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Updating Older Planes to SF2 Standards

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First-off thank you for the great work and effort.

I have yet ne small note. On the side of http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ there is also great at what material their permit but also to SF2 standart could bring.

maybe someone out of interest and at times she writes.


beautiful still evening.

Kalle 300

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We are unable to host those files here at Combatace.



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I've been working on the F-104S and ASA.

Are we doing these for a merged install? Because I think vanilla SF2 doesn't have the F-104 lods? (cant check, I only have SF2:E and V which have these lods)


Nevermind this comment, stupid question. :biggrin:

We don't include LODs anyway, but this will take some time, as I'm trying to figure out how the extra pylons work. THe belly sidewinders and the Left/Right Wing Aspide's load w/o their pylon models. I'll sort it out in a few days. :good:

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Nevermind this comment, stupid question. :biggrin:

We don't include LODs anyway, but this will take some time, as I'm trying to figure out how the extra pylons work. THe belly sidewinders and the Left/Right Wing Aspide's load w/o their pylon models. I'll sort it out in a few days. :good:






About use those for a start, Just an idea.

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PB: use the 'fake pilot method' for the ASA/ASA-M plyons.


(the asa-m mod I did is here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4893

uses the stock F-104G lods)


Just like I did with the Mig-17PF/PFU. It takes a 'while' (an hour or so) to fine tune to positioning using that method, but it works REALLLLY good!!!! Cause they always show up!! :biggrin:


Start with the basic positions (as stated in the data ini)...


The systemname= already exists in the FUSELAGE section, so you'll need to add the 'seat' (and don't forget the edit the data ini's weapons stations, as the F104s pylon set was #1 group and #1 station, and the renumber the loadout ini to match)


summat like:







SeatPosition=0.0,2.0,-0.370 <--no doubt, this position WILL need some adjusting!!!



some readjustment of the sparrow/aspide and sidewinders mounting positions MAY be necessary, but that's fairly easy to do in the AttachmentPosition= line for each hardpoint


A quick look at ajundar's F-104S, shows it dosen't use any extra pylons, so that should require minimal (if any) tweeking.



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench! I had it figured out 20 minutes ago :biggrin:

Been moving the pylon up and down since then. It was implemented as a Fuel Tank, so I'll transform that to a FakePilot method. Got all the RWR,Radar stuff good to go. For loadouts I got the books I'll study tomorrow. Userlist, damaged model, etc. All SF2 compliant.. will test it on some Greek Islands too :))

A full package will be nice I think, S, ASA, ASA-M.

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Great minds DO think alike.


btw, there's a way to add an RWR gauge to the cockpit, but you'll loose the 2ndary ADI. I'll have to find my 'mod' notes, and post them here if you want.


otherwise, adding an audio-only is just a few lines in the avionics ini, and dropping anybody's RWR bmp into the /cockpit folder. (adjusting the pointer line in the avionice, of course! :wink: )



kevin stein

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mind you, the instructions/data below are for 08 level TOS games. SF2 NextGenners will need to create the RWR list thingy, or just exract the F-4Es and rename for use on the Zippers....


btw, I orignally did this for the F-100D, but the setup is pretty much the same...just adapted for the Zipper's pit.


ok, you'll need freshly extracted:





and the




or any other you have laying around; that's just the one I had sitting around.... :wink:


open the avionics ini and add this to the top section, whre it calls out the radar texture bmp...




then, down at the bottom, add the "usual suspect" RWR data; this comes right (again!) from the F-4E, but it really don't matter




































it's the 'standard' RWR statement.


Save and close


Now, open the cockpit ini....you're going to be doing some 'commenting' out of come instrument lines...

Scroll down to the end of the instrument listings.... and do the following....






scroll on down to the bottom, where the 2 ADI_2 callouts are, and copy/paste the data below over it:




























save and close the cockpit ini. Now, the gauge face used seems a BIT smaller than the 'visible field' of the rwr bmp, but it does work. (it actually is bigger on the F-100D, and works quite nicely!)

One could also extract the various cockpit gauge bmps, and see if the 'black area' could be enlaged by repainting it over those hash marks; might increase the viewing area.

Historically accurate? Most definately not!!! :haha: but, it will give you the visual goodies. As seen in the screenie below


have fun!


kevin stein

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Historically accurate? Most definately not!!! :haha: but, it will give you the visual goodies. As seen in the screenie below


Wrench you da man! :good:

I got the pylons setup nicely for all 3 models, off to try this RWR setup. So you're saying forget about historical accuracy, hmm, I just started reading about the Starfighter , so not sure about the real instruments yet.. Will set it up this way anyway, we can always comment out if it is really out of whack with the real deal..

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Well that is a good work around.

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hey guys , is anybody converting the Su-27SM by Insky and the Su-24 Pack by Lindr2 using Veltro2K's Su-24 Model?


cause i'm working converting those, i jus't can't figure why the Decals on flanker aren't appearing and the Loadouts are messed up....if somebody want help me i'll be welcome ;)

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hey guys , is anybody converting the Su-27SM by Insky and the Su-24 Pack by Lindr2 using Veltro2K's Su-24 Model?


cause i'm working converting those, i jus't can't figure why the Decals on flanker aren't appearing and the Loadouts are messed up....if somebody want help me i'll be welcome ;)


Tell me about it.. sat down a full hour yesterday when I converted the Seahawks and strugled to get the decals to show. Then suddenly naming convention came up in my mind, checked out every single decal.ini and changed most of the entries. most of the entries were done in lower cassing but should had been in capital letters. :biggrin:

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Tell me about it.. sat down a full hour yesterday when I converted the Seahawks and strugled to get the decals to show. Then suddenly naming convention came up in my mind, checked out every single decal.ini and changed most of the entries. most of the entries were done in lower cassing but should had been in capital letters. :biggrin:


Actually that doesnt make a difference. Check my SF2 planes I updated. In fact using that format works perfectly. You really dont even need the D folder but I leave it because its one less file I have to edit. But check it out and all will become clear to you.

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Tell me about it.. sat down a full hour yesterday when I converted the Seahawks and strugled to get the decals to show. Then suddenly naming convention came up in my mind, checked out every single decal.ini and changed most of the entries. most of the entries were done in lower cassing but should had been in capital letters. :biggrin:


i'll try now :deadhorse:

oh, i'm dumbastic....


it was


but the correct is:




thanks :)

Edited by Silverbolt

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Actually that doesnt make a difference. Check my SF2 planes I updated. In fact using that format works perfectly. You really dont even need the D folder but I leave it because its one less file I have to edit. But check it out and all will become clear to you.


Well now I feels a bit baffled :blink: I had no trouble at all when I converted the B-66B, it was like a walk in the park. But the Seahawks wouldnt show any decals before it was changed.

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i'll try now :deadhorse:


have a beer while doing these, it helps :haha:


The F-104S models are looking good, with the new AB effect and all. This is one badass Zipper! Got the RWR in there too. Now working on getting it to work correctly. The loadouts need to be changed, now that we got one less StationID. And according to the books I read the centerline pylons will be edited to take bigger bombs. 750 pounders. Also the AutoPilot take offs end up in flames, need to somehow modify AI to rotate earlier.. Then I will be uploading I hope, sorry it's taking a few days :wink:

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in regards to loadout screens - it can be controlled here:






StationGroupID=5 <--------------------defines order shown on screen from top to bottom










If you have stations with the same group number they will be shown on the same line in the loadout screen and can be selected together - so change them to how you need them

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I have computer problems, apparently my computer refuses to work while in my case....I hope to resolve the problem tommorow...

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I've been converting some of the skins for use on the new models. One would think that an old A-4E skin would work fine on the new A-4E(through 65/67). Nope, TK moved stuff around. Decals are out of place and details do not match.


VMA-211 is done though :smile:

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I got a list of more planes that need to be done. Anyone else want to step up and help?



Monty's C-119 and AC-119's

Dels C-130's and C-123's

F-11F Tiger



A-5A V 3.0



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Anyone else want to step up to the plate? I mean really...


Admin hat off, modder hat on...


RANT MODE IN FULL-------------------


Are the majority of you going to leave it to a few people to do all this work? People say "Who is going to convert these mods?" "Are things going to be brought up to SF2 standards?" I put a post up and only a few have stepped up. Has it gotten so bad that its now gimme gimme gimme and as long a someone else does it I don't care? We get praise and thanks but you really want to make a statement, help out, read the knowledge base and lend a hand. Don't sit on your collective asses and download, be part of the team, be part of the legacy, take an hour or 2 out of your week, step up to the plate and take a swing.


Am I chewing the communities ass? Yes I am. There is god knows how many aircraft that need to be converted and only 63 done and of which some are SF2 only and didn't have an SF1 version. I know some of you do not have the skills, but there is some that do and I haven't heard a peep from.


Those of you who have helped thank you so much.


RANT MODE OFF. (If you are offended, I am sorry but I really do not care. Quit standing on the sidelines and get in the ball game. )




This post was made as modder and not as a CA Admin.

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Hey I'm offended.. :lol::smile:


Seriously.. converting from SF1 to SF2... is not hard at all. It looks daunting at first, but once you start reading MigBuster's Excellent Tutorial:




Everything just falls into place, and quite frankly quite easy, just some extra ini/data work really.


I mean it's additional work, but alot of the stuff remains the same, mapping, values, etc. Yes there are newfangled things to add, but as time goes along and people know more, maybe Dave doesn't have to rant all the time. I mean I've got a few projects going on, want to do some of my own things, but caught up in other things.

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You bring up a good point Eric. So if everything is left to the primary modders, then the projects they are currently working get put on hold.


Example, people want and F-15E pit? Well its 85% done. But if the person working has to put it on hold to help with these side projects, guess what no Mudhen pit anytime soon.


Example #2, The B-1R is on hold because I am butthole deep in converting stuff for SF2. If I had some help with the legacy stuff, I could get the B-1R out.

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