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Your longest lasting pilot

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Haha! I see, you're flying German side, Duce!

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DVII just grabbed my heart

Haven't been able to get comfortable in any other crate


Been reading the Camel thread with interest

Again, I'm tempted to try ...but it won't be a pretty sight

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Try the Triplane first - it's easier to fly, and you can get one with two guns; that rocks!


The Camel is more challenging, but not as horrible to pilot as I had expected!

You get to grips with her pretty soon, and great turn fighting plus two Lewis (?) guns is nice!

She, or the Tripe, would be my choice for a longer British campaign.

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Ultimate Wild Ram is the Scramble

Getting caught low, slow, & usully outnumbered

Fun stuff! :biggrin:


A Pfalz pilot's worst nightmare. :biggrin:


Olham, I've flown some missions with the SE.5, and I like it more than the Spad. So if I had to choose a Brit plane for long campaign, I'd have to choose between the Pup and the SE.5. The latter has two MGs, which is rare among the early 1917 Entente fighters. Of course my opinion may change when I give the Tripe a try... but unlike the Dr. I, the Tripe has only one Vickers gun. The 2 gun version didn't see much use historically, only a few were made.

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That's all I need is encouragement ...OK Double Barreled Tripehound it is

Turner Spinmen will be his name


A Pfalz pilot's worst nightmare. :biggrin:

Cracks me up Hasse Wind :grin:

Hairy stuff in a DVII

What's your strategy?

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Cracks me up Hasse Wind :grin:

Hairy stuff in a DVII

What's your strategy?


Well, the best way to stay alive in a Pfalz is to fly high, always above your enemies if at all possible. That gives you the chance to make some quick zoom 'n boom attacks, and making full use of the great stability of the Pfalz as a gun platform you can score some hits on unsuspecting enemy AC, maybe even shoot one of them down every now and then. It helps to aim at the engine-cockpit area. And with all the altitude you can gather a lot of speed to fly away if things get desparate, which they often do in the Pfalz. Turn fighting is really only possible against the clumsy Spads, but I wouldn't recommend it, because you end up losing power and altitude, and practically ALWAYS when that misfortune happens, a flight of Sopwith Camels joins the battle out of the blue and shoots you down. If you see Camels when flying the Pfalz, turn around and fly back to Berlin if necessary.


I guess I must be some kind of a pervert, but I'm quite fond of the Pfalz despite all its shortcomings as a fighter. :biggrin:


Edit: I'm hoping we'll get the Pfalz D.XII in some add-on pack. Would be a much better plane than the D.III...

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Every time I think I find a machine I really fit into....I fly another and think...hmmmm.


My current love is the SE5a. Started with the camel, then to the neup17, then tripe, now se5. maybe one of these days ill try the german crates. :biggrin:

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Latest Brit has lasted 4 flights with the Bristol Fighter in 1 RAF Sqn Most of the time the EA just fall on us cant tell how high they are or dont see them soon enought. Many a flight I nose down and run for my side of the lines get shot up a little anyways befor touching down. Last fight was with a flight of E3s three or five above us (Three Bristols) lost a flight mate. Turned in to the flight and a E3 was shooting up my rear. Nosed down raceing for my side ,I guess he gave up headed back to the mess missing one mate. Run the bristol at 80 percent power other wise u run out of fuel. warping. favorite ac is the nueiport 11 or 17 they turn on a dime. :good:

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