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Light Sabers

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Who owns a Light Saber. Send picks if you made your own or purchased it. . Jedi Master's got at least 1 maybe 2.

Edited by MAKO69

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Not Degobah, but.............




....and once issued...................TRAINING!!!!!!




I'm the tall one :grin:

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I think laser cats have those saber weilding rodents.

Edited by MAKO69

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Actually, I don't have any. Last I had was one of those inflatable ones from 1978 I think! Got rid of it in the 80's at some point...


Still have a bunch of the old toys in the garage, though, and a dozen or so models in various states.

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I thought a Light Sabre was an F-86 that hasn't been fueled or loaded yet?



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Only ones i know of are the kenner toys ones from early 80's. i am thinking of plastic ones with electronic noise. probably worth money by now. Never got them but one of my friends had them.

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In 1980 we used to have "light saber" duels on the flight deck late at night. We used cut down flight deck wands called "stubbys" with different colored lenses in them. The we'd stand in the steam from the cats and have a go. It was either surreal or completely stupid depending on your viewpoint when watched from Vultures Row. What else did you think a bunch of bored 18-21 year olds would do after flight ops at sea?

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The noise-making ones superseded the light-only ones. They were basically flashlights with an inflatable tube on the end that the light shone thru. Hitting two together was like...well, they were basically tube-shaped beachballs, so you can imagine how limp it was!

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The noise-making ones superseded the light-only ones. They were basically flashlights with an inflatable tube on the end that the light shone thru. Hitting two together was like...well, they were basically tube-shaped beachballs, so you can imagine how limp it was!


The "Schwatrz fight" from Spaceballs just came to mind as I was reading this for some reason. Not gonna make a detailed reference to male "sword fighting" as I have no first hand knowledge of the activity, nor do I want any. Really.

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I got three :yes:


All Force FX, all "TOS"


1x Luke Skywalker, 2x Darth Vader. I also have a couple of spare tubes for when those "sabre parties" get out of hand and they get shattered.


But this was where it was really at, I think. The shipping costs to the UK made it prohibitive:-




These guys do the lights, the sounds, and you can whack them off your mate's head whilst three sheets to the wind, without damage - well, at least to the sabre.


Anyone round here try out an Ultrasaber?

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