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must see video on Middleeast crisis

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I kno that we at combatace try to keep politics out of this great forum but i was watching this video on youtube and it struck a very sensitive not within me. As someof you know I was bron in Israel and consider myself a stron zionist. It greatly saddens me to see that my homeland is remaining as a battlefield and place for blood shed. The massive lose of life on both sides to me seems unexceptable.

Anyways this video created by a palastinian shoes the real situation in the gaza strip. It shoes how the arabs are not the enemy and how they themselvs are being tormented by a fanatic few




(dave if this video is inapropriate feel free to remove it)

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The hardest thing for a country facing unconventional warfare with only conventional means open to them is that inevitably, human shields will be harmed in the process of eliminating the threat. This only causes more support for the unconventional forces. How to get the people on the ground to realise the root cause of their hurt is much, much more complex than they have been taught to believe is the real problem. People are blinkered to simplistic views, all Jews are Zionists*, all Muslims are suicide bombers, neither is true of course, but unfortunately truth hurts more than the simple us and them mentality.


* not that even half of those who bandy this term around as synonymous with racial superiority and world domination really understand what the concept refers to anyway.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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* not that even half of those who bandy this term around as synonymous with racial superiority and world domination really understand what the concept refers to anyway.



Yeah, I think the stupidest thing I ever heard was the phrase, "***** power!!" (insert which ever color you like),,not sure if I can even explain how stupid that sounds,

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It works if you use "AC" or "DC" though. :wink:

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for me they don't pass a bunch of assholes that aren't intrested in peace, i'm not sure if IDF really like to spend thousands of million dollars just to see palestinean people dying by they will.

in my view the first intrested in peace is Israel, but as we follow here....don't negotiate with terrorist...who tried in the past failed.


Also some big countries that feel Israel as a thread are paying to this Irregular war, Like Iran and Syria.

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It's a vicious cycle both want to end, but can't. It's not going to until everyone on both sides recognizes a common humanity and ends the demonization. But stubborn extremist on both ends insist on the destruction of the other. The whole destruction of Israel mantra is pointless, Israel isn't going anywhere. What's needed is a non violent (ghandi or MLK style) movement to get Israel's treatment towards the palestinians to change.

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It's a vicious cycle both want to end, but can't. It's not going to until everyone on both sides recognizes a common humanity and ends the demonization. But stubborn extremist on both ends insist on the destruction of the other. The whole destruction of Israel mantra is pointless, Israel isn't going anywhere. What's needed is a non violent (ghandi or MLK style) movement to get Israel's treatment towards the palestinians to change.



But Israels current government is nearly the opposite of what israel (and the whole region) needs right now...

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Add this to the must see "TV"


ohh and Shaolin.. don't involve politics, come on..

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do we need to remember who build those tunnels , by Arafat's will?

and btw, Israel isn't the only government involved on this...

Edited by Silverbolt

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The novel Sum of All Fears begins with exactly that...the Palestinians adopting Ghandi's tactics. Of course, it's total fiction as the Palestinians seem unable to understand that everyone doesn't think like them and if they do stuff like that it would work. :grin: Funny how they're so willing to die to take out a few "Zionists", but they're never willing to die to take out no one.

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Thanks for the video, Nesher. As a fervant student of history I appreciate the full perspective. I'm sure there were plenty of Germans who were victimized by their leadership from 1933 to 1945. That's why there is the ten percent rule. You know, that ten percent that ruin it for the rest of us. There are always the innocent victims that will be forced to pay because they have no choice. It didn't stop us from destroying our enemies by 1945 and nothing has changed in warfare except that we tend to kill fewer "noncombatants" then our enemy does. A fact that seems to be ignored by too many people these days.

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Actually its more like 1% that ruin it for the rest of us.

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