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F-22A Version 2.01 Update

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I don't have SF2. =/

but I downloaded it, did some .ini changes and it fly now on WOI xD


Great job guys

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What weapons do I need for this plane?

I know AIM-120 should be used with this.


I only have stock installed. Which pack do you recommend?

Edited by jomni

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Will there be a sfp1 version?


No, I am done with the legacy versions. I am doing all SF2 now.


What weapons do I need for this plane?

I know AIM-120 should be used with this.


I only have stock installed. Which pack do you recommend?


This one:




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Damn and me without my thumb drive.... Hey do the doors open automatically as well as the gun door? :smile:

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They sure do

If people are playing this on the older versions of the game you'll might want to add


at the bottom of the [DetectSystem] section of the data.ini for the good ol' unseen and unheard business...

Rocking plane gents, just plain rocking! awesome skins!

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They sure do

If people are playing this on the older versions of the game you'll might want to add


at the bottom of the [DetectSystem] section of the data.ini for the good ol' unseen and unheard business...

Rocking plane gents, just plain rocking! awesome skins!


I didnt update in this version before I uploaded it, I did it to mine but didnt do it to the uploaded version, I will fix it tonight.

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They sure do

If people are playing this on the older versions of the game you'll might want to add


at the bottom of the [DetectSystem] section of the data.ini for the good ol' unseen and unheard business...

Rocking plane gents, just plain rocking! awesome skins!


Loving the plane but there's no opponents. Haven't installed the MiG-29 and Su-27. Waiting for NF4+...

Anyway, shooting down a MiG-17 using guns is still a challenge. :good:

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Loving the plane but there's no opponents. Haven't installed the MiG-29 and Su-27. Waiting for NF4+...

Anyway, shooting down a MiG-17 using guns is still a challenge. :good:


Well quit jelly flickin' and install them. Duh..... :lol:

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You'll fly rings around them too...this particular FM turns inside the MiG-29 under 200Kts...trick is to get the thrust input right.

Ive flown this plane seven times now...and its been very rewarding I just keep going back for more and more!

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Updated to 2.01 version to fix the Radar Cross Section.

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Just curious, how is stealth modeled in the game and in the plane?

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Just curious, how is stealth modeled in the game and in the plane?


it don't appear in radar :good:

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Just curious, how is stealth modeled in the game and in the plane?


Actually, talking with TK, the RCS is modeled by taking the aggregate size of the 'hitboxes' defined in the data.ini for the particular aircraft.


Then, any radars looking for it, the signal strength defines how far the radar can see it.


So, most non-stealth aircraft, the range at which you pick it up on radar is directly related to it's physical size (which makes it easier in that you don't need an RCS modifier for EVERY aircraft).


For stealth aircraft, the BaseRCSModifier is basically a multiplier used to lower or raise the RCS in the game. Using the modifier allows you to tweak certain aircraft (F-18E/F as an example) to lower their RCS, or in the case of the F-117, F-22, F-35, to lower them a lot relative to their physical size.


Be advised, this only works like this for games patched to Oct 08 or later.



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My F-22A doens't want to show up in my aircraft list... Any one can help me? I can't see what I'm doing wrong, and yes I read the readme.

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maybe u installed it wrong?


Anyways, i searched in the Download section and i saw F22 raptor 2.01for SF 2,im not sure if this is the aircraft thats we are talking about now, is this f22 could also work in WOI?

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maybe u installed it wrong?


Anyways, i searched in the Download section and i saw F22 raptor 2.01for SF 2,im not sure if this is the aircraft thats we are talking about now, is this f22 could also work in WOI?


This plane works with SF2 series. If you want to use for WOI, you need to tweak the .ini. Someone made the tweak available in the downloads section.


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This is amazing, using it on WOI 1 and works great. Only had to change a few lines in ini file. Any idea if there templates for skinning?

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