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Herr Prop-Wasche

Intermediate DM 1.6 for BHaH campaign now available

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Yep, 1.6 works with the new patch. Here again is the procedure: 1) apply the patch. 2) reapply 1.6 for campaign. 3) Play OFF as usual. If you wish to fly MP, whether using the normal DM or the IDM, simply reset the FOV by pressing the FOV button in workshop.


Great news!


Thanks for checking.

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Version 2.1 of the IDM for both QC and campaign, is now available for download from the 3rd party mods and download forum! This mod includes a revised damage model, with enhanced damage effects, for ALL of the aircraft currently included in OFF 1.31L. Simply download the IDM_2_1_For Campaign.zip file and unzip to your \OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.


I would like to thank Pol and OBD software for their help and assistance in the development of this mod. Note: although this mod is intended for use in the full campaign, it has been tested mainly in QC mode. Therefore, please report any problems or strange AI behavior in this thread.


Finally, do not fear that my modding of the DM is at an end! I am also contemplating an additional update to the mod which will include a number of slightly different DM's for each aircraft type currently available in OFF. These DM variations would be intended to simulate slight differences in aircraft behavior due to variations in manufacturing, age, maintenance, wear, etc. I don't yet have an ETA for this mod but will keep everyone informed as events warrant.


Thank you for using my mod. I hope it adds to your enjoyment of OFF--if indeed, such a thing is possible!

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Hello PW


The download managers must still be "vet'n" the file. I cannot find it on the download section...



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Hey PW


Found it, Downloaded it, Installed it. I may be up all night Flying Sorties. Outstanding is all I can say about it. Great Job!



Edited by OlPaint01

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Version 2.1 of the IDM for both QC and campaign, is now available for download from the 3rd party mods and download forum! This mod includes a revised damage model, with enhanced damage effects, for ALL of the aircraft currently included in OFF 1.31L. Simply download the IDM_2_1_For Campaign.zip file and unzip to your \OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.


I would like to thank Pol and OBD software for their help and assistance in the development of this mod. Note: although this mod is intended for use in the full campaign, it has been tested mainly in QC mode. Therefore, please report any problems or strange AI behavior in this thread.


Finally, do not fear that my modding of the DM is at an end! I am also contemplating an additional update to the mod which will include a number of slightly different DM's for each aircraft type currently available in OFF. These DM variations would be intended to simulate slight differences in aircraft behavior due to variations in manufacturing, age, maintenance, wear, etc. I don't yet have an ETA for this mod but will keep everyone informed as events warrant.


Thank you for using my mod. I hope it adds to your enjoyment of OFF--if indeed, such a thing is possible!


Thank you for your work on this. The readme makes it sound like a very impressive piece of work. Already d/l'ed and installed. Will be giving it a test run this weekend - I hope.

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Thank you for your work on this. The readme makes it sound like a very impressive piece of work. Already d/l'ed and installed. Will be giving it a test run this weekend - I hope.

Not that impressive, I'm afraid. Mainly a lot of slogging around with the files. Still, let me know how you like it!

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Does this damage mod affect your plane, the AI planes, or both?

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Hey, great to see you develop your excellent mod so quickly. I'm going to download it ASAP and give it a try in campaign. IDM 1.6 has so far worked perfectly in my OFF, so there should be no reason why this new version wouldn't be the same. :yes:

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Hopefully, both!


Thanks, Prop-Wasche :biggrin: . looking forward to giving this a try.

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So, if I get this right, PW's dm mod is for damage and FortiesBoy's is for damage effects? I can't seem to see the forest for the trees.

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Unfortunately I don't like this one as much as the 1.6 ver. Each and every enemy plane I down sheds the bottom wing, everytime. Seems almost comical. I don't think this should happen every time, should it?

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No, it should not happen every time. I was aiming for the wings to stay on most of the time, so you may have found a glitch. However, you are probably a better shot than I am, so you might be seeing effects that I may have missed. As I said, most of my testing has been in QC. It does seem that the aircraft behave slightly differently in campaign. Either the aircraft are more fragile or the AI are better shots!


Incidentally, getting the wings to act like I wanted them to behave was the hardest part about creating this mod. After going back and forth several times on this issue, the last thing I did before uploading the file was to weaken the wings slightly.


As an aid to identifying the problem, can you be more specific about the type of damage? Are the wings getting shot off from the root, or from the wing tip? Which planes are you seeing this from? Etc.

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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Also, make sure that IDM 2.1 is installed correctly. Do you see a readme file for 2.1 located in the OFF folder? If not, you may not have got it installed correctly.

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I followed your install instructions to the letter. Yes there's a readme in the root OFF folder. I'm flying an Axis campaign and have noticed that the entire complete lower wings, both sides, come off all the time on the Se5a and Camel. I just now completed a mission where I shot down a R.E.8 bomber and the wings did not come off. I'm using the strong gun setting in workshop. Normal just does not seem realistic to me unless you use the easy damage model.

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The IDM is intended to be used with normal bullet strength. I can't guarantee good results with bullets set to strong. OTOH, I also noticed in my campaign that wings were getting shot off more than I would like--including my own--so I will have to investigate this further. I may have to increase the strength of the wings in the campaign. It's weird, because the SE5a is one of the aircraft I extensively tested in QC, so there does seem to be some difference between QC and campaign. :stars:


Thanks for the feedback.

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I feel the normal gun setting was OK when all we had was the easy damage model. Since the introduction of the hardcore and now your intermediate damage models, the normal gun setting just doesn't feel quite right anymore with anything except the easy DM.


Add that fact that in campaign your wingmen are mostly idiots, and the normal gun setting really seems too weak.


If you want to change it, great. If not, I still have ver 1.6 or the hardcore which I can use instead. Thanks for all your hard work on this.

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I've been testing quite a bit with Prop Wasche's xdps and I haven't seen wings coming off all the time.

In fact, they are designed to come off more often in my xdps. !

However, my testing so far has been done only in QC. In that, the wings rarely come off, but what is nice is the wing damage you do see - bits of wood sticking out the ends and flapping linen as it struggles to stay airborne.

Get some good shots in close and the whole lot can go up in flames.


But nothing should happen EVERY time. It must be the Strong bullets setting, and both PW's and my damage are based on Normal strength. To be fair, that is how it should be judged. If you like Strong strength, then you may have to live with an anolomy or two as described by Winston.


There is no danger of any arcadishness (sic?) creeping in if the sim is played at or near "full real"

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I've flown a couple of missions with this new damage model using normal gun settings and have yet to see anything abnormal. None of the planes (3 in total) I've shot down while using the 2.1 in campaign mode have lost their wings, but one of them went down in flames. So far so good...

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I've had quite a few wings shot off the Albs and one that went down engulfed in flames. Interesting thing about the wings being shot off. I'm usually hammering away at the top wing due to it's size and the angel I'm attacking at, yet it's always the lower wing that drops away. I don't think I've ever seen a top wing come off except on my own plane. At any rate, the damage effects look fantastic. Great work guys, I love it!



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Glad you like the damage effect, Hellshade. You are absolutely right about the lower wing seeming to fly off much more often than the upper wing. I will have to remind myself to look out for that. There ARE separate damage values for the upper and lower wings, so they can be tweaked independently. Aren't some of the Albs sesquiplanes, like the Bebe? Maybe that's why the lower wing flies off so easily.


OTOH, in my 1918 campaign, I have noticed my AI wingmen shooting off the wings of Spad XIII's with frightening regularity, so there is something amiss.

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OTOH, in my 1918 campaign, I have noticed my AI wingmen shooting off the wings of Spad XIII's with frightening regularity, so there is something amiss.


Hmm- we could be seeing this QC and campaign thing here, or, to be more specific, Ai versus AI as opposed to player versus AI.. Ovs and myself made posts along these lines.


IOW, in dogfights where there is AI versus AI - as in campaign, obviously, - it seems to me that damage effects are more readily seen than when the Player is shooting the AI.


So, damage level settings which are about right for you as you shoot your AI enemy, may seem to be too high when you see AI around you being shot down.


This may explain the devs initial visible damage levels??---Dunno, just speculating here.


Personally, if it has to be one or the other, I'd sooner the AI kill each other spectacularly, if it means my shooting down of the EA is meaningful. IMHO it spoils YOUR dogfight if you put loads of bullets in a plane and he always goes down intact. Being a mainly QC flier, this is what motivated my modding in the first place.





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I agree with you about the AI vs AI/human vs AI distinction in combat. In further testing, I have not noticed that I have been able to blow wings off very easily; instead, it is the AI that blows both other AI, but also my wings off too easily! So, further adjustment of the xdp files may be an exercise in futility. :sad:


Instead, this may be an instance where the AI bullet stream is too accurate, allowing them to "saw off" the weak point of a wing without difficulty. The AI are also extremely proficient in severing my control cables! OBD was able to tweak the "noise factor" in the rear gunners fire; I wonder if they might consider the same small adjustment for the pilot? What is the consensus of other players?

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Duh! Just went into Workshops and looked at the main guns setting. I have mine set to normal. Apparently, this setting effects BOTH AI and player. I am going to experiment with setting this to "less accurate" and see if I notice any difference in behavior. I only wish this setting was divided into one setting for the AI and one for the human player, as I am a terrible shot!


Still, this is good news because it means the bullet accuracy settings of accurate, normal, and less accurate can be adjusted, if needed.

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