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Guest a10boar

Europe as a bigger terrain

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Guest a10boar

Now I know that as WOE stock terrain doesn't really allow SAC bomber bases to be placed because,there is no England,Spain,France and etc.So,my question is "Can we merge terrains to make WOE bigger on one map to have a true Europe for getting us who love to carpet bomb?"Might be asking alot but,if Cold War did go "Hot",it would be SAC that did more of the bombing?Could be I don't know what I'm talking about.Would love to see NATO heavy bombers being involved in WOE.Now granted,I understand that some heavy bombers would come from the USA by aid of air refueling several times to make their targets and that would be outta of question to add.In my understanding by reading,that there was some in England for readiness if the Cold War did go wrong.Anybody ever think like this or am I the only one?Placing SAC in Cold War Germany does not sound logical due to easy targets for Warsaw Pact aircraft.


Really don't mind flying the longer hours if the rewards are of plenty.Can see escort missions that are worth it also.Besides,the red side needs more targets to shoot at,coming out of USSR.Not to mention the Carrier missions from varies nations form both sides that could be added too.


Like,I could be just a dreamer but,a hell of a dreamer I am.

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Check the Works In Progress thread, as if I remember correctly, hgbn is working on an Europe Map. Personally I'd be happy with just Germany (WOE) and a real Norway terrain. But I guess the rest can fit in too :smile:

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Guest a10boar
Check the Works In Progress thread, as if I remember correctly, hgbn is working on an Europe Map. Personally I'd be happy with just Germany (WOE) and a real Norway terrain. But I guess the rest can fit in too :smile:


Well,that's far out man!And that's going to be superb for what is needed.Thank you!

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Not to mention, The old EAW converted Terrain for SF done by Keith Bedford has Much of England and most of Europe in it's Map.....

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Guest a10boar
Not to mention, The old EAW converted Terrain for SF done by Keith Bedford has Much of England and most of Europe in it's Map.....


I looked for this EAW terrain and all that's found is EAW update and EAW tileset.Triple checked and don't see it.

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Guest a10boar




Just wanted to show that I got close to what I wanted too from all the suggestions recieved. Having problems w/B-52's not showing their pylons.The racks are there but no pylons.Got to figure that out too.


Anyhow,SAC in EAW!

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Wasn't stary working in an update for it with wrench?


I was helping Wrench with the EAW-based version, an around 1950 rebuild but we ran into serious problems, which, without texturelist.ini used to build it originally in Terrain Editor, prevented us from sealing the "leaks" (as I call these) in ground textures set -the white or randomly swapping tiles all over the place, also something with the water on waterless areas, weird :dntknw:

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yah, we/I was attempting a 4 seasons reabuild, as all the seasons exist as seperate terrains.


So, if Edward or Keith stop in here, maybe they'll see this and give us access to the texturelist ini. Otherwise, you get 4 whole terrains to play with....



kevin stein

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I was helping Wrench with the EAW-based version, an around 1950 rebuild but we ran into serious problems, which, without texturelist.ini used to build it originally in Terrain Editor, prevented us from sealing the "leaks" (as I call these) in ground textures set -the white or randomly swapping tiles all over the place, also something with the water on waterless areas, weird :dntknw:


Hey stary, what do you recommend for a tree mod on this terrain? Are there any compatible "snow dusted" trees that will work with the hard winter version of this terrain. Should look pretty nice with the right trees, the heavy snowfall mod and the Lex Luther sky/sun mods.

Edited by Icarus999

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Wrench do you have this texturelist? Attach...



I have a working eaw terrain, no weird stuff happening :)

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Hey stary, what do you recommend for a tree mod on this terrain? Are there any compatible "snow dusted" trees that will work with the hard winter version of this terrain. Should look pretty nice with the right trees, the heavy snowfall mod and the Lex Luther sky/sun mods.


I think the ones from winter season should work just fine, but require renaming of tods from GermanyCE naming format to EAW one. Not to mention the need to include new trees textures pointers in terrain data.ini


Also there are some nice in Ansons (?) Norway terrain

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Guest a10boar



Bases are looking better.Still,working on changing .tod files over to EAW format and not going so well for those gracious tree effects.Think I'll leave this alone for now until pick up more information on how to do this.So,thanks for everybody that replied and look forward to more progress. :yes:


BTW,I used the B-52 3.0 install in Oct2008b WoE and those pics was the result.Know now the pylons will need to be "modeled" on the a/c.Thanks for reply,FC on this subject. :good:

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Thanks Brain!!!



kevin stein

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The ThirdWire B-52D does not have pylons.




The B-52 update pack 3.0's README mentioned something about fixing the wing pylons and bomb racks. However, I've never seen any LODs for the mentioned pylons.


I dunno...

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having the texturelist is a HUGE help!!!!


Brain32: :worship:


having run the terrain through the editor, saved, updating the data ini for all the postpatch effects and such like, and testing in my 'don't know what to do with all this stuff' install, we get the screenie below... a big improvement!!!


now, all that's really necessary is to re-do every tga tile, to remove the glitch effect seen by replacing all the alpha channels.... (only a hundred and summpin' tiles...for each of the 4 seasons, total) But the 'leakage' has stopped.


could use each of the airfields retiled to a 'clear' zone (grass field -- which means editing some of my existing grassfield2-whatever.bmp), not in the middle of fields and such like ... and targeting improvements..needs more targets!!!! :rofl: which means, probably, 'moving' the airfields a bit as needed, as the 0 point of the runway never matches the tile locations!!


Don't expect ANYTHING for months, but now we have something to work with, that WORKS!!!



kevin stein

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Always liked the EAW map. Had some odd targets though.

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well, i wish we could have an EAW update like stary did with GermanyCE, but each europe city with its singularity, like the eifel tower in paris,the triumph arch, etc ,etc..

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well, i wish we could have an EAW update like stary did with GermanyCE, but each europe city with its singularity, like the eifel tower in paris,the triumph arch, etc ,etc..


Creating famous architectural objects wouldn't be that hard, ok, maybe hard, but very time consuming. The PIA would be creating close to real life major roads, urban areas (with many, many custom city textures and .tod files) and rivers layout etc.






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