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Recent RoF postings

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Gents and Lady,


With great respect given to everyone's love and passion for WWI sims and games, we've given a tremendous amount of flexibility to the postings in reference to RoF, its content and of course, the unfortunate comparisons between OFF and RoF. On occasion, I have stepped in and asked a video to be removed, or a conversation to be cut short simply because this is the OFF forum. Allowing the bashing of another game publically on a commercial site does not lend well to the image of OBD Software, it's members, and of course, our community.


This forum is here for your pleasure, the place to come and exchange fun stuff and be a part of the OFF backed community. In the past, members have chosen to post specific information concerning RoF that in fact, has offended some of the OFF team members, and or us as a group. We've been flexible as I mentioned and lent it to the Freedom of Speech.


Also, I have recieved PM's from members asking me to close all RoF related materials in the past, and refrained. I felt it was everyone's right to post and discuss openely topics that they feel they are passionate about and have a desire to speak about.


But at this time, I unfortunately feel it's time to clamp down on the RoF postings. What is fair is fair. You have bought our product, and should expect the highest level of support and detail from us, even when it comes to our forum.


Thanks to the guys here at CombatAce, they gave us a place to roam and hang out that far exceeds anything we've had in the past. I wish to keep it that way and keep a high level of professionalism towards the CombatAce crew and for the OFF Community.


So with that in mind, please refrain from posting updates, videos, comparisons, etc.. etc.. about RoF on the OFF forum. Recently, on a seperate CombatAce forum, one of our close friends and OFF Community members actually got into a near personal flame war with a rather aggressive RoF poster, of which even the Admin stepped in and defended our member, as well as OFF.


I do not wish to see that on this forum, so therefore, I simply ask that you post information regarding RoF on it's respective forums out there on the internet, where fellow RoF users will find your information useful.


Thank you for your understanding,


With respect to you,



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Makes sense.


I'll look forward to NOT reading the ROF posts that aren't there. :yes:

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I have to say that since there is not a separate and specific forum here for folks to post info about the other WW1 flight sims, (and I am not saying that there needs to be), it always struck me odd and quite generous on the part of the OFF forum admins to allow these posts anyway. I mean, I can't imagine the Ford dealership would be fine with a sports car lover driving his new Chevrolet Camero into their showroom and parking it next to the new Mustang and saying how cool the Camero was, no matter how many times it was qualified with "Don't get me wrong, I like all the new sports cars and I think the Mustang is very nice."







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I have to say that since there is not a separate and specific forum here for folks to post info about the other WW1 flight sims, (and I am not saying that there needs to be), it always struck me odd and quite generous on the part of the OFF forum admins to allow these posts anyway. I mean, I can't imagine the Ford dealership would be fine with a sports car lover driving his new Chevrolet Camero into their showroom and parking it next to the new Mustang and saying how cool the Camero was, no matter how many times it was qualified with "Don't get me wrong, I like all the new sports cars and I think the Mustang is very nice."








I agree about the good nature that exists on this forum but if I may correct you, there is a forum at Combat Ace for General WWI aviation discussion. Here it is http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=46.

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Thanks Rickitycrate, I was aware of that one Sir. What I was getting at, and did not state very well, was if there were a separate sub-forum for such postings here within the OFF parent forum. The folks over at the old RB3D "Wings of Valor" have such a forum even though they are a dedicated RB3D site. Clear as mud...right? :smile:





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RoF 's can discuss their game all they want over at their "official" forum at SimHQ. This forum is for OFF.

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Thanks Rickitycrate, I was aware of that one Sir. What I was getting at, and did not state very well, was if there were a separate sub-forum for such postings here within the OFF parent forum. The folks over at the old RB3D "Wings of Valor" have such a forum even though they are a dedicated RB3D site. Clear as mud...right? :smile:





Lou, I'm afraid that what you suggest might be too close to home. Better safe than sorry I quess I'm saying. IMHO the other sim/game is getting more than enough press and attention. To each their own and let's have peace. Best wishes to all.

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I have never understood the logic of discussing another sim in a particular sim's forum. We encountered the same thing (including a few flame wars) in the First Eagles forum when OFF started arriving on the scene.


It's just plain rude. We have a general WWI section for such discussions...in fact, that's why such a section was created. If someday, critical mass is reached on a particular sim to the point of creating a seperate section, then we can do that.


But not yet.


We are happy you guys are here, and welcome civil comparisions about each sims' strengths and weaknesses...but keep it in the appropriate section.



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In regards to people posting OFF stuff on other sites, I can't speak for others but as for myself, I only posted or hoped others would because of what was being said there. Specifically that they couldn't wait for ROF or whatever to come out, because there were no other WWI flight sims. OFF had been out for years and it seemed incredible that anyone who espoused such a deep interest in WWI aviation had no knowledge of OFF. So, it would seem helpful to let them know it was out there, if only to give them some WWI atmosphere while they wait for their preferred game to come out.


I know that's not the case here, but at least one of us only mentioned our sim to fill a perceived void not to advertise ours on another's forum.

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Mr. Lucky, I agree with you in spreading the word and sharing the OFF experience. IMHO one needs to take into account the nature of the forum though. If it is a specific game/sim forum you best not stir the bees nest. If it is a general broad topic unspecific forum then we should be able to respectfully engage our point of view. A bit of a diplomat perhaps is how to think of ones self, representing the sim and all the people behind it and this forum. I don't fault you or anyone else for thier comments. We all want to share our experience and appreciation for OFF BH&H. When I write on other forums a have a little voice in the back of my head asking would the OBD team approve? I've been out there and seen what you seen and it is frustrating. Just my thoughts and I know many may not agree but let's keep spreading the OFF news as best we can.

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Guest British_eh

Well TT:


A moderator is exactly that, someone whom decides what is reasonable and correct, for that particlular "Forum". It isn't an easy job, certainly not as easy as someone who criticizes? Have you ever been a moderator, leader, educator, teacher? If so, you will, or should know, that there is a standard which is usually set, and adhered to. Isn't the result of such disregard anarchy?


As aptly put this is an OFF Forum, an so is there a need to discuss other Flight sims here? Go to RoF if you feel the need, or another non- partisan Forum. You do have a choice.





Edited by British_eh

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I will say that while I disagreed above with the policy, I will add that in all the different fora in which OvS and I have participated (going all the way back to the Hells Angels Patch days), I've never felt he was biased or unfair in regards to his duties. I've always thought he's done a good job. I think some of the accusations of bias or unfairness bound on being baseless.


OFF needs a forum home somewhere, and if these are the rules of their house, so be it. I disagree somewhat with the policy, but I don't think they were unfairly enacted.

Edited by SirMike1983

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OVS- Well stated. ;>)




Edited by cptroyce

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I think that the OFF3 forum should welcome good, honest, direct, and factual information and comparison with OFF3 from its members.


How can you prioritize OFF3 development without clearly understanding the competition (other WWI flight sim's).


I would rethink this policy and look at the Pro's and Con's of a open forum with respect to the other WWI sims.

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I have been a forum admin for the 209 Squadron for the past three years, and as far as I know the only ones who can prune and relocate entire threads are the admins, or those who have found a way to hack into the admin panel. No other way it can happen really.


"Now then, let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. This is supposed to be a happy ocassion."







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"Now then, let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. This is supposed to be a happy ocassion."







His English was better than yours, what he said was:


"Now then, let's not bicker and argue about who killed whom. This is supposed to be a happy ocassion."




Edited by JimAttrill

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LOL! And me dear old Mum was an english major to boot, she was. She'd be turnin over in 'er grave if she were dead.



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THIS HEAVY-HANDED CENSORSHIP is what happens when you have a developer running AND MODERATING a forum about his own product (which isn't selling while the competition is doing exceptionally well).


OVS was due to show his true colors (which he hinted at with his extreme political views in earlier threads) sooner or later and now it's here.


But, of course, he will tell you he's a great guy and defends Freedom of Speech while all the while stomping on dissenters who foolishly believe they are on a public forum. This forum is not public, of course, or independent. It's a creature of OFF.


OVS should be relieved as a moderator.


The company should not control the forum.


Errr....I guess you are being serious here?


Since "the company" started the forum I guess they can do what they want with it.


Start your own OFF/ROF combo forum somewhere and you can be the moderator of it.


So I'm not flying under a false flag here I support OvS's position and also believe a moderator can do what he wants - it his forum.


I often wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that you can say anything anywhere and people have to listen whether they want to or not - and if they don't its a "First Amendment" issue. Geesh...

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Our freedom of speech, at least in the United States, was only meant to apply to the public arena. Beyond that we are all expected to be polite guests and abide by the rules of our hosts, IMHO.





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I'm sorry for starting the thread which kicked this all off. It really was just a totally neutral 'heads up', never intended to provoke anybody or kick off a ruck. Thought I had a scoop, that's all.


I'd no idea such strong views were held regarding discussion of alternative sims. - I simply don't browse here often enough to know where the boundaries are. Threads seem to fall down the order list pretty quickly, blink and you can miss something. I also don't investigate the various layers there are to the forum. The thought never occurred to me. I follow a link in my favourites list to a place where guys I share a common interest with (OFF) talk about WW1 flight simulation. If you don't believe me, you may recall i posted a question about a certain aircraft appearing in FSX, - only to learn it was old news you'd all known about it for weeks.


I don't mean OVS now, but in general, I don't believe Moderators are omnipotent, they can get things wrong, or be a bit abrupt, but when I see the tone of this thread, I can understand why discussion of certain wider issues should be...., how can I put it, 'discouraged'. The bottom line is, those are the rules, and if you don't like them, well, there's the door. I've no problem with that. Been there, done that with the SOH. Didn't like it, moved out.


Dare I suggest however, that since a more appropriate forum does exist here at the CombatACE, it might have been a bit more friendly just to discreetly move my post to the appropriate location without all this fuss. :wink:

Edited by Flyby PC

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Ruck? What ruck? You didn't kick off a ruck Flyby. We are merely having an open and animated discussion about a point we all find worthy of such discussion. Now, if anyone is beginning to feel like it's turning less than amicable, well then I'd say its time for a group hug. C'mon...big hug now...can't ya' feel the love? Hey, hey, watch the hands there!

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Actually sales of OFF have picked up markedly this month.... we are very happy to say... but that does not change the fact that this thread is getting a bit silly.


The point is simple there have been some very nasty behind the scenes spillovers of rather silly behaviour on the ROF forum to this forum since ROF released, and similar to the SimHQ guys we don't want that happening here.


The threads do not tell any of the real issues that occured....


Thanks Guys keep it clean.




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Actually sales of OFF have picked up markedly this month.


Further proof that there is no such thing as bad press.



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It would be nice if we could have even handed comparisons between OFF and other flight sims, but the challenge is that many people seem to have a different view of what "even handed" or fair is. I'm the first one to support "freedom of speech", however even the Supreme Court of the United States of America said that Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you have the right to walk into a crowded movie theater and yell "fire!!!" when there is no fire. While certainly nobody here is going to be trampled to death by speaking about other WWI flight sims, I also don't see where much positive ever seems to come out of them. Since other forums exist where I could go and discuss other flight simulators if I choose, I'm not concerned about having subjects discouraged here or there that seem to only cause problems. Some people seem to feel that no matter how outrageous or unsupported their accusations may be, they are entitled to make them under free speech and any attempt to keep things civil and on topic is nothing less than an all out, unfettered attack against civil liberties everywhere. That is, in my opinion, just the excuse extremists use in order to be able to keep stirring up trouble for their own purposes. We don't need that.


If I want to talk about RoF, I'll go to their forums. If I want to compare the two, I'm sure I can find a forum someplace that supports that. Ultimately though, I'm more interested in getting the most out of OFF by learning from others who play and enjoy the game. That's what these forums are for. Comparisons that devolve into flame wars serve no useful purpose and I specifically regret that I allowed myself to become involved in one previously when I read some pretty ridiculous allegations against the devs of OFF (in a naked attempt to make OFF look inferior to another WWI sim). I can understand why some people are dissappointed by the moderators ruling, however flame wars need to be prevented so the forum can maintain it's focus, which is on the various aspects of this particular WWI flight sim. I wish it could be different and I suspect so do the Devs, but I completely understand why it can't be like that.



Edited by Hellshade

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