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Epic-Geek Review

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Pretty fair review.

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Interesting comparison of Rise of Flight and OFF to actors John Wayne and Clark Gable respectively.

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Yeah. Pretty nice review! And the actor comparison was very nice :biggrin:

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Yes, I thought that was all in all very fair and interesting! (though I can't see how ROF can be compared to OFF, when it isn't available yet?)

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Yes, I thought that was all in all very fair and interesting! (though I can't see how ROF can be compared to OFF, when it isn't available yet?)


Definately a fair review. Why he had to mention RoF, I agree, but in the end, look like he made the right point about Gable, as Wayne never served in the Military... so that in itself is a very good compliment.



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I like the last line of that review, said about "Over Flanders Fields": Nothing will ever top that!

And now, back to the cockpits, gentlemen!...

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Definately a fair review. Why he had to mention RoF, I agree, but in the end, look like he made the right point about Gable, as Wayne never served in the Military... so that in itself is a very good compliment.




I had to mention Rise of Flight because it is the most direct competition to OFF. My friend who made the actor comment already has ROF . Granted he lives in St. Petersburg so that really its a mute point here. Now to sim enthusiasts like yourselves, none of this matters. OFF will always have the stigma of being a conversion of an older game whose disks are required for play. OFF overcomes that by showing you the whole war from begining to end and the lives of the pilots. Rise of Flight has the stigma of Not showing you the whole war, but ROF is its own original game that and is the only pruchase you need to have WWI flying fun. Time will prove if my assumptions in the review are correct.

Edited by JBALL

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I had to mention Rise of Flight because it is the most direct competition to OFF. My friend who made the actor comment already has ROF . Granted he lives in St. Petersburg so that really its a mute point here. Now to sim enthusiasts like yourselves, none of this matters. OFF will always have the stigma of being a conversion of an older game whose disks are required for play. OFF overcomes that by showing you the whole war from begining to end and the lives of the pilots. Rise of Flight has the stigma of Not showing you the whole war, but ROF is its own original game that and is the only pruchase you need to have WWI flying fun. Time will prove if my assumptions in the review are correct.


Aha!..that explains it!...lol... Insider info eh? :biggrin:


I really enjoyed reading the review.

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A good review me thinks...well spoken and a fair account and he actualy played it. you can't ask much more than that.

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Yes, I thought that was all in all very fair and interesting! (though I can't see how ROF can be compared to OFF, when it isn't available yet?)


It does not need to be available: I have also a comparison of both as I took part in the beta testing of RoF. So there are possibilities to know both even if it is not out in the Western countries yet. Unfortunately I have to keep my observations disclosed because of the NDA. Some sort of biting on your tongue all the day :shout:

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Fair review-- I'd hate to be a first time newbie learning against this AI and sim: it's very challenging. Having a lot of experience under my belt at this point though, I love it.

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I had to mention Rise of Flight because it is the most direct competition to OFF. My friend who made the actor comment already has ROF . Granted he lives in St. Petersburg so that really its a mute point here. Now to sim enthusiasts like yourselves, none of this matters. OFF will always have the stigma of being a conversion of an older game whose disks are required for play. OFF overcomes that by showing you the whole war from begining to end and the lives of the pilots. Rise of Flight has the stigma of Not showing you the whole war, but ROF is its own original game that and is the only pruchase you need to have WWI flying fun. Time will prove if my assumptions in the review are correct.


Oh, hello... you wrote it? Thanks, it was a good review. Welcome to the OFF Forum. :)


We appreciate all due fairness and honesty. It was all we ever asked for from day 1. We hope that you continue to 'grow' with OFF and see it for what it was meant to be... immersion and atmosphere.


And you never know... apparently according to the Boss (Winder), our next version has some surprises in store for everyone... what they are I have NO idea, but apparently they do. So well all find out together. :ok:

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It does not need to be available: I have also a comparison of both as I took part in the beta testing of RoF. So there are possibilities to know both even if it is not out in the Western countries yet. Unfortunately I have to keep my observations disclosed because of the NDA. Some sort of biting on your tongue all the day :shout:


Bad Gremlin... bad, bad, bad Gremlin!! How dare you keep info from us, poor, unfortunate souls. Your luck WF2 is MIA, otherwise I'd tell her to interrogate you in her own 'special' way... but after that.. you'd be of no use to any of us anyway!!! :biggrin:


All the best,



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Bad Gremlin... bad, bad, bad Gremlin!! How dare you keep info from us, poor, unfortunate souls. Your luck WF2 is MIA, otherwise I'd tell her to interrogate you in her own 'special' way... but after that.. you'd be of no use to any of us anyway!!! :biggrin:


All the best,




Lol, James ...

I think in this special case here she would be my wing(wo)man :flyer: rather than my interrogator :diablo:


You will find out anyway about RoF. It is just a matter of time.



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You will find out anyway about RoF. It is just a matter of time.




Yes , I look forward to comments and reviews. But I hope enough people tell Nequab? that their policy of being online at all times to play the sim will lose them many sales.

I won't buy it under those circumstances, and nor will many others it seems. Every time someone at the Simhq site says the same thing, there are attempts by supporters, who wish for no negative comments of any kind, to try to shunt off the post/ thread as a so called DRM issue. Talk about fanboys!


I speculate that their sales will not be as many as expected and so they will have to drop the online requirement.


Frankly, that is my hope! - so that i can buy the sim and play it. It does look very good.

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