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Madness in the Netherlands

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I just saw this today, terrible loss of life.


Salute to those that died.




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The 38 year old man who did this died of his wounds this night.

He was conscious when the car crashed into the memorial, and stated

he aimed for the Dutch Royal family. He raced his Suzuki through the crowd

of which a dozen are wounded, and five died.


The 30th of April is the birthday of the former queen, now a national

day of festivities in which the Royals are central. We Dutch are so happy with

our Oranje family! next to that it is my birthday, too. I quit the festivities in honour

of the victims of this horrid and useless tragedy.


In the past, this was the day all of NL was a happy place full of parties and without

worries, I am afraid this madman's act will change this for ever....

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Every single person who were killed or injured in this madness should be awarded with the highest decoration Holland has to offer. If they had not been hit and slowed down the vehicle, then he would had hit the bus. Just hoped that Idiot died in BIG TIME Pain

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I can't imagine what that moron hoped to accomplish. It's not like they were absolute rulers and the country obeyed their every whim regardless of the will of the people.

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I can't imagine what that moron hoped to accomplish.


It's called having a screw loose. 

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Now now, he may not have been crazy. He could just have been profoundly stupid.

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RIP to the victims that died and get get well to injured people


Guy has to Crazy has hell to do this stuip thing.

Every single person who were killed or injured in this madness should be awarded with the highest decoration Holland has to offer. If they had not been hit and slowed down the vehicle, then he would had hit the bus. Just hoped that Idiot died in BIG TIME Pain


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Our "Koninginnedag" (or Day of the Monarchy), where literally millions of people in the big towns as well in the tiniest

villages would celebrate in small and very big parties, with everyone wearing orange, and where the Royal Family would attend in two places somewhere in the country, will never be completely the same again. The Queen was practically in tears when she adressed the people during a short speech at the television yesterday evening.....

Number of dead is seven now with maybe more to come. And except for one (the killer) all completely senseless. Life can be cruel.


Derk :mad:

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