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Question reg OFF´s Ernst Udet Fok D7 OAW skin

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Udet´s Fok D7 is quite known so i was surprised that the OFF skin of his plane has a Black/White striped upper wing instead of Red/White.So i searched a pic showing Udet standing at the tail of his Fokker and i have to say it doesnt look black to me.Take a look:


If the darker stripes were black than they would have more the color of the wing-struts.The Struts are definitely black.Or Udet´s boots are also black.But to me the color of the dark stripes is similar with the color of the fuselage.What you think?Greetings

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Lot’s of debate about this over at the Aerodrome and in the Greg VanWyndgarder (sp?) Osprey Fokker DVII Aces book. Suffice it to say that the photo is of such poor quality that a color determination cannot be made and Udet did not reference the color in his writings. However, since Udet inherited Kirchner’s black and white stripped Dr.I it is now thought that he carried the black/white stripes over to his this DVII.


Personally, I like the contrast as the red and white stripes are a bit too much with the red fuselage.

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Udet´s Fok D7 is quite known so i was surprised that the OFF skin of his plane has a Black/White striped upper wing instead of Red/White.So i searched a pic showing Udet standing at the tail of his Fokker and i have to say it doesnt look black to me.Take a look:


If the darker stripes were black than they would have more the color of the wing-struts.The Struts are definitely black.Or Udet´s boots are also black.But to me the color of the dark stripes is similar with the color of the fuselage.What you think?Greetings


From Fokker DVII Aces of WW1 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces #53), about that very same photograph:


"Ernst Udet of Jasta 4 poses before his most famous DVII in the only clear photograph of this enigmatic machine known to the authors. Naturally, Udet himself obscures much of the machine except for the intriguing wing stripes and the legend Du doch nicht!! - loosely translated as 'Certainly not you!!' on the elevators. A white chevron was added to the dark tailplane, and two black/white streamers were affixed to the elevators. The diagonal striping on the top wing was certainly inspired by Udet's experiences with the black/white striped Dr I of Kirschstein, thus many enthusiasts feel these stripes were black and white instead of the red and white previously favoured. This was probably the first DVII flown by Udet, and there is no primary evidence that he was yet using the red colour scheme so associated with his later aircraft. The tailplane, and nose, may in fact have been Jasta 4 black. The finish on the wings would seem to indicate this was an OAW DVII, yet there is also some evidence it may have been Fokker-built. Many questions remain concerning the actual coloration of this popular DVII (via VanWyngarden)"


So, jury's out on that one I guess, black and white is as accurate a representation as red and white.

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....and the legend Du doch nicht!! - loosely translated as 'Certainly not you!!'

It's been a long time since my high school German, but I read it as, "You still can't!" Can one of our resident Jasta jockeys render a judgement?

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Take another look:

off_Fokker_DVII_OAW_ace_t_Jasta 4 1918_Ernst_Udet.dds

I think it was Makai's work - forgive me Stachel if I've got this wrong :blink:


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"Certainly not you!" is about right. Also: "But not you!" perhaps.

The meaning is to say to someone else, that he would almost be the last one to ever beat you.

Hope that's understandable.


PS: Also possible: "You? NEVER!"

Edited by Olham

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Yes, Shredward's right; the one he names above, has black and white upper wings.

The other Fokker DVII (non-OAW) has them red-white. So you can get both here.


Here is a picture from the "Wings Palette" website that I recommend here.

The info is from Dan-San Abbott.



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And then there is this:

off_Fokker_DVIIF_ace_t_Jasta 4 1918_Ernst_Udet.dds


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Yes I do believe we have both in the sim... Red stripes in the VIIF which is later. Detail it's all the in detail :)

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Thanks guys for reply. Yes its a tough task to find out what colors they had when all you have is black and white.Just thinking of Voss´s Dr.1..Green or yellow cowling..puh..We never know for sure.Anyway You made a great great research job for this game!! :clapping:

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