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Herr Prop-Wasche

Intermediate DM 1.6 for BHaH campaign now available

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Well done you two!


I love the damage pics on the Alb...bit more like P1 was...And any damage is good damage...don't see enough in P3 (IMO)


Keep up the good work

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Hello again, fellow fly-boys and fly-girls!


I am working on another revision to my DM and hope to have it ready shortly. Basically, it is just a tweak of the Intermediate DM, with some damage values increased and some decreased. Here are the main revisions (currently in testing):

  • pilot hit points increased from 60 to 70
  • aileron cables increased from 30 to 40 (original hardcore value)
  • elevators, rudder, and stabilizer hit points decreased approximately 15%

I am also thinking about increasing the hit points for the oil and coolant reservoirs by about 15%. In theory, this may make the engines slightly more resistant to early loss of torque and RPM's, hopefully resulting in fewer AI craft slowly drifting into the dirt after being hit because of the inability of the weakened engine to provide enough lift. However, this potential revision is still VERY early in the testing process, as in I haven't actually started testing it yet!


The really exciting news is that Fortiesboy and I have been independently experimenting with the threshold values and we are getting some good results combining them with both the hardcore DM and my IDM. We have been in contact with the OBD team and they have indicated they are open to a possible mod of the hardcore DM containing these changes, which should result in improved visual damage modeling. An IDM with identical changes to the threshold values is also possible. However, this is all very hush, hush, so no promises! :wink:

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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Will try and get a couple of mp pilots together and test out in a session....


Will let you know how we make out..


Thanks for all your hard work..

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Thanks, SD. I'd like to try MP myself, but my flying skills are pfffft and I don't have TrackIR or a microphone.


However, since you have kindly offered to try my DM, I think I can throw my hard earned cash towards a cheap microphone, install Teamspeak, and join you Sunday if you can get a session up. I'm also curious to see if the IDM will work in MP.

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Your mod is definitely making combat more exciting by showing more damage on the planes. I like it. It would be great to see these changes make their way into the official content. :good:

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Thanks, SD. I'd like to try MP myself, but my flying skills are pfffft and I don't have TrackIR or a microphone.


However, since you have kindly offered to try my DM, I think I can throw my hard earned cash towards a cheap microphone, install Teamspeak, and join you Sunday if you can get a session up. I'm also curious to see if the IDM will work in MP.


im in edt (boston),,,so all you have to do is give me an approximiate time for you, and ill let you know if its good for me or not...


I did schedule a session for 2pm edt, (dont know where you are, so not sure what time that is for u)...


and gettting a cheap mic is close to throwing your money away,,,a mic/speaker combo in multiplayer is difficult.....too much feedback....if there is a walmart near you, they have a nice cyperacoustics headphone/mic combo for 18 bucks....

Edited by sitting_duck

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I will check the mic/headphones out. I am on eastern time zone, but 2 PM is no good for me today being Father's day and all. Maybe later in the afternoon, around 5 PM?

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PW has done a lot of work on his intermediate DM whereas most of my recent mods have been

carried out on the Hardcore DM. I have grown to like it so much since I started to use it a few days ago that I have restricted my changes to the threshold values and i have left the Damage Boxes

of the hardcore DM alone. ( except in only changing one value in each of two models.)


The reason I want to keep the Damage Box values of the Hardcore DM unmodded is the brilliant way

in which it allows you, the player, to sustain some hits, yet still fly enough to land safely,

or in some instances carry on fighting.

Example - This morning I was testing whether one of my modded planes ( DVll) would still retain this hardcore ability if hit- so i allowed it to be so, by a Pup, and then i carried on fighting although black smoke was pouring from my plane.

I followed the Pup Ace down and i was getting behind him to give him some back when my engine spluttered, and then stopped.

No wonder, no oil left I suppose- I managed to land out and as i did so he found me and started to clobber me again,

but my wheels got safely on the ground and so he chivalrously broke away .!

What a sim, eh ?


So PW's and my efforts are really taking different paths, it seems. I am concentrating on modding the TVs of different planes in the Hardcore DM, and i hope to do most if not all of the QC ones. They all have different TVs, in some the wings are damaged more than others, and in others there are more instances of fire. I shall submit them to Polovski, who may or may not wish to incorporate them

into some sort of patch. or offering of some sort.


Some of you may wish to stay with PWs DM- He is more than welcome to use my TVs if he wishes- but it seems that with his work, and my efforts, you have got quite a choice . You may of course stay with the vanilla Hardcore or Normal DM - You're spoilt for choice! :biggrin:


In the meantime, I will post in my other thread some more xdp files for you to try, including a couple of rear gunner ships.

I've tried to make the rear gunners less Uber ( by making them more vulnerable to your fire )..

Anyway, have a go- no obligation. But I know PW and myself would like some feedback - favourable or otherwise, on what you find. if using our efforts.





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ok,,that sounds good,,,will still have a mp session up at 2 for some other players, but will plan to be back on at 5ish.


will post game in mp forum

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ok,,,,ive looked several times,,,and cant find the file,,,,,and a google on the file id didnt bring up anything either,,,


am i having a blond day?\\


ok...seems this subject is on 2 threads.....and ive been looking at the older of the two.....(ie,,this one,,,)


this is the current one,,,http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=41821


but, this thread says there is a intdm1.6 file available,,,is that still true? or do we have to get the xml files for the planes individually as the newer thread seems to indicate...?

Edited by sitting_duck

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Gents and Gentleladies,


Just a note to let anyone know who might have missed it that I have just finished work on a revision to my Intermediate damage model and that it is now available for download on the OFF 3rd party mods forum. Version 2.0 is contained in a zip file named IDM2_0.zip. Version 2.0 is a completely reworked version of my Intermediate Damage Model, intended for use in QC battles only. A version for the entire campaign may also become available sometime in the near future.


Changes from 1.6 to 2.0 include a slight increase in hit points to the wings, aileron cables, and the oil reservoir; along with reductions in hit points to the rudder and elevators. However, the most significant change in v2.0 of the IDM is the addition of enhanced damage effects! Depending on the severity of the damage, aircraft will now display not only bullet holes, but also rips and tears, oil and coolant leaks, exposed wing spars, and broken wing tips. Entire wings may break off, and fires and engine explosions will also be seen on rare occasions! In addition to the enhanced graphics, damaged aircraft should also display more varied and realistic behavior. Aircraft that drift sedately into the ground after being hit are now hopefully a thing of the past.


I have worked for a long time implementing and testing these changes and am very proud of the results. I hope you enjoy using the mod as much as I have enjoyed making it. A special thanks to OBD for their help and encouragement in the making of this mod. I also want to thank Fortiesboy for allowing me to bounce ideas off of him. This mod would not have been possible without their help and assistance.


Salute! :flyer:

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I'll pass on this one as I never fly QC. I will continue to use your intermediate DM 1.6 in my campaigns though. It's the best DM available IMHO. :clapping:

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Great news! I hope to see this one become available also for the campaign. Your DM mod is an excellent addition to an already great sim.

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Just to update you guys fully on the possibilities of enhanced visible damage.


Yesterday I submitted to Polovski a set of xdp files for the Hardcore DM model. These files increase the visible damage to the enemy aircraft.


As Polovski says above, because the files are for "squad" aircraft, the devs are able to use a tool to make all the planes of those models which use those xdp files.

Thus, it should be possible to use them in Campaign as well as in QC.


I have asked Polovski to evaluate them and to consider issuing a patch for download and install in a manner similar to how the Normal and Hardcore DMs are installed now.


I appreciate that some may have refrained from using the QC xdp files, previously made available for download, because they fear messing up an already "good" installation. But if the devs can kindly see their way to issue this download, it should be as simple as swapping between the Normal and Hardcore DM versions, as is done now.


To clear up any possible confusion as to the versions done by Prop-Wasche and myself, the position is that both he and I have been modding the OFF damage. It was initially intended to produce a joint enterprise, but our different ideas could not be incorporated into one endeavour, so we each have prepared our own.


Prop-wasche has altered the DM so that his becomes a third DM, an Intermediate, with some enhanced visible damage.


Mine is where i have created enhanced visible damage to the Hardcore DM as issued by the Devs.


Prop wasche and I have become mates during our many PMs in these endeavours, and we both hope that you chaps out there will have the choice to use one or more of our DMs.

In fact, as the devs now give you the ability to swap back and forth between Normal and Hardcore DM, so it is hoped that you will be able to do that with ours :biggrin:


If anyone wants any clarification, he or she is welcome to PM me.


I'd just like to add that it has been long drawn out testing and amending -testing and amending.etc

Good fun, but very time consuming.

It has made me appreciate the terrific amount of work and hours which must have been put in by Winder,Polovski et al, to create this sim in the first place. It is, and always will be, a Classic.


I also want to thank them for allowing us to "play" with their sim- to indulge our "tweakitis" Lol







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Thanks guys, busy on the patch at the moment as I say- but when I get time I'll make two sets and send them back to you and you can post them here for people to try and feedback. Proper feedback will be important on this for sure, maybe a Poll or something with it.

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There does seem to be some confusion as to which is which. Maybe when this is sorted out there could be a damage version indicator in workshop so we know which we're using. I know I loaded one of them and really enjoy it in campaign. I think it's FB's but now I'm not sure whether it's that or PW's .

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Unfortunately we can't make the manager know about 3rd party mods and tell you which it is using. Would be too hard to keep up to date etc.


It's very easy just to re-install whichever DM, and then you know you are using it ;)

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Mr. L,


You can easily tell which version you are using by opening up the xdp file for the Alb_DIII_QC1 with a text editor and looking at the value for wing hit points. 104 is the hardcore DM, 78 is the Intermediate DM, and 52 is the Normal DM.


Right now, there are no "enhanced damage effects" for the campaign. However, if you are flying QC only, you can see if you are using the original OFF settings by looking in the threshold values section of the xdp file, and noting the values for the "Left Wing Structure" or the "Right Wing Structure." If there are 3 values of 100, you are using the original OFF version. My version has a maximum value of 75 for either the left or right wing structure, and FB's are somewhat lower than that.


An alternative to the above procedure is to simply look at the dates of the xdp file. Tell me the date and I can probably tell you which DM you are using.

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It's always a good idea to use back up, for most computer changes that you may do.


In the case of these DMs, most folks will know whether they are running the Devs Normal or Hardcore DM.


So- a suggestion. If you have plenty of Hard drive space - ( many have an external hard drive ),

Copy the "aircraft" folder from the installation into a folder named as appropriate Eg OFF3 Hardcore..


Change the DM to Normal ? Make another copy of the aircraft folder.


( I know that at the moment the devs have a much quicker way to change between these TWO DMs, but my suggestion is if you want to go further and use other DMs etc )


You can do the same after any alteration ( e.g. Intermediate DM- or changing some xdp files of mine in the hardcore DM )


So, you may finish up with 4 or so "aircraft" folders- No problem, if you have the space.


If you are ever confused as to what you are flying , just copy one into your CFSWWl folder -lol

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Hello PW


Should we anticipate a new Intermediate DM release to match the new V1.31L MINIPATCH with the corresponding HardCore and Normal DM updated files?



Edited by OlPaint01

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Good to hear from you, OlPaint1!


V2.0 of the IDM for QC can be used with the 1.31L minipatch. Simply apply the patch, then reapply v2.0 of the IDM. All of the damage points and threshold values you need are contained in the 2.0 zip file.


As far as a version for the campaign, I am waiting to hear from Fortiesboy regarding a proposal I made to him about combining our two patches. I think our two patches are similar enough that we might be able to make a mod in which some of the planes have "his" DM while others have "my" DM, thus simulating slight differences in quality of workmanship, age, mechanical condition, etc. of the aircraft. Winder also dropped a hint about a dynamic DM that I don't know anything about. In other words, our DM work is not yet done and I think it may only get better!! :drinks_drunk:

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Winder also dropped a hint about a dynamic DM that I don't know anything about. In other words, our DM work is not yet done and I think it may only get better!! :drinks_drunk:


A Dynamic Damage Model so the amount of hits it took to take down a plane would not always be exactly the same? That would be an outstanding way to simulate different quality worksmanship or if a plane had already suffered some structural weakness due to stress, lack of proper maintenance, etc. Obviously no promises have been made, nor do I expect any. But that is a remarkably amazing idea to add further to the immersion of the game. Am I facing a rookie in a poorly built aircraft or an ACE in a top quality machine? I guess I won't know until the bullets start to fly. That just adds to the excitement of each encounter.



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Well this raises a question from me. Will the IM damage model even work under the new patch? I'm using hardcore DM right now because we just finished MP, but tonight I wanted to go back and install the IM for my single players campaign. Is installing the 1.6 intermediate damage model for campaign going to cause any problems under the new patch? :dntknw:

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The only changes that the new patch makes to the xdp files is the FOV settings, I believe, so it should be compatible with 1.6. The only thing I would suggest is to apply 1.6 after you have installed the patch. Then, before flying, go into workshop and press the FOV button to get the new default OFF FOV settings.


I'll test this out myself and report back.

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Yep, 1.6 works with the new patch. Here again is the procedure: 1) apply the patch. 2) reapply 1.6 for campaign. 3) Play OFF as usual. If you wish to fly MP, whether using the normal DM or the IDM, simply reset the FOV by pressing the FOV button in workshop.

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