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The Order of the Red Eagle

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The Order of the Red Eagle was introduced by Prince Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg-Bayreuth

on November 17th, 1705. It's original name was "Ordre de la sincérité" (Order of Sincerity), and

it was inspired by the English "Order of the Garter", the prince had seen on a visit.

At times, it used to be the second-highest Prussian Order.


Perhaps Shredward can tell us more about it's use in WW1; I'd like to know, what makes you

get one. (Certainly NOT fighting like Olham - I never had it yet; Lol!)


[The picture of the Order is from "The Aerodrome" website - a site highly recommended to every-

one who doesn't know it yet]

Edited by Olham

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IIRC Manfred von Richthofen was the only pilot awarded this medal during the war. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.



Edited by Cameljockey

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Richthofen was presented the Order of the Red Eagle, Knight 3rd Class with Crown and Swords, for shooting down 70 enemy planes. There are six classes of the award with many, many variants. And CJ, I am quite sure you are correct Sir, Manfred was the only pilot to receive this honour in WW1.





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Paarma and Winder are working on the awards programme. It will be available "soon" :lmaosmiley:


This is a small example of the accompanying English text of what you may see:


The Roter Adlerorden, or Order of the Red Eagle, founded in 1705, was an order of chivalry of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was awarded to both military personnel and civilians, to recognize valor in combat, excellence in military leadership, long and faithful service to the kingdom, or other achievements. As with most German,and most other European orders, the Roter Adlerorden could only be awarded to commissioned officers or civilians of equivalent status.


By 1914, the Order had evolved into six classes:

* Grand Cross - typically available to male members of the royal family, members of the Order of the Black Eagle, nobility, and foreign royalty

* 1st Class - available to general officers, high nobility, and heads of foreign state

* 2nd Class - available to general officers and nobility

* 3rd Class - field grade officers and minor nobility

* 4th Class - available to company grade officers

* Medal - available to enlisted men




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Olham, how can you have 4 Iron Crosses? Now german ever received 4 of them, there were only two classes!

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Well, that's strange. I only get 2 of them. Then, after 15 kills, I get the Royal Hohenzollern House Order. After 20 kills, I get the Pour le Merite.

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Royal Hohenzollern House Order? Why do you guys get such interesting orders?

I never even saw one. Which Jasta do you fly, and which time of war?

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Well, I was gonna save this for a thread of its own, just cause its an awesome (and true) story, but since my current DiDW pilot has the Hohenzollern, I thought I'd post it for Olham's sake. Read the pilots log on the right and you will see why I was so stoked about the last mission my pilot flew.


ZZ. :biggrin:


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LOL. Good one zoomzoom. That story is definately going in your "ace bio".


That reminds me of the time I was flying a Roland, dogfighting with Nieups over the trenches. We were really low and I had one on my tail. Friendly gunners were so trigger-happy that they decided they could shoot through me to get to the Frenchman. I was shot down by our own troops.



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Great report, Zoomzoom! Without TAC, that can happen (what did the map say?)

Do you often write claims of such dimensions? (Is that possibly what a pilot must do to get such medals awarded?)

You fly this full DiD? How many pilots do or did you loose to come to a good amount of hours and kills with one of them?


Since I lost my bestone from Jasta 9, I haven't really got a good one again.

Tried the Dr.1 twice, but it's so different to the Albatros - so immediate on the stick, very tricky to hit.

Yesterday, the 2. flight seemed to go well:

- 08h28 Sopwith Camel, near our home field

- 08h33 S.E.5 at La Targette field

- 09h00 R.E.8 from RFC-16, east of Bertincourt field


But then I messed up the landing - I came in like adrenalin-drugged, totally crazy; the Fokker jumped so wild,

that I came down on a wing and crashed fatally. I find it so hard to tame that temper.

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Tried the Dr.1 twice, but it's so different to the Albatros - so immediate on the stick, very tricky to hit.



But then I messed up the landing - I came in like adrenalin-drugged, totally crazy; the Fokker jumped so wild,

that I came down on a wing and crashed fatally. I find it so hard to tame that temper.


It's vice versa for me. The Dr.I is my favourite beast and I miss her features on other planes as the Albatros series or the Fokker D.VII.

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She is definitely the fighter craft, I would rather use in real fights, no question.

And I score my most kills per mission in her.

But she is so instabile and so easy to steer away from one point, that I find it hard to follow and

hit something. If I could fly her well, I'm sure I could down 5-6 enemy craft in a single fight.

But I feel much safer and more comfortable in my Albatros - emotion vs ratio, I suppose.


I won't give up on that superb craft though - and - Allied fighters beware! - when I feel as good

in the Dr.1 as in my Albatros.

Maybe I'll have to let the Alby rest for a while, to learn it.

Edited by Olham

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Hehe, thats crazy Rooster, you shoulda crashed on top of the bums that shot you down!! Even if they were on your side. :yes:


Olham, no, I usually don't write combat reports that are quite that lengthy, but this was a most unusual occasion and I wanted to record it for posterity. I was in such shock and disbelief as it was happening....that must have been how the guy who landed the Smithsonians Fokker DVII at an enemy field by accident felt!! Only he didn't tear off again like I did....perhaps he really wanted to stay after all, as was supposed by many later due to being late inthe war, and prospects at survival slim.


This is actually my fifth DiD pilot. The first three died while I was getting the hang of flying at 120% realism and not using outside aids. Now that I've accustomed myself to it though, I'd never do it any other way. You do have to have some luck to go with your skill though....some examples:


The first pilot I showed..Albrecht: Was captured once and escaped, was shot down (force landed) over five times. Any one of these if it went the wrong way would have been the end of his career.


Julius: So far, has been shot down twice, once in flames and I cut the engine in the hopes of killing the fire, and it worked!!, as soon as I chopped the engine the fire went out. Then I skidded in side ways and the plane crashed, and I waited for the fatality screen, but NO!! he survived without a scratch! The second time I was shot up and slid across the ground into a forest of trees, (in between them!) and then crashed. Survived again. I'm trying to stop pushing my luck with this guy!!!

And finally for Julius....came out of warp into a cloud bank, plane went crazy spinning out of control, trid to recover but was impossible, spun down for about 2000 feet then redded out......menu screen came up...I waited....I'll bet he's dead. NOPE!! Mission briefing and ready room. I don't understand that one really, suppose it rolled the dice and said you recovered at last. :no: Anyhoo, i believe he's already used all of his nine lives, and I'm trying to be reeeeeeaaaaallly carefull with him.


Point is, at any oneof these moments, the jig could have been up.....thats the really cool thing about this sim, as in real life, sometimes that chance card suprises you....and sometimes it really sucks. :biggrin:


As for the planes...the old Albatros will always be my "best girl"...but that Fokker Dr1 is a butcher bird if you can practice a really soft touch on the stick and rudder. Don't feel bad Olham, I "shot a lot of sky" with it for about an "in game" month until I got it under control...keep at it. Just don't get pulled into heavy enemy fights behind thier lines with it, cause you can't really run away...its Achilles heel.








PS. Yeah, its funny you'd mention the DR1's touchy handling, on landing keep the throttle handy, especially when crash or force landing, often if you feel it lifting or dropping a wing you can hit throttle and correct and then settle in again. I made this mistake, and lost a pilot due to it when landing a shot up DR1. The engine died before I touched down and I should have just plonked the wheels down at a relatively high speed and let them slow me while safely on the ground. Instead, I bled off too much speed, and at a higher than usual speed due to the damage, she started to stall. Without the engine to pulse and pull out, she rolled in...........results...1 dead pilot. Its nice to be immortal so we can learn from our errors.....too bad the boys in 1917 couldn't.

Edited by zoomzoom

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Royal Hohenzollern House Order? Why do you guys get such interesting orders?

I never even saw one. Which Jasta do you fly, and which time of war?


The Royal Hohenzollern House Order was a prussian order. See here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6niglic...on_Hohenzollern


You get it after 15 kills. All my german pilots got it then so far. I suggest it's a bug that you always get 4 Iron Crosses. There were only three classes. See here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisernes_Kreuz


Well, there was also a Grand Cross which was arwarded once called "Hindenburgstern". Guess who received it! :biggrin:


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Nice......good work.



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Hindeburgstern another one that I didn't know.

With these kills and claims, I had just received two Iron Crosses - not visible here;

(don't know, if they disappear, when you are killed, or if it's a problem with the screenshot)

but no other medal or order. Perhaps I didn't fullfill enough mission tasks?

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I dont have my book here now, but i remember that the red eagle order was much more common for officers in wars before ww1.

I have seen some 4th class of that orders given to german officers.


and yes MvR was only pilot who got red eagle order 3th class.








The Order of the Red Eagle was introduced by Prince Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg-Bayreuth

on November 17th, 1705. It's original name was "Ordre de la sincérité" (Order of Sincerity), and

it was inspired by the English "Order of the Garter", the prince had seen on a visit.

At times, it used to be the second-highest Prussian Order.


Perhaps Shredward can tell us more about it's use in WW1; I'd like to know, what makes you

get one. (Certainly NOT fighting like Olham - I never had it yet; Lol!)


[The picture of the Order is from "The Aerodrome" website - a site highly recommended to every-

one who doesn't know it yet]

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... and yes MvR was only pilot who got red eagle order 3th class.






Paarma, I think they ran out of medals for him and were just making them up as they went... ;)


Even if he survived the war, he would have need back surgery after walking around with all pinned on his chest.



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lol, that might be the trueth. I counted that MvR actually got many but not even close all decorations that german pilots got during ww1. I would say that MvR got about 10% of all german medals or less... But surely he couldn´t add more to his dress.




Paarma, I think they ran out of medals for him and were just making them up as they went... ;)


Even if he survived the war, he would have need back surgery after walking around with all pinned on his chest.



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