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Can we shut up Ringo?

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A scouser is a person from Liverpool. I.E me :biggrin:

Aha! Where did the word come from? Does it signify anything beyond just being from Liverpool?

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Liverpool dialekt is called "scouse", says my dictionary. But no more....

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When you can't tell the difference between a Lancashire accent and a Liverpudlian one you are in trouble especially if travelling up north in England.


And I am definitely, definitely not from Liverpool ;)


Have a look in the \OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\ShellMusic


Replace startup.wav with another of your choice


Are you sure that's the path? I went to C:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftGames\CFSWWIOverFlandersFields\Campaigns\CampaignData and replaced the original startup.wav with the one that RAF_Louvert posted (after I renamed it) and it still plays the original "Contact, Clear!"

I couldn't find any folder name "OBD Software".

I can go to C:\ProgramFiles|yadayadayada, and double click "startup" and it plays the Bugs Bunny .wav file, but go into the game and it still plays the same "Contact! Clear!" Nothing against you Pol, but I've loved Bugs Bunny for the biggest portion of my life. It pissed me off when the took him off the air because he was "too violent".

Edited by Cameljockey

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"Aha! Where did the word come from?"


Scouse is a concoction made of the leftovers from the last meal - generally vegetables, etc. I can't believe it - an OFF thread that's head off into etymology and cuisine! Fab!

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I followed the same advice and had the same problem. Turns out there are two wav files with Pol's voice. The one you want to replace is in the same folder, but is named "HanagerFadeMusic.wav". That will take care of Ringo!

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Thanks Herr Prop.Wasche. I'll try that.



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It worked! Now I can have Bugs Bunny send me off toward the Front! I may be singing this song by the time I get back.


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"Aha! Where did the word come from?"


Scouse is a concoction made of the leftovers from the last meal - generally vegetables, etc. I can't believe it - an OFF thread that's head off into etymology and cuisine! Fab!


Cant beat a good bowl of scouse!

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Alrighty Gents, I'm going to resurrect this thread from a year ago to ask a question. I'm planning to start a career as a bomber for the Kaiser, (GASP!), but I have got to switch out the "HangerFadeMusic" file to a German version if I'm going to get myself into the proper mood. Have any of you brave Central flyer types done a new audio file for this, and if so would you be so kind as to post a link. If not, perhaps Olham would record the needed voice commands and send them to me and I will build a new audio file for the German campaigns and offer it up in our download section. Much as I like Ringo, (and Bugs), I really think Herr Stachel would be more fitting.







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"We all live in a yel-low D H 2, a yel-low D H 2, a yel-low D H 2."




I'm certain that's what the new digital remastered version says.



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Cripes, what a challenge - maybe even more for you than for me, Lou!

Ringo's and Pol's voices are really sexy compared to mine, which sounds like

a Troll in hibernation mumbling something ununderstandable out of a cave.


Does anyone know, what they would have shouted (in German) when they started an engine?

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:drinks::drinks: I lose Pilots so quickly that I replaced the start up Contact Wav File with Sara Brightman s Time to Say Goodby.




Edited by carrick58

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I'm thinking of one or two changes in .wav files. How about when you're downed in Hunland, getting the worst German accent since the horror that was 'Ello, 'Ello cackling something like "For you, Mein Herr/Tommy/Britisher, ze var iss over....."? On successful completion of a mission, Porky Pig frantically intoning "Tha, tha, tha, tha, that's all folks!"?


This one, I'm now convinced, has legs.

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Olham, you asked what they would have shouted in German when they started the engine. While I don't know the German phrases Sir I can at least say that, according to instructional books written during WWI, (such as "Practical Flying", by W.G. McMinnies), the proper procedure went this way:


The mechanic yells "Switch off!", to which the pilot checks to be sure the magnetos are indeed off, and shouts back "Switch off!"


The mechanic then pulls the prop around slowly to draw fuel into the cylinders, after which he then shouts "Contact!"


The pilot reponds by switching on the magnetos and yells back "Contact!"


The mechanic now pulls the prop hard over on compression and the engine starts, and immediately the pilot shouts "Clear", to indicate "Get out of the way you silly sod!", (as if any mechanic with half a brain wouldn't be well away as soon as the engine fires up).



Hope this helps you Olham.







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RAF_L: ...immediately the pilot shouts "Clear", to indicate "Get out of the way you silly sod!",

(as if any mechanic with half a brain wouldn't be well away as soon as the engine fires up).


Yes, natural selection a la Darwin - those who didn't move, are dead.


Thanks for the proceedure, Lou. So there are actually two voices necessary.

I'll see if I can do it with a friend I make music with - he should know how to treat the files,

and you could then "glue" them together with the right engine sound (inline! Please!!)

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Guest British_eh


Hi there,

Although he was German, this might be a great start for any pilot to get into the mood :)


(Wilhelm)Richard Wagner – Flight of the Valkyries




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...hee, hee, hee...natural selection...good one Olham.


And Wagner is an excellent "mood music" choice, British_eh.



After further investigation I do need to amend what I said about the last bit in my previous post. It is the mechaninc who does in fact yell "Clear!" first, (to indicate to the pilot that he has gotten out of the way and not been clobbered by the prop and is now laying dead in front of the plane), to which the pilot responds back with "Clear!", and then proceeds to taxi off down the runway.


Thanks for getting those sound bytes recorded Olham, and if possible could you do them in a wav format.







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I'll see what I can do, Lou.

And yes, Wagner's "Wallkürenritt" is a theme to raise immediate fighting spirits.


And as you are going to fly a German carreer, I started a British one today - and not in the easiest kite.

I'm flying with 29 RFC with McCudden and Tempest; we use the late DH-2.

Challenging after an Albatros, but easier to fly than some think. I do even like this craft, for it's good

forward view. And TrackIR makes it wonderful to strech up in your seat to look rearwards through

the rotating engine! This kite has probably been flown far too little so far.

(for more see "Reports from the Front")

Edited by Olham

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