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i fight by 1

Problem with Fight Bowl map...

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Never heard of it, nor does the pic help much.


What are those blue trails under the crescent shape?

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It's a sad face crying....I think :rofl:

Edited by johnrey

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It's called "The Fighter Bowl", and it looks like someone need to read the readme that come with it


The accident report would state "we observed the missing runway" .... cat pointer; all detailed in the aforementioned readme



kevin stein

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The first rule about Fight Bowl is, you don't talk about Fight Bowl.

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The first rule about Fight Bowl is, you don't talk about Fight Bowl.




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It's called "The Fighter Bowl", and it looks like someone need to read the readme that come with it


The accident report would state "we observed the missing runway" .... cat pointer; all detailed in the aforementioned readme



kevin stein





Oooh, and guess who that map was made by >_<


BTW Great map I reccomend it to everybody :D

Edited by i fight by 1

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has anyone ACTUALY flown over this in multi-player?? Just curiious to know if/how well it works...and if anyone has 'found' the 2 easter eggs...



kevin stein

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has anyone ACTUALY flown over this in multi-player?? Just curiious to know if/how well it works...and if anyone has 'found' the 2 easter eggs...



kevin stein


I'ver only played it in Single player, I've searched for the Easter eggs, might've found em but been to stupid to realize it >_<

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