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I'm playing the Falklands/Malvinas campaign with the Argentine Navy and I noticed sometimes a strange thing, when I order my wingman to attack the target,he does it but sometimes crashed to the ground during the attack but no one hit him.Someone can help me?Thanks!


Best regards,

Teo :dntknw:

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Find a new wingman :biggrin: Either that, or tell him that banzai attacks are not permitted.

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Find a new wingman :biggrin: Either that, or tell him that banzai attacks are not permitted.


Sometimes wingmen cannot handle the flight model of the plane.

I remember when the A-10 pilots keep crashing to the ground when SF2:E was released.

Fixed by the patch.

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Ocasionally you will get certain pilots who are more of a danger to themselves than the enemy. Once you find out who they are, never give them an important job or role.

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The less experienced pilots will crash and stall its part of the game - and part of real conflicts too

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Ocasionally you will get certain pilots who are more of a danger to themselves than the enemy. Once you find out who they are, never give them an important job or role.


lol :biggrin: that's if they live to get that other less important role !

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lol :biggrin: that's if they live to get that other less important role !


I had some guy in a F-4 squadron who crashed during a CAS mission, downed a fellow squadron mate with a CBU in another CAS, and finally shot me down me with an AIM-9 during a dogfight.


Sometimes those flying Gomer Pyles can survive everything and anything just long enough to put you away for good.

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I once had a wingman who crashed his Crusader after catapult take off.


and finally shot me down me with an AIM-9 during a dogfight.

Even enemies get that in their air forces. With hilarious consequences.

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Sometimes it might just be carelessness rather than incompetence. Here is one of the more recent own goals in my squadron, thankfully the pilot got out of this one unscathed. It was our only loss on a highly successful mission.

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It's a bug in the AI. When they switch to "Ground Avoidance" Mode (from the debug data) they stop moving the controls and fly into the ground. With SafeAltitude= set to 5,000ft I've seen them go into "Ground Avoidance" mode at 5,000ft and fly into the ground.


A work around is set


SafeAltitude= to 1


But then they fly lower too


Another work around is since they sometimes use flaps in "Ground Avoidance" mode is to make sure your flaps in the FM are set to produce some pitch up. In the flap section of the FM make sure




is a positive value.

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Ground avoidance seems fixed by the latest SF2E patch.

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I had a real winner a few minutes ago.


Took off into a new campaign flying CF-5As in 79. Did my usual and made the first mission a maximum effort. Over the target area everyone goes after Migs while me and #2 bomb a warehouse.


No fewer than 3 of of the squadron crashed during the fight. :blink::blink::blink:


Good thing i got riddled and punched out after shooting up a Straight Flush or i would have been really ticked off after landing back at base.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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On many occasions I've spent the entire combat shooting Migs off my wingman's tail. I thought it was his job to cover "my" butt! I suppose I shouldn't complain. At least he kept them distracted!

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meh... At least your wingmen don't crash into your shiny F-22 like mine do. All I hear is a thump and see the Fire light come in the cockpit...

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I was in a mosquito once with my wingie in a spitfire V (Photo shoot, or an attempt at one at least...) and we spotted some Heinkels. He did a big wing-over right into me, and I had to limp back to base, only to bail out.

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As far as i'm concerned, it might just come down to what aircraft your squadron is flying.


My all time favorite wingman was in an F-15 during the 79 campaign and he got about 36 kills before he was shot down himself and killed himself.


Only once in that campaign did someone crash and it was a pretty vicious low level fight IIRC.

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