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Monty CZ

Hey I have artillery firing over the horizon!

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hello all I tried to model propper artillery using

all methods described here.

I think I have something :-)




Firing over the horizon was possitively tested

(it needs some limits because it can kill everything in range of 18km)


Now I want to add secondary gun for firing in LOS

but I have no luck with it.


here is rough beta for testing if you want




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How did you do that?

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How did you do that?


He set the projectiles up as missiles.

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He set the projectiles up as missiles.


and applied LoftAngle and DescentAngle to miss some mountains ;-)



(Can anybody help me to add gun to it?)

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(Can anybody help me to add gun to it?)


Yep, I sure can....Either We can use this Thread or We can work via PM. I can have this done pretty quick.....




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OK Monty CZ,


Here's the Deal....... Adding a Gun to it is no problem at all. It's just how it uses it. I don't know if this is what You've envisioned for how it should use it's Gun......But Here it goes....


First, The Gun would be a Modified "Tank" with no movement. You've done that. The "Gun" would act as a "Tank Gun" at Ranges that You see in Tank engagements in Game now. At Ranges You see now. Trajectory would be on a "Flat" Course that You see most Tanks in Game using a Tracer.tga much like, If not the same as a Tank.


So, Your Missiles would work at long Range. The Gun would work at close Range.........



By reducing the Missile Ranges would get the Range under 18Km.......



Monty, Everything was fine in Your Inital work with few exceptions as far as a Gun is concerned. I'll shoot You the Data.ini via PM for Your testing......



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eeeee...WOAUUU!!! great work man!!!!

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interesting Monty, how's the accuracy modelled given you use missiles as projectiles?

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Different "Missile" Projectiles at different Ranges would act as if the Gun was "Walking" the Rounds......

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Ok thanx to 331Killerbee I have it working as supposed

so I polished models a bit and add one artillery to the other side too :-)

now I need some tool to place them because mission generator can place only tanks




and one ugly support vehicle





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Ok thanx to 331Killerbee I have it working as supposed

so I polished models a bit and add one artillery to the other side too :-)

now I need some tool to place them because mission generator can place only tanks





Use Lemissioneur it works great for placing objects on the map. I hear it does not work with SF2 but if you have any of the WOX games you should be able to create your missions there and then

import them over to SF2.


Great work here Monty and Killerbee!!!!

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I think Monty is asking how they could be used in "ground attacks" generated by the game engine. Single missions, ok we all know that it possible.

I've been thinking since this mod was announced here. Doesn't the game generate objects that are GroundObjectRole=TANK that move and attack an enemy position? How far out does it start the attack? We need to somehow think a way to place the artillery at a certain range and have it attack from there. They shouldn't move.

For the defending side, you can place them via the terrain_targets.ini. They would be static and fire on attacking forces. (How far will the enemy be, any over the hill projectiles be used?)


Well, this needs some more brain storming to come up with a workable solution.

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so could anyone describe how this beautiful looking piece of job will work before i download it?

So while you are flying in WO* series, you can now order artillery strike?? im guessing using the tab commands

If that so then recon planes and UAV mod aircraft can now have big use to it.

or am i wrong?

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Current interaction between aircraft and artillery is limited to player/target role

or (and this is interesting) you as a recon plane and your artillery shoots independently

on targets you find (you cant call artyllery)


I found a bug - when it fires at higher distance, missiles flies on semi balistic trajectory

and from the top of the trajectory they start to fly backward thru the same way.

It is a deadly bug :-( can anybody explain this to me?



After little editing I can use LeMissioneur to make ground units missions

- I made fake groundobjectdata.ini a seen here:

ObjectName=Red AAA
ObjectFullName=Red AAA

ObjectName=Blue AAA
ObjectFullName=Blue AAA

ObjectName=Red Tank
ObjectFullName=Red Tank

ObjectName=Blue Tank
ObjectFullName=Blue Tank

ObjectName=Red Artillery
ObjectFullName=Red Artillery

ObjectName=Blue Artillery
ObjectFullName=Blue Artillery

ObjectName=Red Cargo
ObjectFullName=Red Cargo

ObjectName=Blue Cargo
ObjectFullName=Blue Cargo

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The ground war enhancement for WOV requires the D-20 artillery mod download and places it as a target on the map, on the side of a hill near the DMZ, when you have ground troops int he area the artillery fires at them... although they're always out of range so the shells go on a flat trajectory and plop into the dirt way way short. Perhaps this would be the best way to use the artillery here?


Static artillery sites. ALSO, this would call for something in WOV that is very much miss missing, firebases where troops are stationed and artillery is dug in to provide fire support to patrols.

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We've had working firebase/arty support sites for over 2 years. These are, as expected, fixed bases with working tubes.




SoCal Map




North Africa (WW2)

Palestine (WW2)

Tunisia (WW2 -upgrade still in progress)

Possibly in the Isreal2 and IsrealME target enhancement paks I did some time ago, and maybe Libya?? (disremember)


Unfortunatly, as stated, the rounds DO fall short as they use already existing units (the aformentioned D-20, any US/NATO SPGs and my hack-job M-59), but they sure do LOOK for targets and engage.

Right now, the target layouts are only for North/South and East/West facing*. For any other angles, new battery layout will need to be created, but...since there is a limited traverse, they can engage slightly side-to-side. Also, having the guns in an arc helps too.


*excepting the bases in ODS, where the tube are supported by tanks acting as arty, in a circular formation



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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We've had working firebase/arty support sites for over 2 years. These are, as expected, fixed bases with working tubes.




SoCal Map




North Africa (WW2)

Palestine (WW2)

Tunisia (WW2 -upgrade still in progress)

Possibly in the Isreal2 and IsrealME target enhancement paks I did some time ago, and maybe Libya?? (disremember)


Unfortunatly, as stated, the rounds DO fall short as they use already existing units (the aformentioned D-20, any US/NATO SPGs and my hack-job M-59), but they sure do LOOK for targets and engage.

Right now, the target layouts are only for North/South and East/West facing*. For any other angles, new battery layout will need to be created, but...since there is a limited traverse, they can engage slightly side-to-side. Also, having the guns in an arc helps too.


*excepting the bases in ODS, where the tube are supported by tanks acting as arty, in a circular formation



kevin stein




....So are there any modeled fire bases for WOV????????

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