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What is the command to start and stop filming, as I need to film some of this stuff to see whats going on, I just had an EIII AI plane go 90 degrees Vertical for a sustained climb (I thought he would loop but nooooo he just kept climbing while my strutter wallowed and crashed)


Understand at the moment I am PISSED that I just lost one of my best bomber pilots to what appers to a "computer trick", but I would like to film it and see if its me or the game :dntknw: and I am too lazy to go look it up :biggrin:

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What is the command to start and stop filming, as I need to film some of this stuff to see whats going on, I just had an EIII AI plane go 90 degrees Vertical for a sustained climb (I thought he would loop but nooooo he just kept climbing while my strutter wallowed and crashed)


Understand at the moment I am PISSED that I just lost one of my best bomber pilots to what appers to a "computer trick", but I would like to film it and see if its me or the game :dntknw: and I am too lazy to go look it up :biggrin:


Jim,,,you gotta get fraps to do movies....



then you can set the start and stop button to anything you want. Belive there are limitations on the downloaded version,,,no sound,,,maybe a limit on how long the video can be...

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Jim,,,you gotta get fraps to do movies....



then you can set the start and stop button to anything you want. Belive there are limitations on the downloaded version,,,no sound,,,maybe a limit on how long the video can be...

Ah ok I got the free version I will take a look at it, thanks Duck

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Ah ok I got the free version I will take a look at it, thanks Duck


LOL I have gone nuts on this sim 37 bucks more for fraps, 15 bucks cfs3 (with shipping), 30 bucks or so OFF, hmmm that totals to 82.00 (well to fair I guess I can use fraps in RoF too).


Heheh guess I can give up eating for a month :rofl:

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LOL I have gone nuts on this sim 37 bucks more for fraps, 15 bucks cfs3 (with shipping), 30 bucks or so OFF, hmmm that totals to 82.00 (well to fair I guess I can use fraps in RoF too).


Heheh guess I can give up eating for a month :rofl:


You can use fraps with any other game, but you don't need it to play a game.

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Heheh guess I can give up eating for a month :rofl:

Oh, that's nuthin


Wait till feel the need for Pedals, TrackIR, Buttkicker, a PC that can solve Cold Fussion, Dreanflyer

... it never stops

Please don't talk about food around here :rofl:

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make sure and get paper not plastic at the store next time, and keep your receipts.

That'll save some on Toilet Paper at least....

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make sure and get paper not plastic at the store next time, and keep your receipts.

That'll save some on Toilet Paper at least....



:rofl: Duce I already have that other stuff CH HOTAS (have it for years started with TM moved to CH), since getting OFF and RoF have upgraded cpu to Q6700 quad and also video card to GTX260, added 2 gb of ram for a total of 4, have TracvkiR 5 otw, and looking to get Win7 in 64 bit when it comes out :biggrin: all in all of late about 700 bucks and I still have to buy Win7 :rofl:

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Big Jim sounds like you have some odd stuff going on there, you sure you are launching via OFF Manager ?

If you have a virus scanner try turning it off before you fly, something sounds odd in memory corrupting something whatever.

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:rofl: Duce I already have that other stuff CH HOTAS (have it for years started with TM moved to CH), since getting OFF and RoF have upgraded cpu to Q6700 quad and also video card to GTX260, added 2 gb of ram for a total of 4, have TracvkiR 5 otw, and looking to get Win7 in 64 bit when it comes out :biggrin: all in all of late about 700 bucks and I still have to buy Win7 :rofl:

Nice stuff!

Got onna these?

Add a TH2G and .........you're just getting started

It's a never ending quest!

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Big Jim sounds like you have some odd stuff going on there, you sure you are launching via OFF Manager ?

If you have a virus scanner try turning it off before you fly, something sounds odd in memory corrupting something whatever.


Yes Big Jim, you have seen some funky stuff going on that I have not seen in my many hours with OFF. I can't help but think something is amiss. I would like for you get the true OFF experience. Best wishes.

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Yes Big Jim, you have seen some funky stuff going on that I have not seen in my many hours with OFF. I can't help but think something is amiss. I would like for you get the true OFF experience. Best wishes.

Well my trackiR 5 showed up today man what a difference it makes just amazing :good: I have been seeing some really silly stuff, try this load up a QB camel vs 2 DII's watch the DII's hang on their props :rofl: like Schultz said verrrrry interesting :haha:

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Well my trackiR 5 showed up today man what a difference it makes just amazing :good: I have been seeing some really silly stuff, try this load up a QB camel vs 2 DII's watch the DII's hang on their props :rofl: like Schultz said verrrrry interesting :haha:

I have a problem Huston, my films will only work in forward view? I can't seem to look around while filming anyone got any idea's on whats wrong with my setup??

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