone know the answer?


I noticed them, and it's probably because you set the markings in the mission editor to US. If you set it to Flying Monkey Airforce but your setting it to FRIENDLY, it doesn't matter. I fly Soviet jets off the US decks and leave it as such, the main concern is you set it to FRIENDLY.


And it's pretty nice, but roll rate still suffers though..

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I haven`t changed much from erwins FM, the US markings were cause I copy paste it into the carrier take off mission from WOV ;-) But what about the decal bleeding?


first priority has the 3D .. cause still some parts has to be reworked.. and rechecked by Amokfloo cause of hirarchy. Have to contact the one you have mentioned cause of FM editing. but all step by step.. cause I`m realy busy with RL.

But thanks for reply ;-)

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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THe only thing I can possibly think of is just how the default location is setup, as opposed to TW's engine has it. more than likely it's set at the "default" setting for decals, hence the bleed?

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I can send you a newer version later this week or next week so you can take a look on it. Not realy sure when cause of RL projects... damn my car broke last saturday so I have a new priority list..

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No problems, and you got a PSD template? Or do I have to make my own?

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Looking good. Look forward to it.

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Guest F-16CJ
Does someone have some ideas for the loadout?


Around the outermost wing pylons 2:R-73/R-73M2/R-74 X2 Or X4



R-77 X2

Kh-31A2 X2 Or X4

Kh-59MK X2



Kh-58/58U X2

Kh-59MK2 X2 Or X4

R-77 X2









Kh-59MK X2 Or X4

R-77 X4 Or X6


Do not know if this line can not :no:

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You have to remember that like the Su-33, it would only be able to launch and bring back so much on a carrier, so it's loadouts shouldn't be as large as an Su-34's, or any land based Flanker for that matter.

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Hey Blackbird? Is this an all new model? If not, how'd you get the arrestor hook animation working?

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Got the updated version.. Roll just a tad "tighter" and she should be okay. Kinda like the Super Hornet in our early stages of development, but a couple adjustments, and she'd be good to go.

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This is a complete new model, with new animations and ... with many new rebuild parts.


thx for the loadout stuff, will see how it works ingame ;-)

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This is a complete new model, with new animations and ... with many new rebuild parts.


Damn... lol I was hoping I could graft it to some land locked planes like the Gripen. :biggrin:

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Nope sorry, will work on this plane a bit, it needs some folding wings, FM tuning and maybe a pit repaint, than it`s ready to go!

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thanks for clearing that up, I'd been having pretty much the same idea as SayWhat.... navalised hawker hunters :blush2:



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